How to decorate a wedding loaf at home with viburnum and periwinkle

How to decorate a wedding loaf at home with viburnum and periwinkle

The ancient ceremonial bread called “loaf” or “korovai” is used in many traditional events – meeting dear guests, weddings, and other solemn events. And although you can buy a finished product without any problems, many people prefer to observe customs and cook a lush loaf with their own hands. In order for it to be not only tasty, but also beautiful, you need to know how to decorate a loaf.

The base of traditional bread is yeast or leavened dough, usually containing a large amount of eggs, butter, and sometimes sugar. It is quite difficult to prepare such a dough with high quality, but when certain rules are followed, it is quite possible:

  • use only high-quality products at room temperature;
  • strictly observe the recipe of the chosen option – the sequence of the bookmark, the fermentation time, the baking temperature;
  • maintaining an optimistic and friendly attitude during work.

How to decorate a loaf: Russian traditions in modern times

The last point may seem insignificant, but experienced housewives know for sure: you need to put the dough only in a good mood, otherwise it will not rise.

Patterns from the same dough or a separately prepared unleavened version of kneading, as well as flowers, berries, and fruits are usually used as decorations for traditional pies and bread. A good option would be to make decorations so that they serve as the basis for a decorative salt shaker.

How to decorate a loaf at home?

The simplest patterns from dough, yeast or unleavened, are easy to perform. However, in order for them not to “slip” during baking, not to lose their shape and not to “plant” bread, it is necessary to dose their quantity and weight, place them correctly on the surface of the prepared loaf and leave the dough the necessary time for proofing.

Decorations made of dough look especially impressive, smeared, like the entire surface of the loaf, with an egg or egg yolk in several layers.

You can use flowers and berries for decoration, but this must be done only before serving – otherwise everything will wither. The decoration of a still warm loaf is excluded, the wilting will be even faster.

How to decorate a wedding loaf?

Special requirements are imposed on the decor of the wedding cake. This is a certain symbolism, and the obligatory presence of a salt shaker, and flowers used for decoration, a towel is an embroidered towel with a traditional pattern. Thinking about how to decorate a loaf with viburnum and periwinkle in Ukrainian traditions, it is better to entrust this business to professionals and devote yourself entirely to the celebration, and not solve the problems of decorating the festive bread.

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