How to ditch walls for wiring with a perforator, grinder without dust in concrete, brickwork –

When buying a new property or wanting to make a major overhaul, the question often arises – how to ditch the walls for wiring. This can be done both with the help of improvised tools, and with the help of professional ones.

The choice of the appropriate method depends on the equipment at hand and the material of the surface itself.

Below we will consider the requirements and norms for wall chasing, list the necessary tools and talk about the workflow.

We will pay special attention to the creation of strobes in walls made of different materials: concrete, monolith, brick and aerated concrete. We will reveal the secrets of dust-free chasing and other important points.

In what cases are walls ditched for wiring?

Creating a strobe is an invariable attribute of hidden wiring. A strobe is a recess made in concrete, brick, plaster or other material for laying wires. With the help of the latter, household voltage is supplied to sockets, switches and lamps.

An alternative option is to create outdoor wiring when the wires are on the surface of the wall or are placed in special boxes.

Hidden wiring is more in demand, because it can be used to hide communications in the walls and thereby improve the appearance of the interior.

The problem is that creating a strobe requires preparation, considerable physical effort and time. In addition, it is important to know the requirements of the PUE and PTE, without which wiring installation can lead to many problems.

It is also important to study the resolution 508-PP “On the organization of the reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential and non-residential premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings.”

What walls are in houses, and which tool to choose for a particular case

Before considering the technology, let’s figure out what walls are in houses / apartments and give recommendations on the tool used.

Let’s highlight the main points:

  1. Wood. Walls made of this material require special attention when creating a strobe, because fire safety and protection of wires from accidental damage depend on the correct operation. For work, you can use a circular saw or a hand mill. The best solution is to completely abandon the gating in the tree, preferring external wiring or the use of cable channels made “under the tree”.
  2. Concrete. Plates made of this material are difficult to influence, so the best solution is to use a wall chaser. Alternatively, the use of a grinder or a perforator is allowed, but in this case, more time and effort will be spent on making a strobe in the wall.
  3. Aerated concrete. This is a soft material, so it is rarely difficult to shred it. It is best to use a wall chaser designed for aerated concrete. You can use a homemade tool in the form of a curved metal tube with a manual one on one side and a protrusion for recesses on the second. If such a device is not available, it is allowed to use an angle grinder or circular, but in this case there will be a lot of dust in the room.
  4. Brick. Chasing a brick wall cannot be called an easy task, because the material is resistant to mechanical stress. In this case, wiring in a brick is done in rare cases. As a rule, a cable is laid along a brick wall, after which it is covered with a layer of plaster. The latter has a thickness of at least 30 mm, which is enough for cables 3×4 or 3×2,5 square meters. mm. If you still need to ditch a brick wall, you can use the same tool as for a concrete wall.
  5. Monolith. Monolithic slabs require the same approach as concrete with bricks. Here it is better to use a wall chaser, and in extreme cases, a percussion hammer or a grinder will do. Remember that when doing work there will be a lot of dust, so the use of goggles and a respirator.

Not only the manufacturing time of the strobe, but also its quality depends on the correct choice of the tool. If you can buy or rent a wall chaser, do so.

The use of a conventional chisel and hammer may only be suitable for plastering, but even here the work takes more time and requires a lot of effort (especially when it comes to wiring the entire house or apartment).

More details about how to ditch walls made of different materials, we will tell further.

Requirements and norms for wall chasing

Before performing work, understand the standards that apply to electrical wiring in general and wall chasing in particular. The first step should be to draw up a drawing in compliance with the requirements of the set of rules SP 76.13330.2016 “Electrical devices” Updated version of SNiP 3.05.06-85 (approved by order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation of December 16, 2016 N 955 / pr) .

Requirements and norms for wall chasing

It indicates all the installed points (sockets, switches, boxes) and the paths of the wires.

The presence of a scheme is mandatory, because with its help it is easier to make repairs in the future and find a place to drill screws or drive in nails.

It is necessary to ditch the walls for wiring, taking into account the following points:

  1. Gate depth up to 20-30 mm, width – up to 30 mm.
  2. The greatest distance of the recess between the junction box and the electrical point is up to three meters.
  3. Ways of making strobes – vertically and horizontally. In the second case, the parallel arrangement is checked using a level. “Cutting” the path to the outlet by laying the wire “directly” is prohibited. This also applies to wavy styling. The exception is the attic floor with a sloping roof, where the wiring is laid parallel to the ceiling.
  4. The distance between the vertical strobe and the window / door is at least 100 mm.
  5. Between the floor slabs to the strobe made horizontally, it should be from 150 mm or more.
  6. The distance from gas or thermal lines to the place where the wire passes is from 400 mm and above.

