I came across whole blocks of information about hormones. Their effect on the human body and especially interested in the hormone Serotonin.
After reading the article: “The Chemistry of Emotions” on Psychologos and other literature, it became clear that one of the culprits of depression in a person is a lack of the Serotonin hormone. There are also psychological reasons, let’s remember this, read more about this side of the issue in the same place, a wonderful article: «Depression». Here we will only touch on the biochemistry of the body. So, what is this interesting hormone responsible for? For the most important things, including our emotions. So, everything is in order.
He is responsible for:
- the process of cognitive activity,
- activates motor activity and muscle tone. This state can be characterized by the phrase «I will move mountains.»
- mood lift. In various combinations of serotonin with other hormones, we get the whole range of emotions of “satisfaction” and “euphoria”. In a word, this hormone is responsible for self-control and emotional stability. In people with low levels of serotonin, the slightest stimulus triggers an exuberant stress response. Deficiency caused by a decrease in the level of serotonin in the brain is one of the factors in the formation of depressive states and severe forms of migraine.
Depression is short-term, caused by any protracted stress. Seasonal «winter» is a mood disorder in people in winter, who feel normal for most of the year. Year-round — occurs in those people who have had a violation of hormone production in the correct mode since birth. Or in the process of life there are irreversible shifts in this area. But first, it is important to find out what kind of depression it is — short-term, seasonal or permanent, and possibly psychological (if everything is in order with hormones). If depression is constant with small gaps (not depending on the seasons), then a person must first go to an endocrinologist, get tested for hormones and check all organs responsible for hormonal balance. I want to talk about seasonal, in particular «winter» and short-term.
Depression can be avoided by producing enough serotonin
Where is it produced:
- In the brain.
- A large amount is produced by the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.
What are the effects on the body?
- When exposed to a large amount of light.
- Physical activity.
- Food products.
Let there be light!
With the first way, everything is clear. Turn on as many lights as possible! Since with low lighting, a person begins to produce the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for sleep. In the dark, the body begins to slow down reactions, relaxing, preparing for sleep. These are two antipodal hormones. Therefore, it is so important that during the day it is as light as possible — then there will be cheerfulness. And at night it is as dark as possible — then there will be rest, relaxation and recovery. And interestingly, melatonin is produced from serotonin, if it is produced in deficiency, then melatonin is also not produced and a person simply cannot fall asleep. Here is such a “cycling of serotonin in nature.
In the evening the body becomes very sensitive to light. Therefore, flickering light: candles, garlands, etc. acts as a stimulant. The human eye in winter is extremely short of colors, and any rainbow of colors has a positive effect on a person. Let the whole winter in your house be one corner, a flower or a picture, etc., decorated with a garland. So remember, more light equals more serotonin.
Movement is life!
The second way of influencing the body is also understandable. Be sure to exercise in the morning or run, or walk, or exercise equipment, etc. During the day is also welcome! The body immediately begins to produce serotonin. I even noticed that when I work out in the morning. The from me simply actively goes yawning. After charging, everything stops, immediately vivacity of the body and «spirit».
Serotonin diet
The third way is more extensive. Here we will linger a little longer.
In order for serotonin to be produced in the gastrointestinal tract, the amino acid tryptophan must be supplied with food for the synthesis of serotonin. And the intake of glucose with carbohydrate food. Foods that promote serotonin biosynthesis often improve mood. What to eat.
Complex carbohydrates:
- Rice, oatmeal, buckwheat.
- Bread. Especially rye with the addition of otu.e.y and all sorts of seasonings. It is necessary to fry in a toaster or make croutons in the oven. Maybe a few days ahead. Nutritionists say that simply dried bread and processed in the oven are different and the second one is much more useful.
- Bananas.
An essential food because they contain serotonin. They also help fight irritability. Plus, a useful product for constipation and hemorrhoids (sorry, but this is the prose of life :-)).
- Figs.
