How to deal with wounds in the nose?

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How to soothe wounds in the nose? Can I use compresses in the form of soaked cotton swabs? How to deal with such ailments? Could this be a symptom of a serious illness? The question is answered by the drug. Katarzyna Darecka.

How to deal with wounds in the nose?

Good morning, I have a problem with recurring wounds in the nose. Bleeding in the nose it appears with a cold, but also with strong cleaning of the nose. I wonder if there are ointments that will reduce the troublesome symptoms, namely the scabs in the nose. Unpleasant wounds that appear not only bleed, but also hurt when you touch or clean your nose. I don’t know what to do anymore. Maybe you can use some compresses in the form of soaked swabs that will speed up the healing of wounds in the nose? I haven’t tried it yet.

I would like to ask for an answer to the question of how to deal with wounds in the nosebecause I’m running out of ideas and the problem doesn’t come back. I don’t have time to see a doctor. At first, the problem seemed to me to be trivial and insignificant. Just another nosebleed. However, I see that it causes me a lot of problem and is inconvenient. The wife is worried that this may be the cause of some serious illness. However, I have the impression that the wounds in my nose appear because I have weak blood vessels in my nose that are bursting. At least that’s what a friend of mine a doctor once recalled. Hence the rumored frequent nosebleeds. Is it a possible cause of nasal wounds? Regards

The doctor advises on what to do in case of wounds in the nose

Chronic occurrence of ulcers in the nose it can be caused by a wide variety of inflammatory conditions or infectious ethologies. Frequent nose picking or external rubbing can lead to chronic infections of the nasal mucosa with the pathogen Staphylococcus aureus, also known as staphylococcus aureus. It causes ulceration in the nasal cavity, bleeding and pain. People undergoing immunosuppressive therapy or in a state of weakened immune system response may develop infections with other pathogens such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa or opportunistic viruses and bacteria.

HSV1, or herpes labialis, can also cause ulcerations in the nasal cavity, not just on the surface of the mouth. Much less frequently, the oral mucosa is attacked by other pathogens, such as those from the Mycobacterium family, syphilis spirochetes, and fungi. Nasal use of drugs such as cocaine can also lead to ulceration and even perforation of the nasal septum.

Treatment of ulcers in the nasal cavity mainly consists in the topical application of ointments containing antibiotics, such as mupirocin, in more severe cases it may be necessary to use oral treatment. Before the doctor decides to administer an antibiotic, he may decide to take a swab from the ulcer, which will allow to find out exactly what pathogen causes the ulcer and select the antibiotic more precisely, then we talk about targeted antibiotic therapy.

If the ulcer still does not heal despite antibiotic treatment, a biopsy of the lesion may be necessary to evaluate the underlying cause of the lesion for histopathological evaluation. The less common, non-infectious causes of nasal ulceration include granulomatosis with polyangiitis and sarcoidosis.

That is why it is recommended to visit a family doctor, he will be able to ask about other accompanying symptoms and physically check them, and order antibiotic treatment or, if in doubt, refer them to an otolaryngology specialist.

For the treatment of wounds in the nose, you can use Microdacyn 60 – a hydrogel for disinfection and treatment of wounds, which is safe for mucous membranes and antiallergic.

– Lek. Katarzyna Darecka

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  1. Assalomu alaykum men 1992-yil tug’ilganman. 2021-yil iyun oyida shifonada elektromontyorlik ishlarini qilib yurganimda hid bilish yuqolib gripga ( balki koronovirusga)ga chalinib dori ukol olib bir hafta davolandim sog’ayib ishga qaytganimda chang tuzon yoqmay holsiz ishtaham yuqolib qolaverganda bir hafta mobaynida etil tibbiyot spirtidan ichib yurdim. Zavodga elektromontyorlik ishiga utib ishtaha yuqligi uchun ovqat mahali muntazam achchiq yashil qalampir istemol qilib yurdim. Koronavirusga qarshi o’zbek+xitoy vaksinasi bilan imlandim 1 hafta boshim og’rib lohaz bo’lib yurdim. Kechqurun tomoqda tupuk kelgani his qilib tupursam bir oshqoshiq shilimshiq qon chiqdi. Zavod navbatchi shifokor hamshirasiga aytsam tomog’ing og’ribdi dedi. oradan bir kun utib tusatdan yutal boshlandi tiniq kupikli qonli yutal 5 daqiqada tuxtadi. Tuman tezyordam shifoxonasiga borib vaziyatni aytsam ahvoling yaxshiku Viloyat shahar shifoxonasiga bor deb qaytarib yubordi. Uyga kelib 10 kun davomida tanish shifokorni chaqirib davolandim. dorilar tugagandan keyin yana qonli yutal xuruj qildi shifokor tezkor choralar kurib qonni tuxtatgandan sung Kompyuter tomagrafiya tekshiruviga yubordi natija upka 18% zararlanganini kursatdi. Tekshiruv natijalarini Ftiziatrga olib bordim u Terapevtga yubordi. Terapiya bulimida 5 kun davolandim. Hozirgi kungacha xavoyirim yuqolmayapti qonli yutal xuruji sababi nima qanaqa kasallik kukrak upka rentgini tekshiruvidan utib ftiziatrga bordim rentgin plyonkani kurib upkang toza ekan dedi . uyqu kam asabiylik haliyam saqlanib qolgan. har safar tupursam tupukka qarayman qon yuqmikan deb bazi bazida balg’am shlimshiq qonli kelib turadi. Balg’amda qonli chiziqcha bulsa ham uzimni holsiz kasalday his qilaman. Butkul sog’ayib normal hayot tarziga qaytishni xohlayman. Qanday kasallik asoratlari qancha vaqtda utib ketadi batafsilroq malumot maslahat berishingizni iltimos qilaman.

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