How to determine the fat content of cottage cheese; how to determine that the curd is sour
Cottage cheese is a nutritious and extremely tasty product. It is useful for both adults and children. Nutritionists recommend giving preference to medium-fat varieties. It is impossible to determine the fat content by eye, so we propose to figure out how to determine the fat content of the cottage cheese yourself.
How to determine the fat content of cottage cheese?
Fat percentage of homemade cottage cheese: how to calculate correctly
The fat content of homemade cottage cheese can be easily determined based on the properties of the milk you are using. The best way to do this is to apply the following formula:
fat content of cottage cheese (%) = fat content of milk (%) x weight of milk / weight of cottage cheese.
Let’s give an illustrative example. You have decided to cook cottage cheese. For this, 300 g of milk with a fat content of 2,5% was used. As a result, you have got 50 g of the finished product. In this case:
fat content of cottage cheese = 2,5 × 300/50 = 15%.
That is, under the given conditions, you will get cottage cheese with a fat content of 15%.
This formula gives an accurate result if the fat content of the milk is known for certain. And if you don’t know her either? Then you have to resort to the next trick. Prepare a clean tube about 150 mm high. Pour milk into it up to a height of 100 mm. Leave it upright overnight. By morning, the cream will be on the surface of the liquid. Measure the thickness of the cream layer with a ruler. It remains only to apply the formula:
fat content of milk (%) = milk height – 100%, with each millimeter of cream height being equal to the milk percentage.
This method will only give reliable results when using fresh ingredients. Fat content should be determined immediately after milking.
How to determine that the curd is sour?
Eating cottage cheese will only be beneficial if the product is fresh. Therefore, it is necessary to remember several signs that it is sour:
1. Fresh product has a pleasant white color. If its fat content is too high, then a yellowish tint may be observed. If you notice changes in color, then the product has already deteriorated.
2. The structure must be uniform. The formation of yellow crusts along the edges indicates that such cottage cheese should not be used.
3. The surest way to determine freshness is smell. Fresh cottage cheese exudes a light milky aroma.
4. Spoiled curd always tastes bitter. If the taste has become sour, then the shelf life of the product has not yet expired, but is already approaching completion.
Following simple tips, you will be able to choose only fresh and high-quality cottage cheese. Its use will allow you to get the required dose of calcium and other essential trace elements.