How to Develop a Business Mindset in a Child: 5 Steps (with Pictures)

Regardless of what the child wants to become in the future, business thinking and entrepreneurial skills will be useful to him in life. And of course, it is necessary to develop them from childhood. How can parents help?

Starting to develop a business mindset at a young age is very important. While the child is full of enthusiasm, parents can inspire him – for example, to look for unusual ways to make money. By developing responsibility, critical thinking and everything that a future entrepreneur needs in children, parents simultaneously strengthen his self-confidence.

A separate point is the development of leadership qualities. Leaders are free from stereotypes, standards and habitual frameworks. Children need to be taught to set goals, work in a team, make decisions, take responsibility. But when developing a similar type of thinking in a child, it is necessary to adhere to some rules: take into account the age of the child, develop not only logical thinking, but also creativity. In the future, this will help naturally develop any skills. What should be given special attention?

Goal setting

Goal setting and planning are the main components of any process. And it is possible to instill such abilities in a child. For example, set a goal together, break it down into tactical steps and follow them, periodically reviewing intermediate results. Such a plan can be turned into an interesting quest. This will develop the child’s habit of setting goals and achieving them.

In everyday life, try to teach children to plan things for a week, a month, a year – in different directions. And don’t forget to track the results together.

Financial literacy

Show your child how to handle money, what value it has, what actions you need to take in order to accumulate the right amount. To understand the value of money, it is important to develop a responsible attitude. For example, you can come up with a way to earn money together or help your child organize their own business in a playful way. This will give him an understanding of how the business works.

Teach your child the value of money. Encourage his initiative in the desire to find and do additional work for financial reward. But here it is important to understand that good behavior, performance of duties, etc. should not be financially encouraged.

Critical thinking

Organizing your own business implies responsibility for the decisions you make. This, in turn, teaches children responsibility and initiative. From childhood, you need to be able to ask questions to yourself and others. This is a complex thought process that begins with the child receiving information and ends with a deliberate decision, the formation of his own attitude to a thing or situation.

A critically thinking child will always be able to reasonably prove his position. He will rely on logic and on the opinion of the interlocutor, which means he will be able to explain why he agrees or disagrees with him.

To develop this skill, talk more with your child, find out his opinion about certain things, teach him to ask questions and defend his position. Discuss the books you read, the cartoons you watched, or the holidays you visited. Let the child speak. Don’t react negatively to his opinion if it doesn’t match yours.

Skill to work in team

Team sports or any joint business with friends will teach you how to work in a team. So the child will understand how important it is to organize others and himself, and will also learn responsibility for his actions.


Teach your child self-discipline and deadlines. Help him learn to manage time. Let him take responsibility for doing or not doing a certain homework or school task within a pre-agreed deadline.

Of course, the development of these skills should not run counter to the interests of the child. Allowing him to do things he loves is no less important than unloved, but necessary. In pursuit of all-round development, be careful not to overburden your son or daughter. A tired kid will not be able to generate ideas. And these ideas are very important to support, even if they seem risky to you. Children should feel their right to do something that goes beyond the ordinary. They should not be afraid to take risks – very often brilliant decisions are based on risk.

About expert

Zhanna Kazanskaya – entrepreneur, founder of a network of kindergartens “Interesting Kindergarten”

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