How to determine the type of facial skin: the most accurate online test from Vichy at home

How else can you find out what kind of skin you have if it is not possible to do tests with a tissue at the moment? There is also a more “theoretical” test that does not require immediate action – only an objective assessment of the condition of the skin of the face.

You just need to answer our questions and write down or remember the predominant type of letters in the answers. It will help you understand what type of skin you have.

1. How does your skin react to washing with your usual products?

A. Nothing… Just clear, calm skin.

B. It is very difficult to choose a cleanser: each area of ​​the face reacts to it differently.

C. It is uncomfortable to wash even with plain water, I prefer milk or other soft products.

D. Even if I wash my face thoroughly, my skin quickly starts to shine and shine.

2. What do you complain about the most?

A. Surprisingly, there are no particular complaints.

B. An unpleasant shine in the T-zone and inflammation on the chin and wings of the nose.

C. The fact that after long walks, exposure to the sun or wind, the skin begins to peel off unpleasantly and look unhealthy.

D. For permanent oily sheen, blackheads and enlarged pores.

3. Считаете ли свою кожу склонной к воспалениям, черным точкам и другим несовершенствам?

A. No, the skin is usually clean – troubles can occur only at a certain period of the cycle, and even then not always.

B. There are inflammations and comedones – usually in the T-zone.

C. In general, I would not call my skin problem-free – however, there are no blackheads and enlarged pores.

D. I have already tried all the products for cleansing the skin, getting rid of blackheads and narrowing the pores – with varying success.

4. How would you describe the general state of your skin during the day?

A. Matte, elastic, without any redness and inflammation.

B. Unevenly matte, possibly with a slight sheen in the T-zone and some blackheads.

C. Тусклая, безжизненная, часто шелушится или краснеет.

D. Shiny over the entire surface, prone to inflammation and black spots, to enlarged pores.

5. What texture of skin care products do you find most comfortable to use?

A. I didn’t even think about it – I use a variety of means, all are pleasant.

B. Difficult to answer: I usually have to choose different products for different areas of the face. In general, fluids and serums are most pleasant.

C. I am drawn to thick, thick and even oily products – and the skin always responds with gratitude.

D. The lighter the better! I can’t apply “greasy” creams, I prefer gels, fluids, tonics…

Decipher the results of the test “What type of skin do I have?” very easy.

1 Comment

  1. 1-A, 2-D 3-D 4-B 5- колдонбойм

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