How to dilute alcohol to the desired degree: I share the simplest table and life hack for water preparation

My passion for homemade liqueurs began 10 years ago. I made the first drink, as best I could, from store-bought vodka and cherries, which were presented to us by a neighbor.

Then the taste of my own cherry seemed divine to me. Over time, I realized that the preparation of tincture is akin to a witchcraft rite, and the most important role in it is played by alcohol or moonshine diluted according to certain rules.

The story was shared by blog reader Maxim.

Why dilute alcohol

Most recipes are based on the use of vodka with a strength of 40-45 degrees. It is believed that this concentration gives maximum taste sensations, and I fully agree with this opinion.

A solution of alcohol in water (this is exactly what Mendeleev said about vodka) of such a strength does not interrupt the aroma of other components: ginger, zest, walnut membranes.

It is also necessary to dilute alcohol for more practical reasons. Strong moonshine of the first distillation is saturated with fusel oils, therefore, it requires re-cleaning.

But the molecular bonds in alcohol are so strong that it is very difficult to get rid of fusel oils. Here the rule applies: the lower the degree, the easier it is to remove toxins.

I dilute the distillate before distillation to 40 degrees approved by the chemist Mendeleev. Further lowering the fortress does not make sense, because you get a drink that is dubious in taste.

What is needed for breeding

After numerous experiments, I realized that it is ideal to dilute alcohol with artesian water. It is purified by mother earth, does not contain harmful impurities and foreign odors, but not everyone can get it.

You can also replace artesian water with bottled water with a low salt content. In extreme cases, filtering tap water through a household filter is allowed to get rid of bleach and heavy metals.

Important! I strongly advise against using untreated tap water, including boiled, for diluting alcohol. It contains a lot of salts, which will negatively affect the taste of the finished drink.

The second important component is directly high-strength ethyl alcohol, that is:

  • medical alcohol;
  • home moonshine.

I determine the strength of the rectified product using a hydrometer, and the degree of purchased raw materials is usually indicated on the label.

Of course, some people buy alcohol for bottling in three-liter jars, but I categorically do not advise conducting such experiments, because it is easy to run into a poorly cleaned sivuha.

On a note! Pharmaceutical glucose solution helps to soften the taste of the finished drink and remove the alcohol smell.

Breeding Formula

I, as an experienced home craftsman, found out that 96% alcohol is ideally diluted with water in a ratio of 2: 3. For example, to dilute 1 liter of alcohol, I take 1,5 liters of pure water.

Attention! When diluting alcohol, it is important to take into account such a phenomenon as contraction. As a result of a chemical reaction, several water molecules are attached to the alcohol molecule, and the solution thickens. Simply put, if you mix 1,5 liters of water and 1 liter of alcohol, then less than 2,5 liters of liquid will come out.

But getting moonshine of 96% strength at home is absolutely unrealistic, so I breed homemade distillate according to the Fertman table.

How to dilute alcohol to the desired degree: I share the simplest table and life hack for water preparation

Making homemade vodka

I want to clarify an important issue: alcohol is always poured into prepared water. To do the opposite is to spoil the future tincture. If you want to make vodka with a mild taste, then I heat the water a little.

This is how I dilute alcohol:

  1. I pour 1,9 liters of pure water into a glass jar.
  2. Separately, I mix 1,25 liters of 96% alcohol and 40 ml of glucose.
  3. The resulting solution is carefully poured into a jar of water.
  4. I put the diluted alcohol in the refrigerator for 2 weeks.

I must say right away that the process is not over here, because the resulting semi-finished product will have to be carbonized. Charcoal cleaning removes harmful impurities from the product, enhances the taste of vodka.

I use activated charcoal, which I buy from a wine shop or pharmacy. I saw coconut charcoal for sale, the sellers praised it, but I have not yet ventured to exchange my native birch for an overseas curiosity.

The process of making homemade vodka is completed. Based on it, you can make many homemade tinctures or use it in its pure form.

Such vodka fits perfectly, but, as always, there is no limit to perfection. Do you have any secrets on how to dilute alcohol?

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