How to distinguish COVID-19 from influenza? This is a very distinctive sign
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Loss of smell is one of the possible consequences of infection with the SARS-Cov2 coronavirus. This symptom also occurs with colds and flu. It turns out, however, that in the case of COVID-19, olfactory disturbances are experienced differently. What’s the difference? The BBC website wrote about it.

  1. There are many similarities between the flu and COVID-19, and some of the symptoms can be confusing
  2. As the BBC points out, the loss of smell accompanying the coronavirus is different from that experienced by a patient with a severe cold or flu
  3. According to prof. Philpotta’s odor and taste tests can be used to distinguish COVID-19 patients from those with a cold or flu
  4. In the area of ​​the nose responsible for smell, researchers identified high levels of an enzyme called ACE-2. This enzyme is thought to allow the coronavirus to enter cells in the body and cause infection
  5. For more up-to-date information on the coronavirus epidemic, visit the TvoiLokony home page

COVID-19 and the flu – Some symptoms can be confusing

Many people still think COVID-19 is “a slightly more severe flu”. Both diseases are contagious and affect the respiratory system. The infection is transmitted by airborne droplets, but it is also possible to become infected by contact with contaminated objects or through the hands, and the source of the infection is a sick or infected person. In both cases, washing hands, wearing a face mask, and avoiding touching your face can help prevent illness.

According to doctors, COVID-19 and the flu cannot be compared with each other. If only because the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is more contagious and more deadly than the flu virus. However, it’s worth remembering that there are many similarities between them, and some of the symptoms can be confusing.

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The initial symptoms of infection are also similar: fever, cough, sore throat, diarrhea. Both conditions have fatigue, headaches, and muscle aches, but are more common with the flu. In patients with flu, the fever is often higher than 39 degrees C. Dyspnoea and shallow breathing are characteristic of COVID-19. A runny nose, stuffy nose and sneezing usually accompany a cold.

You can buy RT-PCR for the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus today at

Are you infected with the coronavirus or someone close to you has COVID-19? Or maybe you work in the health service? Would you like to share your story or report any irregularities that you have witnessed or affected? Write to us at: [email protected]. We guarantee anonymity!

If you are in doubt as to the cause of your symptoms, you can consult your doctor as soon as possible during an e-visit. This form of consultation does not require the patient to leave home, which could create an additional risk of transferring the infection to other people.

In both the case of influenza and COVID-19, the infection may be asymptomatic. However, which does not mean that it is harmless – you can infect others.

Loss of sense of smell with COVID-19 other than with the flu or cold

The World Health Organization lists the loss of smell (anosmia) as a less common symptom of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection (along with symptoms such as sore throat, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, headache, loss of taste, rash, discoloration of fingers and toes). Smell disturbances can also occur in the case of flu and colds. As the BBC points out, the loss of smell accompanying coronavirus is different from that experienced by a patient with a severe cold or flu. Such conclusions were reached by scientists studying the experiences of patients in this matter.

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They emphasize that in COVID-19 patients, the loss of smell is usually sudden. These people usually don’t have a blocked or runny nose – most can still breathe freely. Another difference in infected people is the actual loss of taste (the senses of smell and taste are intertwined; deterioration of the sense of smell usually also affects the perception of taste). It is not that their taste is slightly weakened – emphasize scientists from the journal “Rhinology”. Coronavirus patients with a loss of taste really can’t tell the difference between bitter and sweet.

Experts suspect this is because the virus attacks nerve cells that are directly related to smell and taste sensations.

Prof. Philpott: Taste and smell tests can be used to differentiate between COVID-19 and flu patients

Research on the sense of smell and taste in patients with COVID-19 and colds was carried out by Prof. Carl Philpott of the University of East Anglia. 30 volunteers took part in the experiment: 10 with COVID-19, 10 with a cold and 10 healthy people without cold or flu symptoms.

It found that the loss of smell was much deeper in those infected with the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. They were less capable of recognizing smells and had no taste of bitter or sweet at all. According to prof. Philpotta’s odor and taste tests can be used to differentiate patients with COVID-19 from those with a cold or flu.

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The scientist says that people can do taste and smell tests at home, using products such as coffee, garlic, oranges or lemons, and sugar. However, he emphasizes that diagnostic tests are still necessary if anyone suspects they may have the coronavirus.

The way to confirm a coronavirus infection is to perform a PCR test. One option is to have this type of coronavirus genetic test performed at home. In this case, the smear is taken at the selected address. An alternative are RT-PCR tests performed after the patient reports to a specific collection point.

The nose is one of the places where SARS-CoV-2 enters the body

The problem of olfactory sense disorders was also dealt with by prof. Andrew Lane – an expert on nose and sinus problems at Johns Hopkins University in the USA. To understand how the coronavirus causes loss of smell, he and a team of scientists studied tissue samples taken from the nose. The results of the research were published in the medical journal “European Respiratory Journal”. As it turned out?

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In the area of ​​the nose responsible for smell, researchers identified high levels of an enzyme called ACE-2. This enzyme is thought to allow the coronavirus to enter cells in the body and cause infections (the nose is one of the places where SARS-CoV-2 enters the body).

“ We are currently conducting more experiments in the laboratory to see if the virus actually uses these cells to access and infect the body, ” says Prof. Lane. “If that’s the case, we may be able to fight the infection with direct nasal antiviral therapies,” he adds.

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