How to decide on your future profession? Two life hacks for teenagers

“What should I do in the future?” is a difficult question that every high school student needs to answer. Love for work, status in society, salary level, career prospects… Everything seems to be important. So how do you make this decision?

Step 1. Ask yourself: “What do I like to do?”

Make a list of activities that you like to do – just like it, not “should” or “should”. Everything that brings joy should fall into it: for example, reading, drawing, communicating with people, riding a bicycle …

How to make this list and what else to fill it with?

  • Don’t be afraid to point out the activities that interest you and where you’re not as successful as you’d like. Abilities and skills can be developed, it just takes time and effort. And the main motivator in this case will be your sincere interest.
  • Think of people whose personality and activities inspire you. What aspects of their lives inspire you the most? Maybe your hero travels the world? Maybe he has a fixed work schedule? Or is there, on the contrary, no such thing? Do you like that he is in a leadership position? Or what works by hand? The more specific the points you specify, the easier it will be to understand what kind of activity might suit you.
  • Connect your imagination. Imagine that you have a lot of money – so much that you don’t even have to think about it. Ask yourself, “What would I be doing then?” The answer to it will tell you what your life calling is.
  • In early childhood, we are not bound hand and foot by fears and prejudices, therefore we are extremely sincere in our desires. Think back to that time: think about who you wanted to be and why? Most likely you will not choose that profession, but remember the qualities that you liked in it.
  • Ask your parents and close friends for help. Ask them the following questions: “What strengths or talents do I have?” “Do I have abilities that I have not fully developed, but could?” “In what situation would you turn to me for help?” Think about where you can apply the named close qualities, and complete the list with them.

What to do when it’s ready? Rate each item on a 10-point scale: how comfortable and interesting would you be to do this activity? As a result, there should be three or four lessons that will score the maximum number of points. What professions are they associated with? Do you enjoy these activities?

Step 2. Study the profession

Many people want to become football or screen stars. But have you ever thought about how many people who have received a specialized education remain “behind the scenes”? When choosing a profession, especially a popular one, you need to expand your horizons and study it from the inside.

Where to look for information? Much can be learned from the biographies of people who have gone through this professional path before you. What work did they have to do to achieve what they wanted? What setbacks did they face? Additional information about the profession can also be obtained from its “carriers”, if there are such among acquaintances. If you don’t know anything about science or the fine arts, perhaps a family friend or relative has that knowledge.

It is equally important to prepare a fallback: find out about other professions in the chosen field of activity. So you will always have the opportunity not cardinally, but still change your life if necessary.

Do not worry and give up if you can not immediately reduce the list to one profession. Maybe you have a rare chance to be realized in several professions at the same time? Keep it up and let it all work out!

Do not lose inspiration and faith in yourself along the way will help:

  • novel “Forrest Gamp” by Winston Groome
  • the book “You changed my life” by Adele Cellu, which was made into the film “1 + 1”
  • film “The Pursuit of Happyness”
  • Dreaming Isn’t Bad Book by Barbara Sher

The experience that each of the heroes received during a difficult period of life was useful to all of them. Analyze what skills this person relied on and what helped them succeed.

About expert

Alexander Ivanov – Teacher-psychologist of the City Psychological and Pedagogical Center.

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