How to decorate the walls in the kitchen: traditional and new materials

The kitchen is where we start the day, and we want it to be cozy and practical. Starting repairs in it, think about what you want to get in the end. The kitchen is a complex room where there is high temperature and humidity. They can damage the finishing materials. Modern building materials allow us to solve these problems and create an attractive design on a budget and tastefully. How to decorate the walls in the kitchen, consider in this article.

A simple wall decoration in the kitchen can change a lot, even change the style without changing furniture, visually reduce or enlarge the room. The main thing is to correctly assess the conditions and select materials.

Traditional methods and materials

Let’s briefly go through the well-known options for wall decoration. They cannot be discounted in any way, since new materials with improved characteristics and properties regularly appear in each category: new types of paints, wallpapers, tiles.

With the development of technology, novelties appear in the well-known methods of finishing kitchen walls.

Painting or whitewashing

Painted walls were out of fashion for a while. Now they are back at their peak, because they go well with other finishing materials. And the combination is one of the trends of recent years in the design of premises.

White walls are a great backdrop for any interior.

Advantages of painted walls in the kitchen:

  • Wide choice of colors. And in the same color there are different types of surfaces: matte, semi-matt, glossy and semi-gloss.
  • different performance properties. Many of the paints can be washed using detergents and brushes.
  • Easy and quick to change color.
  • You can paint the walls yourself, no need for expensive tools or special training.
  • Wide price range.

In general, painted walls in the kitchen are a budget and quick repair option.

Before starting work, follow a couple of recommendations:

  1. First choose the color of the kitchen set and only after that, make a decision about the color of the paint. When the color of the walls or furniture is not neutral – gray, white or beige, it is very easy to make a mistake when choosing a shade or even a color.
  2. If the furniture is mounted and hung, these are additional difficulties when painting.
Paint is one of the most practical and inexpensive options for budget kitchen wall renovations.

Cons of painting kitchen walls:

  • Paints emphasize the flaws of the walls. Before painting the walls must be leveled.
  • Not all types of paints are suitable for washing, pay attention to this when choosing.
The most suitable option for modern-style furniture in the kitchen is painting.

In addition to the need for leveling, painted walls in the kitchen do not have any significant drawbacks. But alignment is done only once, and you can paint at least every year.

Additionally, we recommend reading the article “Textured wall paint – an ideal replacement for wallpaper.”

Ceramic tile

Finishing the walls of the kitchen with ceramic tiles is one of the most durable and hygienic solutions, but you can’t call it cheap. Good tiles are expensive and should be laid on high-quality tile adhesive.

Variety is one of the advantages of ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware

Tiling the working wall in the kitchen with tiles and other walls with inexpensive materials will help save the budget. Since the areas near the stove and sink are the most problematic, ceramics will protect the walls from temperature and moisture, and besides, it is well washed.

According to the requirements of manufacturers, even walls are needed for tiles. But a difference of 3-5 mm per square meter is allowed, depending on the size of the tile.

Advantages of wall tiling in the kitchen:

  • Large selection of sizes. Ceramic tiles can be both with a side of 2-3 cm (mosaic), and large-format – with a side of 50-60 cm and even more.
  • Various forms.
  • Ability to create patterns, combinations, etc.
  • Easy to wash.
  • Durability.
At the moment, preference is given to neutral tones and a matte surface.

If you need a practical solution for many years – this is just about ceramic tiles. No problems with care, you can even wash with heavy chemicals and a brush. But there are also disadvantages:

  • Installation costs.
  • Laying tiles yourself is not for everyone, experience is needed.
  • The room is too cold and noisy.
In recent years, rectangular wall tiles have become more popular.

Make a decision after weighing all the arguments. Not everyone likes to have the same interior for decades. And the tile is not so easy to change, its dismantling is not an easy undertaking.

When you decide to tile your kitchen walls, try to keep them neutral. In this case, with the help of decor, it will be possible to change the style of decoration without changing the wall decoration.

If the walls are just a background, the interior can be changed with furniture and additions.

Many may also have aesthetic claims – too uncomfortable. In general, if you like stability, choose tile for your kitchen.

Porcelain tiles

Everything said above about ceramic tiles is also true for porcelain stoneware. The difference in technology and appearance of products. It adds nuance:

  • The dimensions of porcelain stoneware tiles are rather big and under them you need smooth walls with good bearing capacity – the material is heavy.
  • Glue is special.
  • Work is more difficult than with tiles.
It makes sense to spend money on porcelain stoneware in large kitchens

Porcelain tile looks good in large rooms; it is out of place in a six-meter kitchen. It is clear that facing the kitchen with this material will not be cheap.


