How to distinguish influenza from SARS, how to treat a runny nose

We learn to recognize the disease and select the right treatment.

October 6 2019

Colds strife. To understand how to properly be treated, you need to be able to distinguish influenza from SARS. In this we were consulted by the physician Yulia Gamazina.

Physician at the Semeynaya clinic

Rhinovirus infection – acute respiratory illness caused by a virus. The incubation period is from 1 to 5 days.

Symptoms: on the first day, nasal congestion and discharge appear, the temperature rises to no more than 38 ° C. It may shiver, there is a general malaise. Nasal breathing is disturbed, sneezing, sore throat, coughing are observed. This usually lasts 5-7 days and ends with a complete recovery without consequences.

Treatment: ARVI is not treated with pills, but by creating conditions for the body to defeat the infection. A warm drink is needed, rinsing the nose with saline solutions. Paracetamol (15 mg / kg up to 4 times a day) or ibuprofen (10 mg / kg up to 4 times a day) can be used to relieve symptoms of intoxication. Combinations with paracetamol can be used. It is necessary to ventilate the room, the air should be cool, 22-24 degrees.

Adenovirus – its source is a patient with adenovirus infection. Patients are most dangerous 2-4 weeks from the moment of illness. The virus is transmitted by airborne droplets, the patient secretes the virus when talking, sneezing, with deep breathing.

Symptoms: in addition to standard manifestations like rhinitis and pharyngitis, conjunctivitis appears – dryness and redness of the eyes without pus. The symptoms of the disease develop in a specific order. The first sign is fever with a runny nose, sore throat, nasal congestion and shortness of breath. After two to three days, the temperature rises to 38–39 ° C. At the same time, the appetite is slightly worsened, but preserved, there is a slight lethargy, headache, muscle and joint pain of moderate intensity. Bronchitis is a common and early complication, so a dry cough may appear in the early days. The defeat of the conjunctiva (at first only one eye is affected, the next day – the second) can occur on the first day or on the 3-5th day.

Treatment: bed rest and isolation, as family members can easily be infected. To reduce the symptoms of intoxication, it is necessary to ensure that you drink plenty of fluids. If there is no appetite, there is nausea, you do not need to force to eat. In case of conjunctivitis or otitis media, the doctor prescribes drugs, as antibiotics may also be required.

Flu Is an acute viral disease caused by influenza A and B viruses. It is transmitted through the respiratory tract (when sneezing, coughing, speaking, touching). The peak concentration of the virus is 24–48 hours of illness, and then it quickly decreases, and after 5–10 days the virus is no longer detected in the respiratory tract. The incubation period usually lasts 1 to 4 days (average 2 days).

Symptoms: sudden fever, fever up to 39-40 ° C, headache, muscle pain, general malaise. Patients with uncomplicated influenza usually recover within 2–5 days. The illness can last more than a week and cause an exacerbation of a chronic illness, especially bronchial asthma.

Treatment: at high temperatures: antipyretic (paracetamol 15 mg / kg up to 4 times a day, ibuprofen 10 mg / kg up to 4 times a day), drinking plenty of fluids, a cool compress to large vessels (in the groin folds and armpits). Only two classes of antiviral drugs are used to treat influenza: neuraminidase inhibitors and adamantane drugs (M2 inhibitor). It is necessary to call the doctor home if there is no improvement within a week or the symptoms worsen, the temperature is more than 3 ° C for more than 38 days, after a short improvement, the state of health worsened, chest pains appeared.


  • Limit or exclude contact with sick people.

  • During the period of SARS epidemics, avoid public places, mass events.

  • Observe the rules of personal hygiene, wash your hands regularly with soap and water.

  • It is necessary to eat right, fully rest, sleep at least 8 hours a day, walk in the fresh air, rinse your nose with saline, and play sports. Do I need to drink vitamins to maintain immunity? No. If you eat well and wholesome, all vitamins are already in your food.

  • Get seasonal vaccinations. It is imperative to vaccinate those who work in crowded places, doctors, school and kindergarten workers and everyone who is over 65 years old or suffers from serious chronic diseases that can be exacerbated by the flu.

In 95% of cases, the cause of ARVI is rhinovirus infection, unless there is epidemic data on influenza.

Outbreaks and epidemics of influenza are observed annually in the autumn-winter period. It is estimated that 15 to 42% of preschool and school children contract the flu every year.

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