How to deal with stress and relieve stress quickly

How to deal with stress and relieve stress quickly

Finding out what methods will help you quickly relieve stress.

Stresses in the modern world lie in wait for a person at every step, be it exams, interviews and even trips to the clinic. Unfortunately, not everyone can resist them, and they affect our well-being. About how to overcome stress, quickly relieve stress, we talked with the doctor of medical sciences, professor, teacher of the Department of Pediatrics of the Russian Medical Academy of Scientific and Practical Education Irina Kholodova.

– The human body, from the point of view of physiology, reacts equally to good events, for example, a career jump or a successfully passed session, and to bad ones, for example, a divorce or the loss of a loved one. But in both cases, we must be able to adapt. Stress is an integral part of our daily life. And the body needs them. This is a kind of stimulus to activity, forcing a person to achieve their goals. But the main thing is that it should be episodic, not protracted. You need to be able to switch and relax in time, then the body’s self-regulation mechanisms will quickly return it to normal.

There are several ways to adapt to stress and get over it quickly.

Before exams, for example, it is worth limiting the consumption of tea, coffee and soda. The caffeine they contain not only promotes wakefulness, it energizes the brain and makes it less receptive to information. Chocolate also gives a certain burst of energy, but this period does not last long. Experts advise to give preference to oranges, bananas or walnuts. Directly on the day of the exam, even if “a piece does not go down your throat,” you should eat at least a little, because under stress, a sharp decrease in blood sugar levels can occur and tremors, sweating, weakness, dizziness, headache, nausea, and even risk of losing consciousness and fainting.

Various breathing techniques are well known for coping with stress. They help to cope with anxiety, saturate the brain with oxygen and allow you to align the emotional state. The easiest option is to close your eyes and breathe slowly and deeply. In this case, the exhalation should be 2-3 times longer than the inhalation. Imagine breathing in your favorite scent through your nose. Exhale through slightly closed lips – as if blowing out a candle flame or blowing on a spoonful of hot soup.

3. Saying “magic” phrases

It is good to add self-hypnosis formulas to breathing exercises. The magic phrase “I relax and calm down” can be synchronized with the rhythm of your breathing. The words “I” and “and” should be pronounced on the inhale, and the words “relax” and “calm down” – on the exhale. You can also repeat the phrases to yourself: “I am calm and confident”, “My memory is working well. I remember everything “,” I can prove that I worked hard and learned everything. ” Even if you still did not believe in auto-training, try it and see how obediently your brain will begin to obey these commands.

You can also get rid of stress through simple physical exercises. Make several circular movements with your head, stretch your arms, shrug your shoulders. You can do a few boxing moves (forward lunges) by imagining punching your fear. Light self-massage will also help: knead the occipital region of the head, this will distract from obsessive fear and increase intelligence.

In some situations, simple remedies such as herbal teas of chamomile, motherwort, or St. John’s wort can come in handy. But sedatives should not be abused, lethargy and lethargy may prevent you from focusing on the subject of study. In this case, it is better to contact a specialist who will prescribe a proven drug based on herbal ingredients.

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