One of the most budget options for wall decoration in the kitchen is wallpaper. What wallpaper can be glued in the kitchen? Any. The difference is that paper ones will have to be re-glued in a year or two, and more expensive, “washable” ones will last 3-5 years. The latter include heavy vinyl wallpapers that can be washed with a brush.

Washable wallpapers of the latest generation can even serve in the kitchen for up to 5 years

If the wall covering in the kitchen is made with fiberglass wallpaper, then they can be repainted 5-10 times. They are not cheap, but they will last a long time, which makes their use justified.

Photo Wall Mural

A great and easy option to decorate the wall in the kitchen. A wide variety, you can choose photo wallpapers of any subject, suitable for the desired style or taste. Good technical characteristics, production on different bases: vinyl, interlining. They do not absorb odors, are easy to clean, and are not subject to changes in temperature and moisture.

Well, for the price, it will be a little more expensive than regular wallpaper.

Modern materials. Panels

Wall panels are a modern material for finishing walls. They are made from: MDF, fiberboard, chipboard or PVC, etc., including natural ones – wood, bamboo. Release form: squares, rectangles, strips, sheets.

Two methods of mounting panels on the wall are used – glue and fasteners to the crate. The panels are immediately glued to the wall when they are even, otherwise bumps will be visible. Fastening to the crate allows you to hide not only the irregularities of the wall, but also surface wiring.

Wall panels come in a variety of shapes and are made from different materials.

from wood

A thin saw cut of expensive wood is glued onto shields made of cheap breeds. The surface is painted and a protective coating is applied.

Wooden wall panels for kitchen wall decoration are best combined with painted areas

Keep in mind that wood reacts to changes in humidity, but if the ventilation works well, this is not a problem. Wood trim creates a solid appearance.


A vinyl film is applied to the formed MDF sheet with imitation of wood, stone, and other natural materials. There are smooth-colored options, with imitation of tiles, bricks, etc.

What material can be used to decorate the walls in the kitchen – MDF boards of various formats. Get it quickly and not very expensive

MDF panels do not react to moisture, are resistant to stress, which allows them to be used in finishing in the kitchen. It is allowed to mount on a crate or glue on even walls.


Plastic or a layer of veneer is glued onto the surface of the chipboard sheet. This is the cheapest option for wall panels, but not the most popular because of the appearance. Not everyone likes plastic outwardly, and the type of veneered plates depends on the quality of gluing and the cut itself.

Chipboard wall boards – a budget option

In addition, there are concerns about purchasing chipboard with a high level of formaldehyde emission. Choose with class E1 – this is a designation of the natural level of emission from wood. High-quality finishing boards made of chipboard are comparable in price to MDF, but less durable and do not have such a variety.


There is a huge selection of PVC finishing materials in construction stores. Different size, bright variety of patterns, imitation wood, or plain, all this makes them popular. They are moisture resistant and washable. With no effort, you can decorate the wall in the kitchen yourself, besides, PVC materials are cheap.

When in doubt about the quality of PVC panels, give preference to Russian and European brands.

Gypsum vinyl

The gypsum board is covered with PVC vinyl film on both sides. Can be glued to the wall or mounted on the crate. They are produced in the form of sheets, lamellas of different widths without or with patterns.

A new type of modern finishing materials for walls – gypsum vinyl panels

The panels can be washed with a brush, but without abrasives. The service life is declared 25–50 years. Among the shortcomings – it is not recommended for wet rooms.

You can also make an accent wall from gypsum vinyl panels

Installation on special profiles is recommended. Because of all these nuances, they cannot be called cheap, but the price is not too high.

Cork panels

A cork veneer is glued to the base of paper or wood, and varnished or waxed on top to protect it from moisture. The protective layer allows you to wash such a coating without the use of abrasives and brushes. The material has very good soundproofing characteristics, pleasant to the touch.

Natural material for wall decoration – cork. But the surface must be coated with wax or varnish.

Cork slabs are glued directly to the wall, so they require an even base.


  • high price;
  • dents may remain from blows;
  • quite a specific appearance that not everyone likes.


A special type of glass is used, more like ceramics. They can be translucent, transparent or opaque. On the back side, a color or pattern is applied. A special installation system is required, which increases the cost of such wall decoration. In addition, the mass of glass panels is rather big, so the bearing capacity of the wall and its top layer must be high.

Finishing with glass panels of the working area in the kitchen

It is best to make the decor of the working area.

