How to determine the character of a person by his handwriting

We are glad to welcome you, dear readers of Valery Kharlamov’s blog! Handwriting and character are closely related, since the hands are controlled by the brain, and accordingly, it is possible to trace what mental processes occur in the mind of a person, which will make it possible to understand his features and characteristics as a whole.


The science that interprets the so-called projection of consciousness in the form of writing is called graphology. By the way, there is a center in the brain responsible for this ability, and it is located in the left hemisphere, or more precisely, in its posterior part of the second frontal gyrus. And as you remember from the article, about the left hemisphere of the brain — this is our logic and cognitive abilities, which are lost if this part is damaged.

In general, a person’s handwriting tends to change, since the personality itself is fickle and changes throughout life, and there are a lot of different feelings that also affect hand movements. It begins its formation at about the age of 8, and ends this process at the age of 20.

But in the future, throughout life, subtly reacting to any fluctuations in character and preferences, he will clearly display them on paper. Such changes are easy to trace in pregnant women, they tend to depict letters slightly carelessly, not evenly and tilt to one side.

Graphology has become very popular in recent years. Specialists are even hired during the interview in order to obtain accurate data regarding the character and abilities of the applicant. After all, it is possible to identify not only the main personality traits, but even predict how far he can move up the career ladder, whether there is a tendency to various kinds of addictions, and in general, whether he can be trusted with complex and responsible tasks.

How is the research and analysis procedure carried out?

How to determine the character of a person by his handwriting

For a qualitative analysis, a text consisting of at least 4 sentences is required. It should be written at the moment when a person feels calm, does not rush anywhere and does not make any efforts to make it look beautiful and so on. For example, studying a postcard is useless, because usually a person slows down and tries to more or less accurately and clearly display a congratulatory text.

It is important that 32 letters of the alphabet are present in the written sentences, thanks to which the results of the study will be more accurate. During the interview, you should not try to change your handwriting, because you will only hurt yourself, unless of course you are a professional in this matter. It is almost impossible to deceive a graphologist, and thereby you risk losing your position.

As materials, it is better to choose A4 sheet, since it has no margins, which allows you to trace the arrangement of the lines. And instead of a ballpoint pen, use a slate pencil if possible. Ideally, of course, a fountain pen, but in the modern world it is rare to find one. If you have several copies of the text written at different times, then it becomes possible to trace what changes a person has undergone over a period of time.

Required parameters for characterization

Graphologists, in order to create an individual personality characteristic, need to take into account a number of parameters during the analysis, such as:

1. Pressure

  • Easy. Romantics and people with a fine organization of the soul, sensitive to everything, usually write, barely touching the paper. They are so directed deep into themselves that they find no reason to give all the best physically, using their strength to the fullest. They are neat and unhurried, they want to do everything right and beautifully. But sometimes such pressure suggests that the individual is not able to defend his interests, boundaries and rights.
  • Strong is confidence, firmness of character, determination, and sometimes static. Such a person is quite active, works hard, and if he decides something, he is unlikely to change his mind. If the pressure is usually medium or weak, and at some point a strong one appears, then we can conclude that he feels a lot of anger and tension, especially if prints appear on the rest of the sheets or even holes form.

2. Tilt

  • To the left — typical for those who, first of all, satisfy their interests, completely ignoring how others will react to it. That is, if there is a choice between their desires and the needs of the group, without hesitation, they will put themselves in the first place. And the stronger the slope, the more independent and self-sufficient.
  • To the right — such people, as they say, have their souls wide open, they are sociable, unstable (that is, they are prone to frequent mood swings), but at the same time they are balanced. The stronger the slope, the more persistent and purposeful the person will be. They are prone to maximalism, that is, they prefer to receive either everything or nothing, but they will not be content with little. Jealous, which indicates low self-esteem, and a little amorous.
  • Vertically, evenly — harmony and balance, that is, despite the emotionality, they do not follow the feelings, preferring a balanced and rational approach to solving problems. It can be difficult to contact them due to excessive stubbornness.

3. The size

  • Sweeping letters — open, friendly. Sweeping is characteristic of creative people who are able to think creatively and see beauty in everything.
  • The narrow ones are thrifty and are guided only by reason. They act based on their prudence and prudence.
  • Large, if more than 3 mm — open, the soul, as they say, wide open, which is why they can easily find a common language with absolutely different people. Often they are the ringleaders and leaders in the company, they can not only lead, but also quite successfully convince, due to their innate oratorical abilities.
  • Small — such a person is very responsible, she can be safely entrusted with tasks that require painstaking, attentiveness and perseverance. She is closed, tries to hide her true feelings, does not share her thoughts, feelings, and in general, it is not possible to find out something intimate and personal.

4. Outlines

  • roundness. Such an individual easily compromises, and sometimes even ready to take the side of the opponent so as not to provoke a conflict. Due to sincerity and kindness, you can always rely on his support and help, even if he himself is not in the best position, he will still respond.
  • Angularity. Stubbornness and excessive obsession with oneself, the interests of other people, as well as feelings, do not bother him at all. Wants to appear independent, so is very responsive if someone tries to give advice or suggest what he needs to do.

5. Arrangement of lines

  • At the end, it rises — testifies to optimism and cheerfulness. More information about these people can be found here.
  • Remains even — such an individual is balanced, stable and rational.
  • At the end it drops — typical for pessimists. About them in detail here.
  • Constantly changing — the more the line “jumps”, the more changeable the person is, it is impossible to predict how he will act, and he himself usually does not know this.

Characteristics in various disorders and diseases

As we have already said, handwriting changes throughout life, and its changes can not only reveal, say, a tendency to alcoholism, but also diagnose a small number of diseases. So, a list of disorders and examples to make it clearer:

1. Paralysis

How to determine the character of a person by his handwriting

Its appearance can be noticed even before the main signs and complaints about them appear. With paralysis, a person begins to make grammatical and punctuation errors (this applies to those who previously wrote correctly), may miss a letter, or vice versa, add, and sometimes even present abracadabra as a result. The letters themselves increase in size, become rounded and «jump» along the line.

2. Alcoholism

How to determine the character of a person by his handwriting

The words are illegible, depicted in a zigzag pattern, because they are hard to come by, you have to make an effort to bring out every line and squiggle. Individual elements can be enlarged. With the adoption of alcohol, the motor skills of the hands “suffer”, causing such changes. When a person sobers up, everything returns to normal, but with frequent use of strong drinks, problems arise with the brain, and illegibility, along with unevenness, become stable when writing.

3. Writing cramp

How to determine the character of a person by his handwriting

This is an occupational disease in individuals whose activities are related to writing. The muscles that are responsible for holding the pen become so tired over time from tension that the hand itself “stops obeying”, it trembles and weakens. You can determine a writing cramp by unfinished strokes, or by those that “climb” into other fields and go to the side.

4. Epilepsy developed on the background of alcoholism

The text is so twisted it looks ugly, with excessively large caps and dots that are completely unnecessary.

5. Persecution mania

Such individuals can afford to put dots even in the middle of a word, phrase, believing that this is how it should be. In fact, the hand reflexively puts an end to every stop of thought, the slightest distraction from the process.

6. Hysteria

How to determine the character of a person by his handwriting

Those who suffer from hysteria show a pronounced tilt to the left. It is interesting to observe the conciseness along with the large spacing between words. There may also be unevenness, as with those dependent on toxic substances.


And finally, remember that the characteristics given in this article are general and superficial, which is why the result of the analysis of your personality may differ slightly from the real character traits.

By the way, I recommend that you read the article: “What every person in the modern world should know about.”

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