How to deal with oily skin (and whether to do it)

The dream of owners of oily skin is to permanently get rid of excess shine and all the problems that are associated with increased sebum secretion. It is not always possible to fully realize this dream, but it is quite possible to significantly improve the situation.

Causes of oily skin

Increased oiliness of the skin is usually associated with acne, but the skin itself with enlarged pores and greasy shine often becomes the subject of complexes and discontent. Do not be discouraged – in the modern world, experts already know why the skin releases more sebum and how to influence the sebaceous glands.
  1. Hormonal factor

    During puberty, during pregnancy, with the onset of menopause, or after the withdrawal of oral contraceptives, the skin may secrete more sebum. The result is oily sheen, enlarged pores, acne.

  2. Lack of moisture

    Climate change, the use of too aggressive cosmetics are common causes of dehydration, which causes pores to secrete more sebum.

  3. Genetics

    Most owners of oily skin have increased sensitivity of sebaceous gland receptors to androgens, which manifests itself in increased greasiness and a tendency to rashes.

Check if you are taking care of problem skin properly.

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Signs of oily skin

It is known that oily skin becomes due to too active work of the sebaceous glands. Most often this manifests itself in the form:

  • excessive shine;

  • an abundance of black dots on the face, especially in the T-zone;

  • enlarged pores;

  • dull, earthy complexion;

  • uneven skin texture;

  • tendency to rash and inflammation.

Signs of oily skin – excess shine, large pores, prone to breakouts and blackheads

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Care for oily skin

Usually dermatologists put an equal sign between oily and problem skin. And they have every reason for this – the signs of both types are quite similar. When caring for oily skin, it is important not to skip any step.


Oily skin like no other needs daily cleansing. The scheme is simple:

  • make-up removal using special products for oily skin or micellar solutions;

  • washing, for which products with a pronounced antibacterial and sebum-regulating effect are suitable;

  • deep cleansing twice a week with clay masks.


After washing, use a toner or lotion to restore the pH of the skin.

  • Pour some into the palm of your hand.

  • Apply with soft patting motions.

  • Let it soak in and only after 5-7 minutes proceed to the next stage of care.


Oily skin is in dire need of hydration: the more moisture it receives, the more balanced the sebaceous glands work. As a day care, use gels and fluids with mattifying, sebum-regulating and antibacterial substances. It is desirable that the product has an SPF factor.

In the evening, you can use a richer cream. The main condition: the packaging must be marked “non-comedogenic”.

There are cosmetic procedures to reduce oily skin.

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Care mistakes

Often girls with oily skin take care of it incorrectly. We talk about the most common mistakes that you should avoid if you know firsthand what shine, black dots and constant inflammation are.

Improper cleansing

Most people with oily skin are tempted to squeak clean. In fact, she needs the most gentle cleansing.

Instead of alkaline soaps that break the skin’s protective hydrolipidic mantle, choose gels and foams with a pH level of 5,0-5,5, which corresponds to the normal pH of the skin.

Using a cloth towel

Wiping your face with an ordinary terry towel is not recommended – this can provoke new inflammation. Better to use disposable paper towels.

Washing with too hot water

For oily skin, warm water is suitable, but in no case hot or cold water.

The use of scrubs and strips from blackheads

To quickly get rid of comedones, many use scrubs with large abrasive particles that injure the skin and can provoke an infection.

The strips are glued to the face, and then torn off along with the heads of the comedones. After the first application, they give a noticeable result, but irritate sensitive nerve endings, which can lead to an outbreak of inflammation.

The strips should not be used simultaneously with cosmetics based on retinoids. During the period of adaptation to retinoids, the skin is prone to irritation and flaking, and it does not need unnecessary injuries.

Neglect of sun protection

It is believed that the sun reduces the oiliness of the skin, but this is a common misconception. Ultraviolet light really dries out acne, but after a while the skin turns on the natural defense mechanism and, as a result, thickens. And the sebaceous glands under the influence of heat begin to produce more sebum. As a result, sebum clogs the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands, which leads to inflammatory processes.

Using sunscreen is a must! Look for products with a light texture, give preference to combined filters.

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Reducing Oily Skin: Helpful Tips

It is impossible to completely get rid of excess fat. But you can keep your skin in good condition by following some rules.

Exfoliate regularly

An important component of oily skin care is regular exfoliation and maintaining an acid-base balance of 5,5. For this, products with hydroxy acids, including salicylic acid, are suitable. To strengthen the lipid barrier, exfoliants include ceramides and cholesterol.

Keep track of your hormones

It is believed that cosmetic preparations, which include:

  • extracts of soy, wild Mexican sweet potato, damian, clover, nettle, hops;

  • alpha-linolenic acid from blackcurrant, borage, evening primrose oils;

  • zinc.

Apply anti-inflammatory drugs

Owners of oily skin should remember about creams with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and sebum-regulating effects. In the formulas of such funds, look for:

  • plant extracts calendula, chamomile, birch, celandine and tea tree oil: in addition to antibacterial, these components contain many other substances useful for the skin;

  • peptides: they reduce inflammation, improve skin quality;

  • nicotinamide: the water-soluble form of vitamin B3 has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Owners of oily skin should avoid salty, spicy, sweet foods from the diet.