It is a source of a large amount of rapidly soluble glucose in the blood, many minerals, vitamins and is able to quickly restore strength and improve well-being.
- Dates.
They contain many vitamins, amino acids and minerals and cheer up.
- Raisins.
Also rich in vitamins and minerals, it increases efficiency and strengthens the nervous system.
- Dried apricots. Plums.
Contains up to 80% sugar and many other useful substances, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
The calorie content of dried fruits makes it necessary to limit their intake to 20-30 grams at a time. They can also cause acute toxic reactions (serotonin syndrome) if consumed in large quantities.
vegetable proteins.
Some of the best sources of tryptophan are soybeans, peanuts, and peanut butter. Magnesium and vitamin B2 are involved in the production of serotonin — these substances are rich in almonds.
Animal squirrels:
Cottage cheese and turkey contain the amino acid tryptophan, under its influence serotonin is produced.
Fish, seafood (squid, shrimp, crabs, algae) and fish oil containing large amounts of Omega-3 and Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. They directly affect the level of serotonin. It is better to buy fish oil in a pharmacy and drink a tablespoon a day. Children in winter should definitely do this instead of the SUN, vitamin D. It is better to give it with calcium. I gave my son all my childhood in winter, periods. And he waved over 180 cm, although my husband and I are not tall, and there are no special long ones in the family. Although the transfer of genes from distant relatives do not rule out. But, who knows, maybe fish oil with calcium helped.
- Bell pepper.
Pantry of vitamin C (in the first place in the content of vitamin C), which is necessary for the formation of serotonin in the brain. Also sauerkraut.
- Cranberry, black currant. Make fruit drinks and drink a glass a day, there is a sea of uXNUMXbuXNUMXbvitamin C.
- Asparagus, green salads, celery, cauliflower, broccoli.
- Potatoes.
There is a lot of potassium in potatoes — there is no such amount of potassium as in potatoes in bread, meat, or fish (500 mg per 100 g of vegetable). Potassium supports the heart muscle and has anti-sclerotic properties. It is better to cook in uniform or in the oven.
- Oranges.
A real storehouse of vitamins, it contains vitamins A, B1, B2, PP, as well as trace elements such as magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, calcium and iron. But the main advantage of an orange is vitamin C. Oranges are useful for the digestive, endocrine, cardiovascular and nervous systems of a person. Orange juice activates all body functions, improves metabolism, has a tonic effect, is indicated for beriberi, chronic fatigue syndrome. It perfectly tones and relieves fatigue. Orange juice contains phytoncides — anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action.
- Tomatoes in their pure form contain serotonin.
Plus, it contains potassium, which is part of the tomatoes, normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular system. Iron is a barrier to anemia, asthenia. Zinc — improves the condition of the hair and promotes the regeneration of skin cells. Perhaps the most important factor in the beneficial properties of tomatoes is their natural antioxidant capacity. The first product against cancer.
- Cocoa and mustard are also serotonin-boosting foods.
- Net carbohydrates — table sugar, fructose.
It makes sure that more serotonin is formed in our brain. But excessive consumption of easily digestible carbohydrates leads to the opposite effect.
- Chocolate.
Only in small quantities and only Russian — according to old traditions (Babaevsky, Rot-Front, etc.), without E2, E4, flavor enhancers, etc. Chocolate contains phenylethylamine, a substance that is rebuilt in the body into an opiate, taking away sadness and uplifting mood. In addition to opiates, chocolate also contains anandiamide. It irritates the same receptors in the brain as hashish.
But an excess of carbohydrates is harmful to the body, so a sense of proportion in this case is simply necessary. And if you correctly calculate the mode of taking carbohydrate foods, then you can have the most beneficial effect on your mood.
The serotonin diet involves frequent and fractional meals.
