How to deal with nasolabial folds: opinions of a cosmetologist and orthodontist
The nasolabial triangle is an area of the face, the condition of which allows us to draw conclusions about your age and about the methods of facial care you have chosen. To get rid of pronounced nasolabial folds, many decide to inject fillers and think that this is the only way to deal with the problem. However, we decided to find out from doctors of two specialties – an orthodontist and a cosmetologist – what is the reason for the appearance of such furrows and how else you can get rid of them.
Kate Middleton
The area of the nasolabial triangle, bounded by the nose, mouth and nasolabial folds, is otherwise called the “triangle of death.” This area received such a terrifying name for a reason. The fact is that the blood supply is very developed here, and the veins that are located inside the triangle do not have valves – that is why everything that gets into them from the outside, sooner or later, may end up in the vessels of the brain. That is why you should be very careful with all manipulations in the area of this triangle – remember this when you see another pimple or black dot in the mirror.
However, now about something else: we will learn how to make this very triangle visually less pronounced. We turned to three experts to understand which methods are effective in the struggle for the youth of a sensitive area, and which are not very.
Causes of the appearance of nasolabial folds
Why do folds form? There are several reasons for this – some are quite understandable and expected, while others are not so obvious:
• hypertonicity of facial muscles: contracting, they seem to pull in the skin along with them,
as a result, a fold is formed;
• decreased skin tone, natural aging process;
• heredity: you have probably noticed that many and in quite
at a young age, there are characteristic grooves;
• features of the structure of the bones of the skull, posture, occlusion.
Posture and bite
Pronounced nasolabial folds at a young age can be a symptom that you have problems with bite or posture. In addition, for the same reasons, a fairly early appearance of the nasolabials is possible, even if they were not initially noticeable.
We found out from the dentist how common this problem is: our questions are answered Irina Nikitchenko, dentist, orthodontist of the Dent-El network of dental clinics, expert of the Medbooking service.
“If the problem is in the malocclusion and the shape of the jaw (for example, the upper jaw is too small), then, indeed, even a young person may have pronounced nasolabial folds,” says the doctor. – However, simply correcting the bite with braces or mouth guards will have little effect on the appearance and will not remove deep nasolabial folds. This can be helped by surgical intervention on both jaws to give them the correct harmonious shape and size. Such procedures are carried out for medical and aesthetic reasons. “
As for the question of what comes first: problems with posture – which, in turn, affect the bite, or, conversely, an incorrect bite that “distorts” the posture, there is no consensus expert opinion here. Is it like a dilemma about which came before – the chicken or the egg?
“All joints in the body are interconnected, and the mandibular joints are closely related to both the neck and posture,” the expert continues. – True, about what exactly is the root cause – posture disorders or malocclusion – there is still debate in the medical environment. Ideally, in case of malocclusion and back problems, the orthodontist should work together with an osteopath to simultaneously correct dental-maxillary pathology and correct posture or other pathologies of the spine. “
Therefore, if you suspect that the nature of your nasolabials is in the peculiarities of the bite, check with an orthodontist before rushing for a dose of fillers so popular today.
Injection methods
If you nevertheless come to the conclusion that fillers are indispensable, consider a few important points. So, a specialist who will work with you, when choosing a filler, must definitely pay attention to the following features: your history, the structure of the skull, the condition of the subcutaneous fat and its location. There are quite a few features and techniques for administering drugs, and each time the choice is made individually, based on the characteristics of the patient.
She told us about the methods of introducing fillers Victoria Vikulova, cosmetologist, dermatovenerologist of the family network of medical clinics, expert of the Medbooking service: “A needle or cannula can be used, sometimes the gel is injected into the periosteum or fanned out with a cannula. It is important that the filler injected near the arteries located in the area of the nasolabial triangle does not create vascular ischemia and subsequent tissue necrosis. If in the area of the nasolabial folds a deep fold has formed, we introduce a denser filler, taking into account the dosage of the drug, and if the patient is young and the fold is poorly expressed, you can use light fillers with the first lines icon, or fillers of medium density. Sometimes the “puff pastry” or “sandwich” technique is used to achieve the best effect. A denser preparation is placed on the bottom of the wrinkle, and a lighter one on top.
How to choose “your” doctor
Remember that a competent cosmetologist always takes into account the danger zones, the state of the patient’s blood vessels and the general state of health, finds out what drugs the patient is currently taking.
Viktoria Vikulova warns: “The absolute contraindications for fillers are pregnancy, lactation and cancer. Relative ones include diabetes mellitus, infectious and inflammatory diseases. A few days before the procedure, you need to stop taking anticoagulants to avoid bruising and bruising. “
How not to get a “pillow face”
For example, some celebrities can see how the abuse of fillers changes the situation with the nasolabial folds: they become less pronounced, but the face swells and acquires a characteristic puffiness. Finding out how to avoid this.
“There is such a phenomenon as dysmorphophobia, when a person is constantly preoccupied with defects in his appearance. In such a situation, it may seem to him that if he does not give injections, then his life will be terrible, – continues our expert. – This is a serious psychological disorder, in which not injections of hyaluronic acid are indicated, but the help of a neurologist or psychiatrist.
The task of a specialist, if such a patient comes to him, is to talk carefully with him, to try to dissuade him from the procedure, in severe cases – to send him for a consultation to a neurologist. ” However, such patients do not always have psychological and mental disorders.
“You need to be extremely careful with patients who have a tendency to form edema (with endocrinological, gastroenterological diseases, with renal failure, etc.),” says Victoria Vikulova. – The fact is that the composition of the administered preparations contains high-density hyaluronic acid, which is broken down within a year. Its molecules attract water molecules, a constant tissue regeneration occurs at the injection site, since the filler holds water and forces the body’s own cells to intensively renew. If a person is prone to edema, then this effect is not at all beneficial: a strong swelling and puffiness of the injection zone is created. Such a patient needs to deal with the treatment of existing diseases, and injections are contraindicated for him. “
According to the doctor, no negative consequences will arise, and the face will look young and completely natural in the following cases:
if the injections are made correctly, in the right dosage and the required density, taking into account all the features of the face;
if there are no contraindications, the patient is healthy;
if the frequency of administration is observed (hypercorrection is not done, that is, too frequent administration of the gel).
Are you worried about the severity of nasolabial folds?
Yes, I don’t know what to do
Yes, I’m going to introduce a filler
No, it doesn’t bother me yet, I’m studying ways of prevention