How to determine the sex of a child: scientific and traditional methods. Video
Almost immediately after the onset of pregnancy, future parents cannot wait to find out the gender of the baby. Due to the fact that the mother is tuned in to the birth of a child of a certain gender, she feels more confident in childbirth and in the first months of raising her child. There are many methods to help determine if a boy or a girl is in the tummy, but none of them can guarantee an accurate result.
How to determine the sex of a child: scientific and traditional methods
The first methods of determining who will be born, a boy or a girl, appeared several millennia ago. It is believed that the ancestors of such methods were the Chinese. Observant parents have since come up with many more indicators to help find out if a girl or a boy is in the womb.
How to find out the gender of a child using scientific methods
No single method of determining the sex of a child can give one hundred percent result, however, for greater accuracy, to find out who will be born, a girl or a boy, you should first use scientific methods of determining the sex.
The most common way to examine the genitals of a baby is ultrasound diagnostics. Naturally, an ultrasound scan is performed not to determine who will be born, but to identify abnormalities in the development of the fetus. However, with a normally developing pregnancy, the questions of determining sex during the study are of great concern to most expectant mothers.
A qualified doctor can determine the sex of the baby by the 12th week of pregnancy. At this time, the boys already have a penis, and the girls have formed the labia.
You can most accurately find out the sex of the child after the 28th week of pregnancy – by this time the testicles in boys move from the abdominal cavity to the scrotum
It happens that this diagnostic method is also wrong. So, the enlarged labia of girls on ultrasound or the umbilical cord clamped between the legs can be confused with the penis, and if boys have late prolapse of the testicles, you can see the girl on the apparatus.
One of the most accurate methods for determining the sex of a child is a chorionic biopsy. In this study, the maternal abdomen, uterus and amniotic membrane of the fetus are pierced, and the baby’s tissues are taken for analysis. By the chromosome set, you can find out not only who will be born, a girl or a boy, but also identify problems in the development of the fetus.
This method is not used to determine the sex of the child due to the risk of premature birth, the possibility of infection in the mother and fetus, and the high cost of research.
Recently, tests for determining the sex of the child, based on the release of fetal hormones in the mother’s urine, began to appear in the network and pharmacies. Manufacturers claim that the analysis is accurate up to 90 percent.
It is also proposed to donate blood to identify the sex of the fetus.
Scientists claim that the mother’s blood contains a small amount of baby’s DNA, so the probability of correct sex determination is almost 100 percent.
You can know for sure who will be born, a girl or a boy, if the sex was originally planned by medication. With artificial insemination, it is possible to select chromosomes so that a baby of the desired sex is subsequently born.
There is another scientific method for determining sex. Scientists claim that male sperm cells are more motile than female sperm, but the latter live several days longer, getting into the vagina, and can wait there for the release of the egg. If a woman knows the date of ovulation and has had one unprotected intercourse during this period, then we can assume who will be born, a boy or a girl.
If sex was a few days before the release of the egg, then it is much more likely that a girl will be born, on the date of ovulation or the next day – a boy
Boy or girl: unscientific methods of sex determination
There is a theory that a person’s blood is renewed every few years, while for a man this period is four years, and for a woman – three. To determine the gender, it is necessary to divide the age of a man and a woman by the corresponding figures, and the results obtained in half. Whose remainder is greater, a baby will be born of that sex.
The Chinese propose to calculate the sex by the formula (X + Y + M + 3) / 2, where X is the woman’s age, Y is the man, M is the month when the child was conceived. If the result is odd, then a boy will be born in the family, otherwise a girl will be born.
It is believed that the probability of conceiving a boy is much higher with frequent intercourse, and a girl after prolonged abstinence.
For a boyfriend to be born, the expectant mother needs to eat potatoes, meat, bananas, dates, oranges, and to conceive a little princess, one should lean on dairy products, eggplant, peas, onions, beets, cucumbers.
They talk about the dependence of the zodiac sign, in which the moon was at the time of conception. If she was in the signs of Water and Earth, then a girl will be born, otherwise a boy.
You can find out if a pregnant woman will give birth to a girl or a boy with a needle. To do this, it is suspended on a string above the belly. This technique claims that the boy’s biofield swings the needle to the sides, and if the woman is pregnant with a girl, the needle will describe circles.
Who will be a boy or a girl
The gender of the baby can be determined using folk signs. It is believed that a mother who is pregnant with a girl loses her beauty, she develops stretch marks, acne, edema, and the opposite happens to a boy. If a woman during the period of bearing a child is constantly drawn to sweets, then she will have a daughter, and a son to meat, spicy and salty foods.
Also interesting to read: uterine adenomyosis.
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