Please note that chasing in corners, floor slabs and load-bearing structures is prohibited, because this leads to a decrease in the strength of the building and can lead to damage.

When planning the circuit, try to keep the number of wire bends on the way to the electrical points to be minimal. The best option is that there is only one right angle from the box to the socket / switch.

Proper drawing up of a drawing and subsequent gating with the implementation of the above rules allows you to avoid many difficulties during operation.

See also:

Order of work

Wall chasing takes place in several stages – the preparatory process and the creation of a recess directly.

Let’s consider the steps in more detail:

  1. Free the room from extraneous things. Remove household appliances and furniture, sweep and mop floors.
  2. Close the opening with a damp cloth to prevent dust from entering the living quarters.
  3. Remove wallpaper if it was on the walls.
  4. Check the areas where the old wiring lay. If one is detected, remove it or step back at least 100 mm.
  5. Make recesses with the selected tool (taking into account the features of the walls).
  6. Clean the furrows and prime them.
  7. Wait for it to dry completely and lay the wires.
  8. Moisten the recess with water (small amount).
  9. Seal the recess with a plaster mortar (stucco) or putty. For greater reliability, you can use a reinforcing mesh.

Remember that strobes differ in purposes of application. Not only wires are laid in them, but junction boxes, boxes for sockets, pipes and switches are also installed.

Boxes for connecting wires are located directly under the ceiling, and recesses for sockets are made at a height of about 300 mm from the bottom of the room.

To work, you will need two funnels per drill – one for 65, and the second for 85 mm. They are mounted on a drill and help in making special holes. Sometimes there are situations when it is necessary to move the outlet with the manufacture of a strobe.

Required Tools

When choosing a tool for wall chasing, it is necessary to focus on the amount of work and existing skills. Below we consider the main types of technology used.

Chisel and hammer

The simplest tool that should be in a man’s arsenal is a chisel (chisel) and a hammer. This option is suitable for gating in soft material, for example, plaster or foam block.

To create a strobe, place the edge of the chisel against the markings, and then hit with a hammer for deeper penetration. When using a hacksaw, you can get smoother lines.


  1. No costs for the purchase of expensive equipment.
  2. Quickly moved outlets or adding multiple appliances.
  3. Having the tool at hand.


  1. The inconvenience of doing work.
  2. Process duration.
  3. Curved strobes at the exit. Getting straight lines is almost impossible.
  4. Difficulties with chasing in brick or concrete walls.


Many men in the household have a conventional drill. It can be used for chasing in various surfaces, including concrete.

The general algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Make a mark on the surface.
  2. Choose a drill suitable for the drill (material will win), diameter – 8-10 mm.
  3. Drill holes along the wiring line at a distance of 5-10 mm between them. Hold the drill in such a way that the drill enters the wall strictly perpendicular. Otherwise, there is a high risk of damage.

When chasing a concrete wall, set the minimum rotation speed to avoid overheating the drill. Periodically let the tool rest and cool the drill in cold water.

  1. Use a hammer and chisel to knock out the gaps.

The considered technology allows you to make strobes at a small and medium distance. To create electrical wiring in the entire room or house, this option is not suitable.


  1. High speed of work in comparison with a chisel and a hammer.
  2. No big dust.
  3. Tool availability.


  1. The method is not suitable if it is necessary to lay wiring throughout the apartment / house.
  2. The strobe turns out to be a curve with sharp corners.
  3. Gaps have to be punched with a chisel and a hammer.


If you have a puncher, you can speed up the process and avoid the use of hand tools.

The strobe manufacturing algorithm takes place in two stages – drilling holes at a distance of 10-15 mm along the wire laying line, followed by replacing the nozzle (a special blade is installed) and removing partitions.


  1. High speed of work.
  2. Comparative availability of the tool.


  1. It is almost impossible to make a straight groove.
  2. You need to use different nozzles.

See also:


Another option is to use an angle grinder, with which you can make a strobe in different types of walls (including concrete ones).

For greater efficiency, a turbo-diamond or diamond blade must be inserted into the tool.