Change your diet

If the skin is prone to oiliness and inflammation, be more attentive to the quality of food.

  • Try to avoid fatty, spicy foods from your diet. Dairy products are also not welcome.

  • Do not get carried away with fried and too salty foods, as well as sweet and starchy foods.

  • Give preference to green salads, vegetables, meat and fish.

  • Remember to drink at least 1,5-2 liters of water daily.

Increase physical activity

We need sports exercises, long walks, yoga not only to combat physical inactivity and its consequences. For skin respiration, this is also a necessary condition.

Seek help from experts

If oily skin has begun to cause significant discomfort and the frequency of inflammation has increased, you should not self-medicate. A competent dermatologist after examination and analysis will give the necessary recommendations for care.

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Oily skin and age

If oily skin is hereditary, then over the course of life the situation will not change dramatically. There is good news – unlike dry and combination skin, oily skin ages much more slowly. Of course, with proper care.

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Seasonal care for oily skin

You can provide this help to oily skin in the cold and warm seasons.

In winter, oily skin approaches combination

  • in winter

    Under the influence of low temperatures, the production of sebum is noticeably reduced, so in cold weather, oily skin experiences fewer problems, and sometimes approaches the combination in condition. The main task of winter care is moisturizing and protection.

  • Lettom

    The warm season is a real test for owners of oily skin. Heat on the street and indoors, stuffiness in transport – all this provokes increased sebum secretion, which has a bad effect on the condition of the pores. In order not to overload the skin, choose products with light textures: gel, fluid, serum, matting gel-cream.

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Oily skin care for men

Men’s skin is much denser than women’s, with larger pores and increased sebum production. All this suggests that men’s skin in most cases is oily. Let’s talk about the basic rules for caring for her.

90% of men have oily skin type

  • Cleansing with foams and gels – look for sorbents in their composition, for example, activated charcoal or marine extracts, which rid the pores of excess sebum.

  • Toning Helps shrink pores and has a mattifying effect. Healing components (panthenol, allantoin, bisabolol), soothing substances and vitamins (usually vitamin E, less often C) are usually added to the composition of tonics. But colognes and alcohol lotions are equally harmful to all skin types. Perhaps they can only be useful for disinfecting accidental cuts.

  • Cream with salicylic acid helps to avoid oily sheen and clogged pores.

  • After shave – for oily, inflammatory skin, you need to choose a product with an anti-inflammatory effect (tea tree oil, aloe, triclosan will provide it) and a light texture (milk or fluid) that does not clog pores.

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Cosmetic procedures

Recently, in cosmetology, many truly effective methods have appeared that help to significantly improve the condition of oily skin.


Several types of peeling are used in clinics and beauty salons:

  1. vacuum;

  2. surface chemical;

  3. median.

All of them are performed by professionals according to a clear protocol. As a result, it is possible to even out the skin texture, eliminate comedones, cleanse the pores of excess sebum, smooth fine wrinkles, and accelerate cell renewal.

Peeling, despite its effectiveness, requires great care and is not applicable in all cases.

Ultrasonic cleaning

This simple and most common procedure allows you to rid the skin of dead cells, cleanse pores, improve skin tone.

Mechanical cleaning

One of the most effective ways to care for oily and problem skin. After preliminary steaming, the contents of the pores are removed with special tools.


For the treatment of oily and problematic skin, mesotherapy is often indicated – an injection technique that delivers medicinal substances to the deeper layers of the skin, which is beyond the power of any cosmetic product. It is carried out by a course of several procedures, it can be used only on problem areas of the face.

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Cosmetics for oily skin

To cleanse oily skin

Cleanser Normaderm 3-in-1, Vichy

Suitable for oily problematic skin. Contains salicylic acid, kaolin. Can be used as a dirt remover, exfoliating scrub, purifying mask. Suitable for daily use.

Cleansing cream-gel for problematic dry skin Clear H Iso-Biome, La Roche-Posay

It cleanses oily skin, provides antibacterial and sebum-regulating action due to zinc included in the composition. Eases discomfort associated with acne medication.

Purifying mask “Magic clay. Detox and Radiance, L’Oréal Paris

Three types of clay (kaolin, gassul, montmorillonite) and coal deeply cleanse the skin and pores from impurities. Apply 3 times a week on cleansed face with a thin layer for 5-10 minutes.

Face gel with brush “Clean Skin, Active Exfopro”, Garnier

The formula is enriched with salicylic acid and a regenerating phytocomplex to prevent breakouts and inflammation.

For oily skin

Cream-gel for problem skin with the first signs of aging Normaderm, Vichy

Lipohydroxy and glycolic acids fight clogged pores, reduce inflammation and reduce shine. Vitamin C promotes collagen synthesis and evens out skin tone.

5-in-1 Hyaluronic Aloe Care BB Cream for Combination and Oily Skin, Garnier

Mattifies and hydrates thanks to hyaluronic acid, aloe vera and mineral pigments that reduce shine.

Phloretin CF Antioxidant Serum, SkinCeuticals

L-ascorbic and ferulic acids and phloretin protect the skin from the effects of oxidative stress. Apply 4-5 drops in the morning on a cleansed face. Also suitable for men’s skin.

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