To increase the effectiveness of mood, maintain high mental and physical performance, it is necessary to additionally take the following vitamins and trace elements: Magnesium, Chromium, Vitamins E / sunflower oil (remember that a lean diet makes a person angry. Little fat means little happiness neurotransmitter), Vanadium , Biotin, L — lipoic acid, Zinc, Selenium. Or replace with products that have a lot of these elements.
From phytopreparations increase the level of serotonin St. John’s wort.
And also important!
- Just water.
Just drink water! Between meals, 1 glass, 1 time in 2 hours. For what? 85% of brain tissues are made up of water. The brain makes up about 1/50 of the total body weight, and it uses about 1/20 of the body’s blood supply. Dehydration causes a decrease in energy in the brain. In fact, research has linked depression and chronic fatigue syndrome to dehydration. The brain needs water to function effectively. Other liquid: tea, coffee, alcohol dehydrates the body. After drinking a glass of tea or coffee, it is recommended to drink 2 glasses of water to restore the water balance in the body. Juices, soups, fruit drinks — this is not water! It is vital for a person, in addition to “delicious”, to drink just water. And you need to teach your children to do this. How much water does your child drink per day?
- Fresh air.
Ventilate the room more often. The concentration of carbon dioxide affects a person to sleep.
NOT useful
There are also common factors that reduce serotonin levels:
- smoking,
- alcohol,
- coffee,
- excessive protein intake
- excessive consumption of easily digestible carbohydrates,
- canned foods, chips, etc. are completely excluded from the diet,
- and especially monosodium glutamate.
Monosodium glutamate can be useful, in small doses, and only natural — the one that is found in ordinary products (seaweed) that are not processed. Synthesized monosodium glutamate obtained artificially is added to food products intended for long-term storage. It is beneficial to manufacturers, because it enhances the taste of products, or rather, giving them taste. They often use stale and poor-quality raw materials, monosodium glutamate simultaneously suppresses rancidity, mustiness and other unpleasant aftertastes — even the taste of decaying meat. In large quantities, it inhibits the nervous system. Causes physical and psychological dependence. Simple food becomes bland and tasteless. Taste receptors become desensitized. Read more here
Stimulants — no!
Alcohol — temporarily increases the level of serotonin, but in the long term lowers it — (only dry red wine can be consumed in small quantities). Alcohol, by the way, blocks the breakdown of serotonin in the brain.
Coffee — I stopped drinking coffee for a month now. Prior to that, I was a coffee lover with 15 years of experience. Immediately began to fall asleep well, respectively, to get up well — cheerfully. Energy is not something that has not decreased, but increased. The main thing is that it has become more stable to stay without drops. And before it was like a horse that was spurred on with a whip, it made a jerk and quickly ran out of steam, it took extra time to recover. I recommend everyone to quit this business and you will feel that your energy, efficiency and effectiveness are not related to these stimulants.
Important note: it is important not to put a ban on «drinking coffee», I allow myself to indulge on holidays, joint meetings of friends, etc. This makes it psychologically easier to deal with. And the holiday becomes doubly better when you combine pleasant communication with a pleasant drink. It’s just kayf!
Approximate food intake per day to increase serotonin in the body.
1 banana + a slice of black bread + 1 orange.
Before dinner — 2 tablespoons of sunflower seeds + chestnut honey (effective for the cardiovascular system, does not give sweat).
Vinaigrette + turkey/fish.
The composition of the vinaigrette: sauerkraut / or pickled cucumber, potatoes, carrots, beets (boiled vegetables in their uniforms, so all the useful substances remain, in particular potassium in potatoes, the most important element for the heart), onions (secondary processing — mashed with a pinch of sugar or scalded), greens + unrefined sunflower oil.
Afternoon snack
Fruits or dried fruits, nuts.
Dinner — cottage cheese or kefir with a slice of white bread, with otu.e.mi.
Water is always present on the desktop!
You can also eat other healthy foods along the way. The main thing is that the whole day there is a conscious and constant set of serotonin in the body!