The work is carried out in three stages. First, the markup is done. At the next stage, with the help of a grinder, two parallel lines are made. At the final stage, a puncher is used to knock out the center line.


  1. High speed of work.
  2. Evenness and accuracy of finished strobes.


  1. Work is accompanied by huge volumes of dust, so eye and respiratory protection is mandatory.
  2. It is necessary to additionally work with a puncher.
  3. It is recommended to remove all appliances and furniture from the room.

To at least partially reduce the amount of dust, you can use a special vacuum cleaner (construction, industrial). In this case, the work must be done by two people: one makes a strobe, and the second holds the hose near the point of impact on the wall.

Another option is to wet the surface with water, but in this case there is a high risk of flooding the neighbors.


This is an optimized version of the angle grinder, equipped with two parallel discs and a platform (rests against the wall).

To protect the premises from the spread of dust, a vacuum cleaner (construction, industrial) can be connected to the casing.


  1. High speed of work.
  2. Smooth gates at the exit in the walls of any material.
  3. Lack of dust.
  4. Relatively little noise.
  5. Precise even edges.


  1. Cost of equipment. For one-time work, it is better to rent a wall chaser.

Additionally, you will need another tool to help ditch the walls for wiring – a level (preferably a laser one), a pencil and a tape measure.

How to ditch aerated concrete or foam blocks

Aerated concrete is one of the types of cellular material, an artificial stone used during construction work. In its manufacture, quartz sand, cement, special blowing agents and additional mixtures are used.

The material has good qualities and is convenient in construction. It has a soft structure, so there are no difficulties with gating.

To ditch walls in aerated concrete or foam blocks, you can use the following tool:

  1. A wall chaser that allows you to create a smooth strobe and reduce the loss of time to complete the work.
  2. Perforator.
  3. Angle grinder.
  4. Drill.

Can be used:

  1. Pobeditovuyu crown 68 mm.
  2. Shuropovert.
  3. Grooving straight cutter for wood 8 mm. Because aerated concrete is soft – this will be an excellent solution. Or you can use a drill of the same diameter.
  4. Profile for drywall – so that the strobe is even.

Alternatively, you can use a chisel with a hammer or a homemade device for chasing. In the latter case, a pipe 30-40 cm long is used with an edge pointed on one side (we mentioned this above).

How to ditch brick walls

Brick is an artificial stone used for the construction of various objects. It is made from quartz sand, fired raw, unbaked clay or screenings of calcareous rocks. It differs in appearance, shape and characteristics.

Regardless of the material used, brick walls are difficult to shred, so it is recommended to use a professional tool to do the job.

Optimal options:

  1. Bulgarian.
  2. Wall chaser.
  3. Chisel and hammer (for short sections).

When chasing, you need to be careful, because the brick tends to crumble, so you can’t do without goggles.

Not a big life hack – using a ceramic drill and a screwdriver. The bottom line is to use the ceramic drill as a milling cutter, i.e. use the side edges for chasing bricks.

The milling of the channel is very fast and dust-free. This life hack is especially suitable for silicate bricks.

How to ditch a monolith

Monolith is a popular building material used in the construction of various objects. Its peculiarity lies in the use of metal reinforcement and concrete, which is poured directly at the construction stage of the facility.

This technology has gained popularity due to the low price and high strength of finished reinforced concrete structures.

Many questions concern the permission for chasing in monolithic walls.

The following points can be taken into account here:

  • GOST R. 50571.15-97 allows wiring if the work does not affect the functional features of the object;
  • SP 31-110-2003 – installation of concealed, but not overtightened wiring is allowed.

It is forbidden to make wiring in concrete columns, external walls and elevator shafts.

Applied tool:

  1. Angle grinder.
  2. Wall chaser.
  3. Perforator (in short sections).

A monolith made of granite is especially difficult, so in this case it is better to turn to professionals.

How to grind concrete

Concrete slabs are an invariable element of modern construction. With their help, you can assemble a house like a designer, and thereby speed up the construction process. The composition of such elements is concrete and metal reinforcement.

It is recommended to use the following tool for cutting:

  1. Bulgarian with a diamond disc.
  2. Wall chaser.
  3. Perforator (in short sections).

Not a big life hack – install two diamond discs on the grinder at once, thereby at least halving the time for making the strobe.

How to ditch a concrete wall in a panel house

When choosing a gating method, determine the scope of work and financial capabilities. For convenience, here are brief instructions for different tools.

