How to determine which of the 16 personality types to attribute my?

Good day to all! On the path of self-development, it is very important to recognize yourself, sometimes even get to know yourself, because the more we understand about our features, the more conscious our life becomes. Recently, we have considered such a topic as: 4 types of temperament. And today, in addition, I will provide you with a description of 16 types of people that psychotherapists and psychologists usually use.

The history of the theory

There is a science called socionics. It was created in 1970 by Aushra Augustinavichiute with the aim of studying people and the relationships between them. The basis was 8 species proposed by K. Jung, as well as the concept of informational metabolism by A. Kempinsky.

The main idea of ​​this concept is that the process of information exchange between the world and man is very similar to the metabolism in the body. Mental health is very strongly influenced by the quality of information, as is the physiological quality of food. That’s why scientists are sounding the alarm about mindless TV watching and gadget addiction.

By the way, have you noticed the relationship between how a person eats and, for example, reads a book? The process of consumption and assimilation, or, as it is also called, assimilation are very similar. Some people are able to cope with a full plate in a couple of minutes, not particularly enjoying the food, do not enjoy the process, but simply swallow it.

Similarly, the perception of something new, they do not bite off some news to check for edibility, but swallow it whole, then suffering from indigestion, constipation, pain and vomiting, in case of disgust. Some are able to arrange a whole show out of dinner, slowly, dividing into small pieces and chewing thoroughly.

Views according to Jung

How to determine which of the 16 personality types to attribute my?

1. Extrovert

Their energy and interest are directed outward, they are very sociable and difficult to endure loneliness, from which they most often run away into any relationship. They are active, so much so that they can well encourage others to act, they easily adapt to changes and new conditions. They are risky and commit rash acts, under the influence of emotions or other people. Because of their impulsiveness, they are easy to manipulate. They rely on the opinions of others about themselves, since recognition and approval are very important.

2. Introvert

Their psychology is such that attention is directed deep into themselves, as they have a whole world inside, which inspires and gives strength. Because of this, they prefer solitude, which is fundamentally different from bright and noisy extroverts. Adapting to changes in the world is sometimes very difficult, most often because of conservatism. Introverts are great conversationalists because they value quality over quantity. Able to concentrate on something for a long time and listen carefully.

3. Touch view

Loves numbers, facts and arguments. More inclined to do than to think, in other words, a practitioner. In communication, I like to receive accurate answers, on the topic and briefly. Accordingly asks the same questions. He assimilates information sequentially, it is difficult for such people to perceive it in general, therefore, at first they try to sort it out, without associations and impressions of the narrator. There may be difficulties with humor, because they understand everything literally, without revealing the veil.

4. Intuitive

He prefers fantasy to action, which is why he constantly thinks. It relies on the future, as a result of which it does not notice reality or does not attach importance to it. Captures the connections between things that others seem completely different and incoherent. Most often considered misunderstood by others.

5. Thinking temperament

More inherent in men who can be restrained, imperturbable and even under significant circumstances do not lose their temper. As a result, feelings are suppressed, or they are simply not given importance, because the most valuable thing is thinking and all sorts of intellectual formulas.

6. Feeling

It is correspondingly more inherent in women who make some decisions based only on their feelings and emotions of other people. Sometimes too subjective, but very responsive. Due to the increased attention and interest in the lives of other people, they can cause hostility in other species.

7. Decisive

Be sure to bring the matter to the end, you can rely on him and trust. It is very difficult to adapt to changes, and it is difficult to endure situations when it is necessary to change one’s decision or rules. Organized, establishes order, because clarity is important. Able to plan and take responsibility for decisions made.

8. Receptive

Such people are very unorganized, the exact opposite of the previous option. Spontaneous and scattered. Life in uncertainty for them is a normal state of affairs. You should not expect from them not only the fulfillment of obligations, but also the fact that they recognize it. They are best revealed and show their best side if they are allowed to work without preparation, impulsively and improvising.

Complete list of 2 species and 16 subspecies


How to determine which of the 16 personality types to attribute my?

1. Logic-sensor (FEL)

An able-bodied person who knows how to be in a team and is able to work together, jointly. He plans his activities and always brings them to the end, despite the difficulties. Can be overly direct, making it seem harsh and easily hurt others. Open and sociable, cares and appreciates his family. The energy, as they say, “boils”, so that an excellent leader comes out of him, who knows how to motivate employees to achieve and inspires them to act by his example. She loves noisy companies and parties.

2. Logical-intuitive (LIE)

Prefers active, dynamic and extreme sports. The character is sociable, he positively and optimistically looks at the world. He has a very valuable ability to determine his capabilities and correlate them with reality. In action, he relies on intuition, risky and easy to climb, it is very easy to inspire and motivate him. In his work he uses modern technologies, as he is always aware of new products. For development, he constantly analyzes his actions and mistakes.

3. Ethical-sensory (ESE)

Versatile personality, active and sociable. But at the same time, he is an excellent manipulator, no matter what kind of relationship he has, it is easier and more important for him not to ask, for example, but to manipulate, “push through”. He needs recognition and praise, and has the right to it, as he is independent, and knows how to achieve success on his own, without enlisting someone’s support. Able to sacrifice his own ambitions and interests for the benefit of another person.

