Often when I drink with friends, I observe the same metamorphoses with some of them.
So, a happy couple goes into a tough quarrel; the quiet woman begins to indulge in all serious, coming to the next meeting with downcast eyes; and those who can only passively hate each other turn to aggressive notes.
To be honest, I am no exception, and sometimes I cross the line. This raises a logical question – what should be done so that the “cultural pastime” does not turn into chaos? To answer it, it is important to understand the very essence of the problem and take into account some important factors.
Why is it sometimes so hard to stop and how it can end
Everyone has their own reasons. My topical problem in this matter is the desire to forget and abstract from the routine in a pleasant company. Let go of your emotions and just relax.
Among other reasons, it may be that the company is too frequent with raising glasses and phrases like: “Well, it’s a sin not to drink for this!”. This is especially acute for those who get drunk too quickly.
It is very important to observe your individual measure. In addition, you should understand for yourself why you came to this banquet. For a pleasant evening with friends, or is it all just a prelude to tomorrow’s hugging the toilet. And with whom you will spend tonight is not so important.
Delayed effect of intoxication
Do not forget that the effect of intoxication occurs only after a while. This can give “newcomers” or long-time drinkers the false impression that they are immune to drinking and can easily handle enough hard liquor.
In most cases, this boasting ends with the fact that after an hour or two these daredevils are lying behind the backs of those sitting on the sofa, mumbling something unintelligible and getting up only to run to the restroom. And this is not the worst example!
Those who “know their limits” should also not forget about the delayed effect of intoxication. If you understand that you are offered to drink more than you usually drink, but you still don’t feel intoxicated, then you should not rush and raise a glass.
Refrain for a while, just give your body a little break and pause in the feast. Believe me, this will only benefit you.
A creative approach to the “night” sale of alcohol in one of the supermarkets
And you definitely shouldn’t drink “on the road” just before the guests leave home or run “for a bottle” in the midst of fun, because the usual amount was not enough.
There is a beaten serial and cinema stamp. We are shown a picture of a party, or a stormy feast, and the next frame is a picture where two people of different sexes are in the same bed.
And even if only a lazy director does not use such a technique in cinema, it is quite justified and often has a real background in everyday life. Perhaps such an outcome will be the most negative consequence, especially for those who are in a relationship.
Among other troubles, one can single out those cases when friends, acquaintances and close people lose control over themselves and their emotions.
Personally, I saw how a cultured and adequate young man drunk tried to communicate with his girlfriend from a position of strength; how during the evening, because of a trifle, friendship among people who had been talking for a long time collapsed; and one of my friends even lost his front tooth due to the fact that he just fell off and hit his upper jaw on the asphalt …
Again, these are all personal examples, but you must admit that they are already quite enough to think about the importance of the norm.
Norm of adequate intoxication
Many on the way to the banquet are already beginning to think about its consequences. The question arises about how much it costs to drink so that there is no morning hangover?
It is believed that poor health can be avoided if a person takes no more than one and a half milliliters of alcohol per kilogram of their own weight per evening.
Table with the norm of alcohol-free drinking:
However, this formula should not be taken as a panacea for all types of hangovers or intoxication. After all, there are special cases, for example, when a healthy kid falls from two glasses, and a girl about whom they say “a meter with a cap” drinks one after another.
Therefore, the table presented above is only a hint in finding your own measure.
Do not forget about such factors as age and gender. In maturity, a hangover is felt and proceeds much more critically than in youth. And even despite the above particular case, most women get drunk before men.
Tips for keeping yourself under control
From my experience I can tell you the following:
- Psychologists recommend not to succumb to the provocations of others and not to pretend to be “experienced”. If you do not know your own measure and are in the company of friends, then ask someone with experience to control you and say “enough” in time. In this case, my wife helps me a lot, if I may say so.
- Another simple way of self-control in a company where they often drink is to drink through one or two toasts. No one will be offended by you if you periodically refrain from offering a drink. In this case, you will return home with a bright head.
- And, of course, it is important to remember what a feast represents for you – the desire to drink yourself unconscious so that you don’t get out of bed the whole next day, or have a good time in company. I am sure that only by answering this question can all negative consequences be avoided.
Do you agree with this position, or do you have your own methods of self-control?