Your head hurts, your jaw hurts, you have a runny nose and a stuffy nose, you run out of tissues for constantly dripping nasal secretions, you can’t taste the food you eat, and you stop smelling. You close your eyes and think, it’s just a common cold. It will pass like any other so far. Time flies and the symptoms worsen. It could be sinusitis. How to deal with this troublesome disease? How to treat them at home, and when should you go to the doctor? And what exactly are these bays?
The nasal sinuses are symmetrically located air spaces within the face, designed to allow the free movement of air and secretions. Frontal sinuses are located within the forehead, maxillary, maxillary, ethmoid sinuses around the corners of the eyes. On the other hand, the sphenoid sinuses between the eyes but near the base of the skull. During a strong, profuse runny nose, the nasal mucosa swells and, to put it mildly, we have a stuffy nose. If not properly treated, a runny nose can lead to blockage of the free flow of secretions, and this, in turn, is the shortest way to inflammation and sinusitis. Inflammations that affect us can be viral, then the secretion is thin and colorless, or bacterial with a thick, yellow secretion. They are rarely fungal infections.
When do we know for sure that we have sinusitis?
There are several characteristic symptoms, based on which we are sure that it is sinusitis. Firstly, pain and a burning sensation in the area of the cheeks and head, then a stuffy, blocked nose, nasal discharge and no sense of smell. If you have sinusitis for the first time, you need to act accordingly so that the condition does not turn into chronic sinusitis. Then the treatment process is more complicated.
At home, you can alleviate your ailments by using inhalations and warming compresses. Prepare inhalations based on water with the addition of salt or aromatic herbs with diastolic properties: chamomile, thyme, mint or sage and horsetail will be perfect. They will help the mucus to flow freely and clear the nose. Warm compresses will eliminate and relieve pain. Use them around your nose. You can use bags filled with medicinal salt, bromine and iodine compounds are released from it, having a cleansing effect on the nose. A simple way is also to put peas in a bag and heat it up. The wrap will bring relief. To reduce the possibility of microorganisms affecting our mucosa, it should be well moisturized. Drink plenty of fluids, linden tea or ginger or cinnamon tea.
Take care of optimal hydration of your apartment and places where you stay for a long time. Air humidifiers or simply wet towels hung on the radiator will help you with this. What you eat is also important. Hot or cold foods negatively affect your sinuses and increase pain relief. Rinse your throat with salt water, moisturize and clear your nose by eating foods rich in vitamin A: eggs, tomatoes, cheese, mango. Reduce the level of pollution around you by avoiding dust, smoke or irritating detergents. If symptoms persist for more than a week, consider seeing a doctor as you may need antibiotics.