How To Determine Pregnancy Without A Test

It turns out that this can be done at home, even before the first symptoms appear.

The earliest signs of pregnancy are, perhaps, nausea, weakness and delayed menstruation. At this point, you need to pull yourself together, go to the pharmacy and buy a test. Even better – donate blood for hCG, a hormone marker of the onset of pregnancy. If for some reason this cannot be done or is simply scary, then there are several “grandmother’s” methods for determining pregnancy.

Grandma’s ways

1. A drop of iodine

There are two ways to do this impromptu test. First: collect urine in a jar or even a glass, drop a few drops of iodine into it. If it dissolves, there is no pregnancy. If a drop collects, there is a pregnancy.

The second is to dip a sheet of paper in urine, drop iodine on it. If the color changes from deep orange to purple, you are pregnant. If it remains brown or turns blue, you are not pregnant.

2. Indoor flower

The way, to be honest, is cruel. To determine pregnancy, it is suggested to water a houseplant with urine and monitor its condition. If conception has occurred, then the flower will begin to grow better. But it is not exactly. What will happen to the unfortunate plant if you are not pregnant, history is silent. But one thing is for sure: it won’t smell very much.

3. Finger and navel

This method is suitable, perhaps, only for the most cold-blooded persons. You need to lie down, put your finger on your stomach just below the navel and press hard. If you have a pulse, then you are pregnant. Or you are just very nervous and your heart rate increases.

Another very cannibalistic way is to drink a glass of wine with honey at night. If from such a hellish mixture the stomach in the navel area hurts, there is a pregnancy. But we do not recommend experimenting like this in any case.

4. Soda

Pour a teaspoon of baking soda into a jar of urine. If she calmly sinks to one, then the pregnancy has come. If the liquid starts bubbling and sizzling, you are not pregnant. The reactions are different due to the fact that there are fewer acids in the urine of a pregnant woman.

5. Potassium permanganate

For such an experiment, you need to dilute a little potassium permanganate in water so that the water turns a light pink color. And then mix the water with the same amount of urine. With the onset of pregnancy, the mixture should turn white.

Woman’s intuition

Another way to find out about pregnancy is to trust your intuition. True, it does not work for everyone. We have collected some amazing stories of how girls found out about their “interesting” situation even before the pharmacy test began to react to it.

Alina, 30 years:

“I got married early. At 22, I was diagnosed with primary infertility. They said that the eggs do not ripen – a congenital pathology (endocrine dysfunction) and that the chances of getting pregnant are extremely small. As an honest person, I didn’t even think about marriage: any husband would want children, and I’m barren. Last year I met a man much older than myself. A couple of days after the first night together, I slept for 14 hours. I felt a kind of relaxation, as if all the bones had been taken out of me. I just barely dragged my legs, and at the same time I wanted to purr like a cat. In the order of delirium, I made a test (very atypical for me, “electric broom”, state) – no, one strip! But I already understood: it happened. I donated blood for hCG … Now I am married, our son will soon be one year old. ”

Olga, 37 years:

“This was my first, late pregnancy. All my life the doctors kept repeating: “You are practically healthy”, but there were still no children. And suddenly, at the age of 33, I, an experienced athlete, began to feel interruptions in my heart! The pulse either quickened or seemed to stop altogether. I made a cardiogram – no pathologies. I dreamed of a little girl, I remembered her face very well. The next morning I clearly understood that this was my daughter – I was finally pregnant! The delay came only a week after this vision. Now my daughter is 4 years old, I saw her in that dream. ”

Maria, 43 years old:

“… I began to stroke my stomach at night, although even the days of menstruation had not come yet. That is, until the delay. After the birth of my 9-year-old son, I could not bear the child again, early miscarriages … I was afraid of everything. And then some instinct suggested. When menstruation began (later it turned out that it was a mini-bleeding), I was not scared, not upset, already from somewhere I knew exactly what was happening in me. I walk along the Volga bank, stroke my stomach and say: “I’m pregnant!” She abruptly stopped eating her adored fish and drinking green tea. But she began to eat two kilograms of sour apples a day, which she could not stand before!

