How to distinguish a common cold from an allergenic one?

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In the summer, we suffer from allergy attacks more often than at other times of the year. Pollen prevents many people from breathing freely throughout the season. Although allergic rhinitis has become common, not everyone knows how to get rid of its symptoms.

Allergies have been known for longer than you might think. Even Hippocrates became interested in the influence of certain foods on the body of his patients. Skin rashes, intestinal disorders, itching and other symptoms he described in his writings. A couple of hundred years later, the Roman doctor Galen, without knowing it, studied allergic rhinitis in more detail – the doctor’s curiosity caused a runny nose attack in a person who inhaled the scent of a rose. Even later, the famous Arab physician Avicenna continued his research and discovered that people begin to sneeze more in spring and summer, that is, during the active period of flowering plants. So, step by step, the world became aware: if you have a runny nose, this does not mean that you have caught a cold or caught a virus. Today, more than 20 thousand allergy pathogens, or allergens, are known in the world, and pollen is considered one of the most popular.

It turns out that from 11 to 24% of the population cannot enjoy the sunny season to their fullest, since it is at this time that they experience difficulty breathing, suffer from endless runny nose, itching in the nose and characteristic morning fatigue. The reason is in the pollen, which is deposited on the nasal mucosa. There are not many ways out of an unpleasant situation: either go on a forced vacation, or try to heal with improvised methods. Faced with the usual symptoms of a cold, many people mistakenly buy vasoconstrictor drops, sprays for the common cold, but all in vain. Moreover, after a while, many drugs begin to become addictive to the active substance. Unlike a common cold, its allergic variant can last all summer. Doctors recommend: if you find that your “cold” (which appeared for no apparent reason) does not end in any way, consult an allergist.

Previously, medicinal herbs were widely used to treat allergic rhinitis, now the time has come for more effective drugs that specifically address the problem of pollen reactions. One of them can be TIZIN® Allergy in a convenient spray format. Thanks to a special substance (levacabastine) in its composition, it fights symptoms all season¹. It is important that after using the drug, relief comes within five minutes, and you can breathe freely up to 12 hours. At the same time, the active ingredient is not addictive.

¹“The efficacy of levocabastine in perennial allergic rhinitis. Pacor ML et al, Clinica Terapeutica. 147 (6) p. 295-298, 1996 “

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