How to deal with stress using new knowledge about the brain

Studied and unknown. Full of mysteries and promising incredible discoveries. That’s all it is, the human brain. We talk about amazing discoveries in the field of knowledge about the brain and how to deal with stress using this knowledge.

Over the past decades, science has advanced so far that it both delights and confuses all our previous ideas. What do we really know about the brain?

  1. Every time we are going to remember something, the brain re-constructs our memories. That is, there is no conservation and “reliable” way to store memories unchanged, which means that memories can change.
  2. Our brain already has ready-made solutions to all problems. We just don’t always recognize them. The decisions themselves are made 3-10 seconds before we realize that we are making them. And this despite the fact that over the past 10 years, the human brain has not fundamentally changed.
  3. The brain has neuroplasticity – the ability to change under the influence of experience and new knowledge and restore functions after damage.
  4. The brains of men and women are not fundamentally different. Our notion that men have a better developed left hemisphere, which means they are more rational, while women have a better developed right hemisphere, and they are more creative, is nothing more than a myth.
  5. We use almost every part of the brain, and they are almost always active. Scientists have repeatedly debunked the myth that we use only 10% of the brain.

It is in our interests to make sure that the brain works as efficiently as possible. At the same time, the general social tension increases, and anxiety increases with it. The pace of processing and the amount of information itself are also constantly growing. We have to ask ourselves: what to do with all this?

There are affordable ways to support and improve the brain by integrating the right and left hemispheres. For example, sometimes we can perform actions with our left hand that we normally do with our right. Or write with the wrong hand, which we do it from early childhood. So we “start” new neural connections, which has a positive effect on the state of the brain.

In general, it is very useful to come up with new tasks for the brain: for example, going to work with unusual routes or developing challenges for ourselves: to do what we are good at in a non-standard way.

Among other things, experts recommend simple ways to maintain mental flexibility, such as solving crossword puzzles and mathematical examples. You can also learn poetry, compose fairy tales and stories, learn new foreign languages.

Since excess tension always closes the doors of creativity, it is important to train concentration and use methods of keeping calm. Thus, the practices of mindfulness and meditation will allow you to unload the brain from redundant information, speeding up the process of assimilation of the necessary knowledge.

Equally important for the healthy functioning of the brain is a sound and comfortable sleep, proper and timely nutrition, as well as physical activity.

About expert

Alla Radchenko – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, doctor of the highest category, psychotherapy consultant of the Medical Center of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

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