How to deal with stress effectively? Discover proven methods!
How to deal with stress effectively? Discover proven methods!

Stress has been with us since the beginning of our lives. We come into the world and experience our first stressful situation, we scream out of the safe world locked in the mother’s womb. It is impossible to eliminate stress from life, because it would mean either death or extreme boredom. What is stress really, is it needed in our lives and how to deal with it. Why and when does it most often appear?

What is stress and what is the difference between positive and negative stress?

Stress is the body’s natural response to stressful situations or stressors. The stressor causes the release of adrenaline and norepinephrine. For millennia, stress has triggered the desire and motivation in man to act in order to survive difficult situations. It allowed to find creative solutions to get out of the crisis as safely as possible. Such stress is positive and is called eustress. Distress, i.e. negative stress, has a different character. There are so many stress stimuli and they occur in such a great intensity that it exceeds the body’s ability to effectively overcome them. Then the reaction to this type of stress is increased blood pressure, high pulse, dilated pupils or tense muscles and sharpened hearing. The effects of this kind of stress are related to the inability to find a solution.

Do we need stress?

Despite the many negative shades, stress is needed in life. It allows you to get out of many problematic situations, thanks to a quick, almost reflexive reaction. Life would be boring without stress. The mobilization of the body multiplies as a result of stress. Stress allows us to feel that we are alive, triggering many amazing emotions in us.

Effective ways to fight stress.


  • Slow down life, try to plan your day in such a way that you have time for work and rest. A well-planned day means fewer delays and thus less stressful situations.
  • take a deep breath, sit down, close your eyes and breathe calmly. It is an excellent relaxation method. You will oxygenate your body and you will feel much better.
  • Conversation is the simplest method of combating stress, possible for everyone. Confiding in your problems allows you to open up to others and understand that problems that seemed insoluble and difficult can be overcome.
  • Hobby — devoting yourself to pleasures in your free time allows your thoughts to go in the opposite direction, relax and not think about difficult situations.
  • Take a look around – open your eyes wide, start noticing details you haven’t had time for so far. You will see that the world that seemed gray and sad is green, flowers bloom around, birds sing. Start looking at the world around you from a positive side.
  • Movement and physical activity it is an excellent weapon in the fight against stress. They allow you to reduce muscle tension, and exercise, cycling or swimming allow you to improve blood circulation and oxygenate the body.
  • Get enough sleep – nothing reduces stress-induced fatigue like this. Take at least one evening to go to bed early or in the morning to laze around.

 Stress, unfortunately, cannot be avoided, it is important to learn to live with it and deal with it efficiently.

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