For the kitchen, this option is good, but you can’t wash it with abrasives, and cracks and chips appear from impacts. Glass wall panels have a specific look, suitable for decorating a kitchen in a modern style, techno, minimalism, loft.

Decorative plaster

The plaster itself has been known for a long time, but was used for rough work – to level the walls, repair cracks and crevices. The use of this material as a finishing material has become popular not so long ago. Not all types of plaster are suitable for decorating the kitchen, so let’s look at what is best to use for finishing kitchen walls instead of wallpaper.

One of the materials for wall decoration in the kitchen is decorative plaster.


Sold in finished form, to obtain the desired color, you can add color. Of the advantages – plasticity, quick drying, easy application and care.

Loose and porous walls in the kitchen – not the best option

Acrylic decorative plaster in the composition may have various inclusions, which gives a different appearance. The application technique also affects the appearance. This is not the best option for the kitchen in terms of maintenance, since the structure of most acrylic plasters is porous. For wall decoration, it is better to choose finely porous and smooth types – it is easier to care for and poorly absorb odors.

Silicone compounds

Silicone plaster is sold ready to use. This is the best of all types of decorative plaster and is perfect for the kitchen. It is very plastic, has excellent adhesion with all building materials, conducts steam.

Silicone plasters are one of the best ways to finish the walls in the kitchen.

After drying, it can be washed, the service life is up to 20 years. Designing a kitchen inexpensively with such material will not work.

Textured plaster

One of the most artistic types. It can look like leather, silk, wood, velvet and other materials. You can also find a budget option. And the low price is not an indicator of poor quality. Just used inexpensive components.

Textured plaster is called because it creates some relief

When choosing, pay attention to the fact that after drying the walls can be washed.

Venetian plaster

This material is not cheap. There are many types of Venetian plaster, as well as the technique of its application. In terms of performance, they are very high. The coating does not fade, it is difficult to mechanically damage it, it can be washed.

The Venetian looks great even in formal interiors

One of the main disadvantages, besides the price, is the complexity of application. It is very difficult to achieve a beautiful surface on your own. Without experience, getting a good look will not always work. Given the cost of the material, any alterations are material losses. If you decide to hire a master, it is better to ask for client contacts first and see his work.

Is plaster really that good?

Many people think that it is impractical to finish the walls in the kitchen with decorative plaster, as it will be difficult to wash. However, pollution is present only in the working area and near the stove, where a section of the plastered wall can be hidden behind tiles, washable wallpaper, etc.

The combination of beauty and practicality – this is about decorative plasters

In addition, there are smooth and dense plaster compositions, and washing the walls will be no more difficult than ceramics. And since there will be no seams, it will be even easier to do it. As cheap as wallpaper, making repairs in the kitchen with plaster will not work. But given the long service life of the coating, a slight increase in price is justified. The disadvantage of plaster is that it is porous and will absorb odors.

Brick wall finish

One of the fashion trends in modern design is the imitation of a brick wall. Such a surface can be imitated with varying degrees of certainty by some types of wall panels.

One of the imitations of brickwork in the decoration of the kitchen: MDF wall panels

But imitation is still just a fake. If you want to get an “almost natural” brick wall, then you can make it yourself. We take an ordinary old clay brick, a grinder with a stone disc, or any other tool suitable for cutting bricks. Brick from the dismantling of old buildings is cut lengthwise into plates about a centimeter thick. It turns out ceramic tiles.

This is the effect you can get

The two tiles on the sides already have a natural look. We refine the rest by grinding, making the surface not even, but shabby, that is, artificially aging it. Approximately like the front parts of the old brick. Rub on the grinding wheel, against each other, on the asphalt. The edges are also slightly rounded using the same techniques. It remains to lay out as a tile on the kitchen wall. Finally, paint or varnish – it depends on the style and idea.


If you cover the walls with clapboard when repairing the kitchen, you will get a country or Provence style interior. Most of all, these styles are suitable for decorating a private house or cottage, but can also be applied in an apartment.

Clapboard kitchen decoration is more suitable for country houses

After installation, be sure to paint the wood with washable paint. The tree will look more modern and retain its appearance for a long time.

Due to the peculiarity of the appearance, clapboard lining is not suitable for all styles. Another disadvantage is the reduction in area, since a crate is needed for fastening.


Beautiful kitchen wall design doesn’t have to be expensive. Consider options, select materials and colors. After the repair, the kitchen will delight you both while cooking and eating.

In conclusion, watch a video about the choice of modern materials for decorating the walls of the kitchen.

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