How to deal with tick bites

Every year, as soon as the warm season comes, all people, and even animals, are in danger of being bitten by a tick. In fact, it is not the bite of this small blood-sucking insect that is dangerous, but the fact that when bitten by a tick, there can be infection with the encephalitis virus, which can even be fatal.

However, this is not the only disease that is carried by the tick. Much more often, people bitten by this insect get Lyme disease, which can occur with damage to the heart, joints and nervous system.

Therefore, everyone should know the rules of behavior for tick bites in order to minimize the serious consequences.


Yes, indeed, the prevention of tick bites is the first rule that can prevent the risk of falling ill with a deadly disease.

To do this, remember that ticks like warm, humid and shady environments, and tall grass and wooded areas are ideal for this. Therefore, people living in regions where such areas with dense vegetation are present or even dominated are highly susceptible to tick bites. They should stay as far away from such terrain as possible, at least follow the paved path.

And also do not forget about the appropriate clothing, namely:

  • long pants tucked into socks;
  • closed shoes;
  • long sleeve clothing.

However, people in other regions are also likely to pick up a tick. In this case, if the previous 3 points cannot be done, then again, avoid dense vegetation. Also use repellent to repel ticks.

After each walk, you should carefully examine all parts of the body, especially parts of the body where there are folds and bends, for example, under the kneecaps, armpits, because the bite itself is painless, and aching pain appears only for 2-3 days. Also, do not forget about the head, because it is very easy not to notice a small body under the hair.

The bite itself is usually a small red spot that can itch. Sometimes there may be a local inflammatory reaction in the form of suppuration. The bite usually does not heal for a long time.

If something similar was found on the body, then you need to treat this place with alcohol, alcohol-containing products, including iodine and brilliant green, or soap, and observe this place and the general condition for a month.

What to do if the tick still bites and sits on the body?

First, there is no need to panic! This does not necessarily mean that the tick was contagious. Moreover, it will take a tick several hours to infect someone. However, it is still worth approaching this matter very responsibly.

The first step is to pull it out, preferably with tweezers. But if it is not there, then you can do it by hand. In any case, avoid grabbing the tick by the abdomen. Grasp his head, after which, shaking from side to side, you need to carefully and gradually pull him out.

It happens that it is completely impossible to pull out a tick. And if it happened that the head of the insect came off and remained under the skin, then you can try to remove it with a needle previously burned on fire like a splinter. How to deal with a tick?

In no case should you crush it with your fingers or nails, because. its contents are also dangerous on human skin.

But it is worth placing it in a container and giving it for analysis, which will determine the presence of pathogens in it. In the case of a positive answer, you should carefully monitor your condition and the bite site.

If you do not plan to take the tick to the laboratory, then simply fill it with boiling water or burn it.

With the attending physician, it is necessary to decide on the prophylactic use of antibiotics. Adults are prescribed doxycycline, and children are prescribed flemoxin for 5-7 days.

What symptoms after a bite are dangerous?

If after a tick bite the condition does not change and nothing unusual happens to the body, then there is no cause for concern. However, if at least one of the listed symptoms appears, then you need to see a doctor as soon as possible:

  • rash;
  • red spot at the site of the bite;
  • heat;
  • aches in the body;
  • fear of the light.

There is no need to postpone a visit to the doctor, as this can be a detrimental factor.

Ticks, although small creatures, are much more dangerous than many predatory animals. Therefore, do not underestimate them and always follow the rules of protection against these blood-sucking insects.

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