Hammer and chisel

The use of these devices is justified when you need to make a small strobe (up to 60 – 100 cm).

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Make small indentations on the sides of the strobe.
  2. Place the chisel along the opening and hit it so that it goes inward.
  3. Remove the upper part along the marked strip.
  4. Deepen the groove to the desired level of 25 mm.
  5. Clean the grooves made from dust and apply a primer.
  6. After the primer dries, lay the wiring and cover it with plaster or plaster, and then seal it with putty.


The perforator looks more attractive from the standpoint of efficiency. In the case of its use, a chisel and a hammer can be abandoned.

An impact drill allows you to ditch in a variety of surfaces, and to solve the problem you will need a small drill and a spatula.


  1. Make holes 25 mm deep. Try to keep a distance of 10 mm between them.
  2. Using a spatula, combine all the previously made recesses.
  3. Walk along the gate several times to clean the opening (if necessary).

The use of a perforator is the best solution when it is necessary to ditch a relatively small area.


To obtain a smooth strobe and speed up the process, the use of an angle grinder is recommended. It can handle any surface, including concrete walls.

The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Stock up on a diamond disc, because nothing will come of it with another, as well as ripping and goggles.
  2. Make a couple of cuts along the entire length of the strobe. Make sure the lines are parallel. The optimal indicators are from 20 to 25 mm width / depth.
  3. Remove the center using a chisel and hammer. If you have an impact drill handy, use it.

If everything is done correctly, the final wiring recess will look almost perfect. Dust, as noted above, can be easily dealt with using a vacuum cleaner or dampening the wall.


The use of a wall chaser is the best solution for performing work of any complexity.

The device consists of the following elements:

  1. The powerful engine which is reliably protected from overloads.
  2. Casing with adjustable position.
  3. Additional handle.
  4. Non-slip rollers.
  5. Vision mark.
  6. Cutting discs.
  7. Side handle, etc.

The process is as follows:

  1. Make a mark where you will ditch (draw a line with a pencil).
  2. Attach two diamond circles.
  3. Adjust the position of the shroud.
  4. Walk around the area where the wires should be.
  5. Clean up the residue with a perforator or chisel.

The use of a wall chaser guarantees the maximum speed of solving the problem. The only downside is the high price of the equipment.

Chasing in a brick wall

The principle of creating a strobe in a brick wall is similar to the instructions discussed above. To solve the problem, use any of the tools mentioned above.

If it is planned to apply plaster to the brick, first fix the cable without making a strobe. Next, it remains to cover the wiring with a layer of finish.

How to make a wall strobe without dust

It is no secret that the use of a puncher, grinder and wall chaser leads to the appearance of a cloud of dust, which subsequently settles on all surfaces, including your lungs.

The professional tool has a built-in vacuum cleaner that draws in dust. But there is a drawback – such equipment is expensive and not always affordable for ordinary users.

There are a number of more budget options to reduce the amount of dust:

  1. Wet the surface to be treated with water. This is the easiest way to at least partially curb the dust. The main thing here is not to overdo it, so as not to flood the neighbors.
  2. Application of wet cutting technology and grinders. Its essence is that water is supplied to the place of gating through a hose. Here it is important to watch that moisture does not end up on the equipment. The risk of flooding remains relevant, as in the previous case.
  3. Use of a vacuum cleaner. In this case, it is desirable to have an assistant nearby who will substitute the nozzle of the vacuum cleaner to the place where the strobe is created. Or connect an ordinary household vacuum cleaner to the angle grinder through a sewer pipe with a diameter of 50 mm.

A number of additional methods can be used to reduce dust formation. So, cover the floor with a film, hang a damp cloth at the exit, and put a rug soaked in water at the entrance. Well, no one canceled the means of protection.

The subtleties of gating

Given the material being processed, various difficulties can be encountered. Consider issues that require special attention.

How to ditch under the air conditioner

A conventional split system consists of two blocks. One is installed outside the room, and the other is mounted inside the room.

For laying the connecting elements, a strobe is made with a size of 60/50 mm (width / depth). After laying the “filling” is closed with a gypsum mortar and smeared with plaster.

How to ditch drywall

In the case of drywall sheets, the creation of a strobe is excluded due to the small thickness and fragility of the material. The optimal solution is laying the wires behind the sheet.

As for electrical points, they are mounted in a hole prepared in advance. The latter is done using a perforator with a crown put on it.

