How to descale a heating element in a washing machine

The heating element in the washing machine is responsible for heating the water for high-quality and efficient washing. Unfortunately, it most often fails. There are two main causes of failure: short circuit and scale. As a result of a short circuit, the heaters or their contacts burn out; when scale occurs, the element overheats and fails.

After reading the article, you will learn how to clean the heater of the washing machine from scale.

Why does plaque appear

Scale buildup on heating parts is caused by hard water. When the content of insoluble calcium and magnesium bicarbonate is exceeded in water, it leaves a residue. He sticks to the heating element and other parts of the washing machine.

Is it worth it to be afraid of scale

If scale is not removed in time, then over time, the heating element becomes so overgrown with it that it ceases to function normally. Besides:

  1. For effective washing in hard water, you need to use more detergents. It is known that in soft water the laundry is washed better.
  2. When plaque forms on the heater, it prevents the proper amount of heat from being given off. Therefore, much more electricity is spent to heat water.
  3. A burned-out heating element can cause a malfunction of the electronics, control board elements, and wiring. Such repairs will cost much more than timely cleaning of the element.

Moreover, the pieces of scale that have flown off during washing fall into the drum, drain pipe, which can lead to serious damage. Therefore, it is important to know how and how to clean the heating element in the washing machine from scale.

Notable cleaning products

In shops and markets you can find a large number of cleaning products from various manufacturers. The most popular and advertised is “Calgon”, which allegedly prevents the appearance of scale in the SMA.

Studies have proven that Calgon has minimal impact on water quality. Therefore, plaque will still settle on the details, only a little slower.

Each manufacturer who advertises his product and knows how to remove scale from a heating element uses marketing moves. Simply put: in the composition of every expensive product, there is ordinary citric acid. So what’s stopping us from using it at home?

Descaling at home

Take citric acid to clean the heater in the initial stages of contamination or for prevention in new washing machines.

  • Add 150-200 g of citric acid to the dispenser in the powder compartment.
  • Now select the longest wash cycle without spinning, with a water temperature of 60 degrees.

Note! Cleaning with citric acid is carried out in an empty washer. Therefore, free the tank from the laundry in advance.

  • Wait until the end of the cycle before descaling. Now open the loading hatch.
  • Having unbent a rubber cuff, remove pieces of a scum, garbage from cracks.
  • Thoroughly wipe the inside of the drum with a microfiber cloth that absorbs water well.

It is important to perform this cleaning regularly, as a single application will not protect the elements from further plaque damage. It is recommended to use citric acid once every three to four months.

We apply chemistry

Chemical descaling agents for heating elements are just as effective as they are dangerous if used incorrectly.

How to do it right:

  1. Add product according to the instructions to the CM drum.
  2. Set the temperature to 60-90 degrees, run the wash without laundry.
  3. Do not clean more than once a month.

The danger of chemicals is that exceeding the dose can lead to damage to the rubber elements of the washing machine. For example, cuffs, hoses. The chemicals will corrode the rubber, leading to loss of seal and leakage.

Another danger of chemistry: if the heater is severely affected by plaque, its pieces during such cleaning can stop the operation of the SMA or clog the drain path.

In this case, it is better to get the heater out of the car, and then clean it.

How to get the heater

For front-loading washers, the element can be located both in front and behind.

Try to visually determine where the heating element is located by looking at the front and back panels. It is usually hidden behind a wider cover.

To remove the element, remove the CMA panel.

Front Panel:

  • Remove the top cover by unscrewing the two screws on the back.
  • Pull out the dispenser tray by pressing the latch.
  • Unscrew the screws of the control panel, lift it up.
  • Remove the bottom cover, unscrew the screws there.
  • Open the hatch door by bending the cuff, remove the metal clamp.
  • Disconnect the wires of the electronic lock (UBL).
  • Remove the front panel.

The heater in this case is located under the tank. You need to wring out all the connectors leading to it, relax the central nut and push it inward.

Take out the heating element.

To remove the back cover, you only need to unscrew the fastening screws to get to the element.

How to wash the scale? To do this, remove the temperature sensor from the heating element, rinse it under running hot water. Remove the pieces of stone that are being removed by hand. It is impossible to scrape off the scale by force, otherwise the case may be damaged.

  • Take a two liter plastic bottle.
  • Cut off the neck, fill the container with hot water.
  • Dissolve three to four tablespoons of citric acid in water.
  • Put a heater in there.
  • Leave it for a day.

The acid breaks down the components of the water stone. After that, you just have to remove the plaque – and you will get a clean part.

Then install it in place and do not forget about prevention.

How to avoid scale formation

As you understand, water softeners are not always effective. It is much more profitable to install a magnetic softener. This device allows you to qualitatively split the salts that form a precipitate in the water. Therefore, plaque will not settle on the parts of the washing machine.

It is located on the inlet hose or water pipe.

Remember that softened water requires less detergent than hard water. Therefore, be careful not to cause increased foaming in the CM.

It is recommended to wipe the inside of the washer and cuff after each wash cycle. Leave the door open to dry the machine.

Now you know how to clean the heating element in the washing machine. The main thing is not to delay, to carry out timely prevention of scale. You may not be able to use other water, but you can use our tips to improve its quality.

Video on the topic will help you:

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