I didn’t even bother to do the test – I didn’t want to repeat the history of previous unsuccessful pregnancies … I immediately went to my doctor and announced to him about my confidence. Everything was confirmed and ended with a healthy daughter. ”

Obstetrician-gynecologist of the Dialine network of multidisciplinary clinics

Optimism and kindness are the keys to good luck!

“Of course, there is a small percentage of women who have identified pregnancy long before it was time to take the test. We women have a very well developed intuition, or sixth sense. I have had patients who accurately determined the onset of pregnancy long before the tests.

Subjective feelings sometimes arise even on a psychological level, especially among those who have dreamed of pregnancy for more than one year. Sometimes it also happens to be a false pregnancy.

We, doctors, determine pregnancy using positive tests, hCG analysis, ultrasound with confirmation of pregnancy.

Well, “grandmother’s” or obscurantist methods are beyond my understanding. ”

How to Confirm Pregnancy Without Taking a Test | How to Know Pregnancy Without Test

Classic signs of pregnancy

The most common early signs and symptoms may include

  • How to determine pregnancy without a testDelayed menses. Problems with the regularity of the menstrual cycle may be associated with hormonal imbalance in the body. But if the delay arose for the first time, and before that the cycle was as accurate as a clock, then it is likely that you are pregnant.
  • Early toxicosis with severe nausea and vomiting is the most common sign of an interesting situation, but not every woman has it.
  • Pain in both mammary glands or their enlargement. The nipples can become very sensitive and change color. Sometimes in the early stages, colostrum is released from them with slight pressure.
  • Pain in the pelvic region, similar to menstruation. But this sign can also indicate such a serious pathology as an ectopic pregnancy.
  • Increased amount of discharge from the genitals. This can usually be observed during ovulation. Normal discharge is clear and odorless. When a whitish tint or a curdled structure appears, thrush can also be assumed, which is a common problem for expectant mothers. But in this case, you can not do without treatment. During the period of bearing a child, it is necessary to protect your body as much as possible from any, even such a safe disease.
  • signs of pregnancyIncreased or vice versa reduced libido. Every woman experiences jumps in sexual desire in one direction or the other due to hormonal changes occurring in the body. Therefore, men should treat this with understanding, knowing that they have not become less loved, but these are just signs of pregnancy.
  • Frequent urination, despite the fact that you did not drink more often and there are no inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. A similar phenomenon is associated with a slight relaxation of the sphincter of the bladder due to hormonal processes. And with the growth of the uterus and, accordingly, with the increase in pressure on the bladder, going to the toilet will become even more frequent.

Additional symptoms of pregnancy

There are also less obvious signs that may occur in the first trimester. These include:

  • Strange Desires . For example, at night I sharply wanted chocolate, and during the day – salted fish. Such desires may not be mere whims. If you want sour, then perhaps there is not enough vitamin C in the body. You want to gnaw on the wall with calcium deficiency, and sniff gasoline – with a lack of iron, anemia.
  • Constant irritability,  tearfulness. The flow of hormones in a woman’s body in the early stages can make her unusually emotional. So-called mood swings can be a clear sign of pregnancy.
  • Bloating . Hormonal changes can cause feelings of fullness in the abdomen, as at the beginning of the menstrual cycle.
  • mood swings sign of pregnancyBloody discharge of a pale pink color. This symptom is called implantation bleeding. This happens when a fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus, about 10 to 14 days after conception. Usually occurs during the normal periods of the menstrual period. But not all women have such bleeding is a sign of a normal pregnancy. Therefore, in case of detection of deviations from the normal cycle, consult a gynecologist .
  • Chair problems . Hormonal changes cause the digestive system to slow down, which can lead to constipation.
  • Food aversions . When you are pregnant, you may become more sensitive to certain smells and your sense of taste may change. Like most other symptoms, these eating habits can be attributed to hormonal changes.
  • Nasal congestion . An increase in hormone levels and blood production can lead to swelling of the nasal mucosa. This can cause congestion or runny nose, nosebleeds.

If you are pregnant

Unfortunately, many of these signs and symptoms are not unique to pregnancy. Some of them may indicate that a woman is developing a disease or that menstruation will soon begin. Plus, you can be pregnant without experiencing any of these symptoms!

But if your period is late and you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, just take the test at home. If positive, see a doctor. The sooner your pregnancy is confirmed, the sooner you can start prenatal care. The higher the percentage of the birth of a healthy strong baby.

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