Installation of sockets in drywall

Tiled surface

Tiles are used on the walls in some rooms. As a rule, this group includes a bathroom and a kitchen. There will be no difficulties if you have a grinder with a diamond disc at hand.

The use of a perforator is not recommended due to the risk of cracking and damaging the tiles.

Can load-bearing walls be shredded?

In objects with walls made of monolith and concrete, there are so-called load-bearing surfaces. Their feature is the presence of a metal frame and a base in the form of a concrete mixture.

The application of a furrow reduces the thickness and, accordingly, the strength of the surface. It is not surprising that difficulties often arise in the issue of harmonization.

According to all the rules, it is forbidden to grind load-bearing walls, because when using a wall chaser or an angle grinder, metal reinforcement may be damaged or exposed.

Here are the possible ways out of the situation:

  1. Officially agree the task with the local building department and obtain permission. In this case, it is necessary to prove that the creation of a strobe will not damage the built-in reinforcing mesh and not the main structure. If we are talking about a panel house, the issuance of a permit in 9 out of 10 cases will be refused. As for the frame-brick object, there will be no difficulties in obtaining approval.
  2. Apply a layer of plaster on the surface of the slab and then ditch it without deepening into the slab itself. As a rule, the reinforcement is located at a depth of 15-20 mm, so the likelihood of damage to it is minimal.
  3. Use drywall construction and hide the wiring in it.
  4. Lay wires in electrical skirting boards.
  5. Route wiring under OSB board, etc.

As you can see, there are enough ways out of the situation to choose the best variant of gating.

How to make a recess for a socket and a switch

For many beginners, the greatest difficulty is creating recesses for sockets and switches. There are several options here.


On sale you can find special shorts that have different diameters and allow you to make recesses for boxes and sockets.

The device is a piece of pipe with a diameter of 68 to 80 mm, a pin for fastening in a perforator and a drill with which the direction is set.

To drill a hole, do the following:

  1. Decide where the box will be placed.
  2. Find a center.
  3. Make a hole with a perforator.
  4. Assemble the crown and install it in the instrument.
  5. Insert the pilot drill into the already prepared hole.
  6. Turn on the puncher and make a hole.

As soon as the crown enters the hole at 2/3 of its depth, you can get it out of the opening.

To align the hole, you can use a puncher with a drill or a chisel with a hammer.

Perforator and crown

There are situations when the crown does not cope with the task, and then you have to look for alternative solutions.

Take the following steps:

  1. Repeat from the first to the fifth point of the above instructions.
  2. Turn on the punch and try to go as deep as possible into the surface.
  3. Remove the crown, insert the drill and use it to make several holes around the perimeter at a distance of 10-15 mm. The more such holes, the better.
  4. Put the bit back on the impact drill and try again. In this case, everything should go faster, because the resistance of the wall is already lower.

Remember that when drilling a hole, shocks are possible, so hold the impact drill as securely as possible so that it does not escape from your hands.

Perforator without crown

If there is no crown at all, use only a perforator. Additionally, you will need a chisel and a drill.

The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Mark the future hole with a pencil.
  2. Make many holes along the contour with a puncher (should be more than 20).
  3. Knock out the remaining concrete between the holes. Be prepared for a long work, because you have to use a chisel and a hammer.

This method is good if you need to make one or two recesses under the box. If the task is to make wiring throughout the apartment or house, it is better to fork out for the purchase of a special crown.


If none of the above is at hand, use a grinder with a diamond blade.

The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Make a contour of the future recess.
  2. Prepare your angle grinder for work.
  3. Put on a respirator and goggles. In extreme cases, use a gauze bandage soaked in water. Put a hat or cap on your head.
  4. Make recesses around the perimeter of the future box with a grinder.
  5. Use a chisel and hammer to remove the remaining concrete from the center.

When working with the grinder, be careful and keep it perpendicular to the wall. If this rule is violated, there is a high risk of damage to the disc and scattering of fragments. Further consequences are difficult to foresee.


Now you have at your disposal detailed instructions on how to smartly ditch walls for wiring using various assistants – a grinder, a wall chaser, a puncher and a regular chisel.

To avoid mistakes, prepare in advance: draw a diagram, find the right tool, buy eye and respiratory protection.

Pay special attention to studying the rules for laying wires and the requirements for chasing load-bearing walls.

If you carefully read the article and are ready to take the time, there will be no difficulties with creating a strobe.

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