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If you have small children, then you probably know what stomatitis is: it occurs in more than half of all preschoolers. These are the very small rashes in the mouth that do not allow babies to sleep peacefully! But does the disease threaten adults as well?
The appearance of characteristic ulcers on the gums or the diagnosis of stomatitis usually confuses an adult. “How so? It’s a childhood disease! ” In fact, stomatitis affects everyone. In the truest sense of the word.
Many have heard about
In the treatment of stomatitis, drugs of the series are used
Stomatofit® is allowed for children from 12 years old, and Stomatofit® A – only for adults from 18 years old.
Exclusive distributor: Europlant JSC. 143444, Moscow region, Krasnogorsk, md. Opaliha, st. Mira, 25.