How to develop perseverance and attention in a child
A restless child does not learn new information well, encounters problems in his studies and does not complete the work he has begun. In the future, this is bad for his career and life. It is necessary to educate a child’s perseverance from early childhood.
How to develop a child’s perseverance and attention from the cradle
Kids who cannot sit quietly for 5 minutes are constantly interested in something, they grasp everything on the fly and at first delight their parents with achievements. As soon as fidgets begin to walk, their restlessness manifests itself more and more and causes inconvenience not only to parents. Such children cannot concentrate on one subject, they quickly get tired of playing, often change their occupation, and become capricious.
Games help develop perseverance in a child
It is better to cultivate perseverance from birth, choose games that require concentration, interest the child in the process, constantly commenting on your actions. Gradually, the child will observe more and more what is happening with interest. Regularly read books to your baby, talk to him, look at the pictures. Do not overload with new information, bring all the games to the end, consolidate the acquired skills the next day.
Developing games are useful for children from 3 to 6 years old, for example, modeling, puzzles, constructor, puzzles and rebuses. Perform difficult tasks with your child, always praise for the result and criticize less. In addition, at this age, the child needs to be accustomed to the daily routine and cleaning the room. Do not leave your baby alone with you, at the computer or in front of the TV, offer an interesting exciting game in return.
Be sure to take time for outdoor games in the fresh air, it is important for the child to throw out energy.
Training will help to teach perseverance and develop attention in younger students. Children need to memorize poems, carry out small assignments of parents that require concentration. Drawing, handicrafts and music develop well memory and attention. Enroll the child in a circle that interests him.
Teachers’ advice on how to develop perseverance in a child
While playing, the child learns and learns the world. Use the advice of educators to develop a child’s attention from early childhood:
- There should not be many toys. Don’t give your baby a pile of toys at the same time. 2-3 is enough for him to concentrate only on them. Be sure to show and explain how to play with each. Change toys only when the baby learns to play with the previous ones.
- Choose games from simple to complex. If the kid coped with the task immediately, then complicate the task next time. Do not stop at the achieved result.
- Classes should be interesting. Watch your child closely, offer those games that are interesting to him. For example, if a boy loves cars and everything related to them, ask him to find a few differences between the pictures on which the cars are drawn.
- Limit the time for classes clearly. For children under one year old, 5–10 minutes is enough, for preschoolers, take 15–20 minutes to complete the task. Don’t forget to take breaks, but always follow through on what you started.
In addition, always help the fidgets, trying to trust the child with most of the work every day. So imperceptibly, without hysterics, he will learn perseverance and develop attention.
Try not to waste time, develop your baby from childhood, be an example to him in everything. Always take a moment to play together, keep your promises and everything will work out.