How to deal with the autumn blues: 7 simple tips

Getting rid of autumn depression without pills and the help of psychologists is real. presents instructions for use for a good mood and offers methods that have been tested for themselves.

No matter how much you want the summer to end, cold and cloudy weekdays are about to come. A depressing gray view from the window can ruin anyone’s mood, especially for us – sensitive, vulnerable and gentle creatures. It is not surprising, because women, according to psychologists, are much more likely to be subject to all kinds of mental confusion than the stronger sex. So remember.

Often the cause of a depressive state can be accumulated resentment and a feeling of one’s own infringement in something. “I am all poor and unhappy … No one loves me, does not appreciate me … And the boss has gone into a rage …” As a rule, we cannot express our dissatisfaction with everyone and not always, but we can imitate it! When preparing for such an “operation”, make sure that you are at home alone. And do not forget to check how tightly the windows are closed, otherwise you risk seeing people in uniform on the doorstep or, even worse, nurses from a psychiatric hospital, who were called by frightened neighbors.

Left alone with yourself, shout, swear, cry, throw things … In general, make a brawl! When it’s over, you will feel incredible relief. You will be in a completely different mood to clean up the things scattered around the apartment. Checked!

The need to change something in oneself usually arises when a person gets tired of the reality around him. It is on this thought that we most often catch ourselves in the fall, watching the gloomy despondency. I do not want anything, the mood is at zero … There is a solution – to change the image globally. A blonde with mischievous curls can transform into a burning brunette, and a restrained brown-haired woman suddenly becomes fiery red. Fortunately, today the result can be seen in advance on a computer, so the risks of being afraid of yourself in the mirror are reduced to a minimum.

In addition, you can update your wardrobe by adding bright colors and unusual textures to boring outfits. Pay attention to the red things. This color speeds up the heartbeat, raises body temperature and energizes.

If funds allow, you can turn to a professional for help – the image stylist will select the appropriate image. Or go shopping on your own. A couple of successful purchases – and the blues will recede, and the soul will require a holiday.

According to the postulates of Tibetan medicine, fingers are a kind of windows of health. Each of the ten limbs is responsible for its own organ. We are interested in the ring finger, the massage of which helps to relieve stress and cheer up. Another useful point is in the very center of the palm. By pressing on it, you can not only relieve fatigue, but also restore strength, good spirits and get rid of the blues.

First, rub your palms as if you were soaping them. Then vigorously knead the joints. After that, remember the children’s exercise “We wrote, our fingers are tired.” Clench your fingers into a fist and slowly unclench. Repeat 10 times. Then massage each finger, paying special attention to the ring finger. Finish by rubbing your brushes with a nourishing cream.

It should be noted that this type of massage is good because it is always “at hand”. It can be done on the road, at work, or while lying in the bathroom. Everything will take no more than 10 minutes, and your mood will improve significantly. The most effective massage is done before breakfast.

It has been scientifically proven that people with a pet get out of depression much easier and faster. The presence of a furry pet in the house in itself touches and directs thoughts in a positive direction. In addition to the fact that a four-legged member of the family can be stroked, cuddled or played, it also needs to be walked, and getting out of confinement and fresh air will only enhance the effectiveness of such “treatment”.

Male attention is a medicine that can cure any of us. Compliments and admiring glances of the opposite sex in this case are prescribed not only for single ladies. If you are discouraged, and your beloved husband is in no hurry to confess, take the situation into your own hands. Get your hair and make-up, put on fabulous lingerie, stunning dress, trendy shoes and go for a walk in a place where you can most often meet potential “healers”. For example, for a presentation at a car dealership or business center. You will see, gentlemen will not be able to pass by, and you will surely run into a compliment. This will definitely raise self-esteem and bring back a joyful mood.

A great way to cheer up is to get creative. But not easy. Sacrifice one wall of a house or apartment in favor of your peace of mind and good spirits. Stock up on paints and depict how you see your ideal tomorrow. Bright, emotional, noticeable and memorable! Avoid gray tones and do not limit your imagination. A new activity will surely cheer you up, and the result of your work, if not relieve tension, will certainly cheer you up!

American doctors have come to the conclusion that extreme sports can cure even severe forms of depression. After drug treatment, patients who had lost interest in life soon returned to their appointments. Then scientists abandoned the pills and began to recommend extreme entertainment to patients, which they were afraid of before. If extreme is able to get rid of even a clinical diagnosis, then what can we say about a seasonal decline in strength? A bungee or a parachute jump can easily replace drug therapy, and the effect is more lasting. Severe stress, followed by euphoria, awakens a person’s vitality, and he stops moping. I share my personal experience: I’m not a big fan of extreme sports and I try to avoid all kinds of risky entertainment, but recently, at the insistence of my friends, I went with them to the mountains on ATVs. It would seem that this is extreme, I thought, but I was wrong! The sharp turns and the feeling of fear that arises at the next sharp turn made me forget about problems, rejoice that I was still alive, and experience the very feelings of delight and joy that I had already forgotten about.

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