How to deal with the problem of tired legs?
How to deal with the problem of tired legs?How to deal with the problem of tired legs?

More and more people complain about the feeling of heavy legs. The causes of the problem can be found in in a passive lifestyle or a diet poor in nutrients. What to do so that this ailment does not turn into serious diseases and how to relieve your legs?

Causes of heavy legs

Leg fatigue can have many causes, but the most common source is poor blood circulation. Our lifestyle has a significant impact on the condition of our legs. This affliction affects both people who work standing up every day or vice versa – they spend many hours sitting in front of the computer. Another factor that contributes to the fatigue of the limbs is the lack of physical activity, as well as an improper diet. Heaviness in the legs can also occur in people struggling with obesity. Women during menopause are also at risk of experiencing tired legs – in this case, hormonal changes are the «culprit». Finally, this condition may have a genetic basis.

Don’t underestimate the problem!

If we underestimate the signals from our circulatory system, manifested in the form of a feeling of heaviness in the legs, in the future we may suffer unpleasant consequences in the form of varicose veins.

So what to do to reduce leg fatigue and protect yourself from the disease? The key is to give up bad habits and develop good habits. Here is a short list of sample recommendations:

  • introduce fiber into your diet and increase your water intake – fiber will positively affect the work of the intestines, which in the case of a disturbed balance may have a bad effect on the circulatory system. Water, in turn, removes toxins and moisturizes from the inside. Rich in fiber include dried fruits and legumes
  • lift your legs up – when sleeping, place your legs slightly higher than the rest of your body, e.g. by placing them on a pillow
  • do not freeze in one position for a long time – especially at work, avoid crossing your legs, exercise your fingers and tighten your leg muscles
  • dress comfortably – wear comfortable, not too tight clothing that does not restrict the free flow of blood
  • wear comfortable and well-fitting shoes – avoid wearing high heels if possible (heels 2-5 cm high are the least burdensome for the legs)
  • get active! — regular physical exercise improves the condition and blood flow in the body. Exercises such as cycling, jogging or swimming will bring relief to tired legs
  • quit smoking – nicotine is destructive to the circulatory system – narrows blood vessels and can cause blood clots
  • use drugs that combat the symptoms of venous insufficiency, such as Diosminex

How does Diosminex work?

Diosminex is a preparation for use in the case of venous and lymphatic insufficiency. Its action is comprehensive – it increases the tension in the veins, increases the strength of the blood vessel system, at the same time reduces stasis in the veins, reduces the expansion of the veins and the permeability of the capillaries.

The active substance of the drug is diosmin, which protects blood vessels, in particular veins, while making them more flexible. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory and anti-swelling effects. Attention! The preparation cannot be used by people with hypersensitivity to diosmin or other ingredients of the drug.

You can get rid of the nagging feeling of heaviness in your legs by changing your lifestyle and using good habits. Taking care of the condition of the legs will not only have a positive effect on our well-being, but will also be an element of varicose vein prevention.


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