On a hot day, there is a desire to treat yourself to simple refreshing alcoholic drinks that can be made in one to two minutes. The first thing that comes to mind is to mix vodka with juice. If you choose the right juice and proportions, you get a very tasty and moderately strong drink.

It is believed that vodka with juice is unhealthy. In fact, this is not so, it is harmful to drink alcohol with soda. Gas bubbles irritate the gastric mucosa and contribute to the rapid absorption of alcohol into the blood. In moderation, freshly squeezed juice in combination with vodka will not affect your well-being in any way.

Vodka goes well with the following juices:

orange – in Russia, this drink is called “Screwdriver”. In the classic recipe, vodka is mixed with orange juice in a ratio of 1 to 2,5 (1 part vodka and 2,5 parts juice). You can also add a few ice cubes and a slice of lemon. This simple cocktail was invented by American oil workers who worked in Saudi Arabia, where alcohol is prohibited. The workers had to disguise the alcohol by mixing it with juice.

How to dilute vodka with juices

Tomato – add 2 parts of tomato juice to one part of vodka, it comes out very tasty. In more complex variations, a Bloody Mary cocktail is obtained, to which salt, pepper and lemon juice are also added. But this is already an amateur. It is enough to mix vodka with tomato juice and drink excellent unsweetened alcohol


How to dilute vodka with juices

Bloody Mary cocktail – history, recipe and proportions

Cranberry – the proportions are the same as in the previous case. The result is a slightly tart cocktail drink of moderate strength.

Apple – the juice of green apples, which do not have excessive sweetness and pulp, is ideal. Three parts of apple juice are added to one part of vodka. Many of my friends believe that in many ways this combination resembles a martini.

Cherry – there is an opinion that vodka with cherry juice is absorbed into the blood more slowly and a person does not get drunk longer, but this has not been scientifically proven. Optimal ratio: 1 part vodka to 2-3 parts cherry juice. Depending on the variety of cherries, the drink is sweet or slightly sour. I advise you to try.

How to dilute vodka with juices

grapefruit – this bitter-sour juice with a sweet aftertaste also goes well with vodka. It is diluted in a ratio of 1 to 3. Interestingly, the result is a sweetish cocktail that perfectly quenches thirst.

Granatov – if you have fresh pomegranate juice, be sure to dilute it with vodka (1 part vodka and three parts juice). The taste is hard to describe in words, you have to try it.

Lemon – in a ratio of 1: 2, an easy-to-drink cocktail is obtained. Lemon juice neutralizes the unpleasant odor and burning alcohol taste. Before mixing, vodka and juice must be well cooled.

I talked about commonly used juices, but no one is stopping you from trying something else or changing the proportions. To enhance the refreshing effect, you can add a few ice cubes to the glass.

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