4. Ethical-intuitive (EIE)

Overly emotional, so much so that even gestures and facial expressions are very expressive, sometimes harsh. Emotionality helps them understand the feelings of other people, this ability is called empathy. And thanks to empathy, they recognize lies, insincerity and easily notice inconsistencies between words. Also, trusting their intuition and feelings, sometimes they anticipate some events, for which they boldly prepare later. They know how to support, sympathize and just be there. They have difficulty with trust and are extremely jealous.

5. Sensory-logical (SLE)

They make excellent athletes because they achieve success because of their need to win. It is simply their meaning and purpose of life. Even mundane tasks are analyzed for gain and benefit, compete and compete. But at the same time, if such a person has conceived something, he will not calm down until he realizes it, and he will not retreat in front of any obstacles, in extreme cases he will even use force or cunning, just to realize his plan. It is very uncomfortable and unbearable when it gets into conditions where it is necessary to obey.

6. Sensory-ethical (SEE)

Like many extroverts, he tries to lead in relationships, and not to obey, therefore he initially chooses people who are weaker than himself, or who have the opposite need — to be led so that the other bears responsibility. He uses manipulation techniques to satisfy personal interests and most often presents to the world some qualities that, in fact, he does not possess, again to create an image in order to fulfill his needs.

7. Intuitive-logical (ILE)

He adapts well to changes, because he avoids the feeling of routine and routine, and he is very unstable in himself, as a result of which he often changes conditions in life. Coziness and comfort are important. The decision takes a long time until he is convinced of its correctness, after weighing all the pros and cons. Such personalities are inherently just a storehouse of ideas that flow from them like a stream, while they can clearly explain even the most difficult moments.

8. Intuitive-ethical (IEE)

They are born dreamers and creative people. They are easily offended or hurt because they are very sensitive, so they avoid tense and conflict situations. The routine for them is like death, and in order to avoid it, they look for entertainment and communicate a lot. They have a great sense of humor, and attract cheerful people into their lives who know how to rejoice and enjoy life. Responsive, and if there is no opportunity to do something, at least with advice they will definitely help.


How to determine which of the 16 personality types to attribute my?

9. Logic-sensor (LSI)

Such a definition as an introvert already speaks for itself, so it is not surprising that this type of person has a pedantic nature. Order, and clarity, above all. Prefers solitude and a narrow circle of friends. He will start doing the work if he has confidence that he will do it perfectly. People around him trust him, feeling reliability and because of perfectionism. He does not hover in the clouds, but soberly looks at life and its realities.

10. Logical-intuitive (LII)

They love heart-to-heart talk, philosophize, only in a very narrow circle of close people. Calm and balanced, but when meeting, they may experience difficulties in communication, for them this is unbearable in terms of the level of anxiety. They prefer to demonstrate their independence to others. At their core, practical people, but when they do not find a logical explanation for something, they rely on their intuition.

11. Ethical-sensory (ESI)

A fighter for equality, he will defend his principles and views to the last. Often analyzes his mistakes, finds fault with his personality. Conscious, which helps him to notice the insincerity and falseness of other people. A devotee is always ready to stand up for his loved ones, even if the battle is unequal.

12. Ethical-intuitive (EII)

They make excellent teachers and educators, because they know how to support and recognize the talents of other people, helping them to develop. They love to read, study and, in general, engage in self-development. There is a need for closeness, trust and love, and she is sometimes too naked, bringing suffering. They do not forgive betrayals, betrayals and lies in general. For them, the very concept of the word anger and aggression causes anxiety and fear, therefore they avoid conflict situations in every possible way.

13. Sensory-logical (SLI)

The type of people learns the world, first of all, through sensations, so they choose a profession such that they work with their hands and use motor skills. For example, builders, engineers. They prefer to stick to the plan, bringing the matter to the end, and completing it on time. They do not like to obey, and difficulties cause excitement, instead of resistance and the desire to give up.

14. Sensory-ethical (SEI)

Simple, open person. He likes to have fun, joke and he manages to enjoy life, even if the day looks like another. It has altruistic characteristics, it may well work as a volunteer, participate in charity events, and even on the street it will not pass an old woman with a heavy bag without offering her help. Appreciates his personal space, not allowing anyone to violate it, while respecting other people’s personal boundaries.

15. Intuitive-logical (OR)

A person loves solitude to think, to be in silence, at such moments he recovers and gains strength. It can be safely called an erudite, as it is a «walking encyclopedia.» He is very meticulous and appreciates order. In a relationship, he is cautious, does not let him close to him for a long time, until he is convinced that he can be trusted.

16. Intuitive-ethical (IEI)

These creative people just love to dream, read or write poetry. They attach great importance to appearance and are ready to spend the last money on new clothes, just to attract the attention of the opposite sex. And by the way, they do it very well. They love rest, to lie around and indulge in their favorite pastime — dreams and fantasies.

How to determine which of the 16 personality types to attribute my?


If you couldn’t decide which type you are, it’s okay, it’s quite possible to take an online test, for example, Myers-Briggs. If you are interested in this topic, please write in the comments, I will be glad to discuss. Good luck on your path of self-development!

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