Film «Iron Lady»

Margaret Thatcher lived her whole life with her beloved husband, but after his death she was not inclined to experience grief and grief.

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Film Georgia Cool

Sufferer, why do you carry your misfortune like a flag? Everyone had their losses, and now what are we going to do about it? Suffer all your life?

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If a loved one dies, the first thing to do is (again) think about what can be done, what measures to take, and at every reasonable opportunity to act as energetically as possible. If everything possible is done, keep everything in mind, but mind your own business: the more busy you are, the better your soul will be, and the calmer the one who is dying.

He has enough problems and sores of his own, you don’t need to add your experiences and your mental pain to him.

If a loved one has already died, the situation is closed. Start looking ahead and taking care of those around you. Probably, your calmness and focus on business will be their best support.

Marina K.’s story:

The main difficulty is that a deeply worried person does not want to get rid of the mental pain that has taken possession of him, and the request usually does not sound “How to return to a normal state”, but “How to survive all this?”, That is, leave the pain and find opportunities to live against the background this pain.

In any case, it is very useful to change the situation, to remove all the little things that remind you of the death of a loved one over and over again. Do not confuse: grateful memory is one thing, and reminders of death is another. If you didn’t have a good photo of your father, mother or other loved one, take it and hang it in a worthy place. If you, with the help of friends and relatives, collect all the best memories, arrange them and maybe even publish them somewhere, this is also respect for memory. But sitting, over and over again sorting through the personal belongings of the deceased, is not the best idea. Live the way this person wanted it from you, and he apparently wanted you to be happy and live, thinking about the future and building your future. So, this is how you should live.

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