How to distribute patent leather shoes at home quickly
Sometimes, choosing a pair of shoes they like, customers decide to take it, despite the fact that it is a little pressing. The seller, of course, will say that this is a temporary inconvenience and the couple will stretch along the leg, it is worth going through it once. But if you take a pair that immediately fits in size, then the skin will stretch and lose its shape. The seller can be understood: his salary depends on whether the shoes are bought or not. But what about a customer if a new couple mercilessly presses the leg and erases the skin to bloody blisters?
Idealizing shoes: how to carry patent leather shoes
You can save the day if you bought shoes of inappropriate fullness. The error with the size cannot be corrected by any means. Stretching leather shoes is the easiest to deal with. It will help the property of the skin to stretch when wet. Lacquered shoes are more difficult to cope with, but possible.
There are several ways to spread patent leather shoes. Choosing the most convenient one, you need to remember that a poor-quality varnish coating can crack and spoil all the joy of a new thing.
Method one, or How to quickly carry patent leather shoes
Ideal for stretching black patent leather shoes. But with colored ones, it is better to use another method because of possible color damage.
Tight shoes can be moistened with a liquid prepared according to the following recipe:
- 100 of vodka;
- 100 g of water;
- 2 tbsp. l. dishwashing detergents.
Mix all ingredients and moisten shoe lining well. Put on your leg and walk until dry. Of course, such operations should not be done before going long distances. You can do stretching along with your usual household chores.
The procedure can be repeated if it did not work out enough to spread the first time.
Method two, or How to carry patent leather shoes at home
Everyone has probably noticed that from prolonged rinsing in hot water, the skin on the hands seems to stretch. Hot water has almost the same effect on the skin. It is enough to moisten the insides of the shoes with hot water and walk a little so that the skin stretches in places where it is needed. It is advisable to let the skin dry on the leg.
Method three, or Physics lesson
For those who remember school physics lessons, the ability of water to expand when freezing will not be a big revelation. This property can also be used to stretch patent leather shoes. It is enough to fill a plastic bag with water, put it in the toe of your shoes and put it in the freezer for a day. In order not to damage the lacquer coating on the walls of the chamber, it is worth wrapping each shoe in a separate soft cloth and putting it in a bag.
It is important to know that only high quality patent leather will allow you to carry problem shoes without damage.