How to deal with mosquitoes? Tips and home remedies for mosquitoes

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Mosquitoes are an age-old summer problem – people who are allergic to their bites can spoil their holidays effectively. Though it sometimes seems as if we are condemned to their company, there are actually several things that can set us free from them.

  1. In addition to the heat, mosquitoes are also very hard to deal with this summer
  2. Is there a way to effectively scare them away? The list of ideas is long, but only a few options are most effective
  3. It is also worth knowing that mosquitoes do not like everyone the same
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Are mosquito repellers effective?

Whether abroad or at home, finding ways to get bitten by mosquitoes and other pesky insects is a common obsession. Due to moisture and heat, there are a lot of mosquitoes this year. They make life difficult not only in nature, but also in cities.

For starters, it’s a good idea to warn against scammers who often try to take advantage of customers’ ignorance. One of the myths about deterring mosquitoes, for example, is electronic buzzers, which, by emitting high or low frequency sounds, allegedly reproduce the sound of the wingbeating of male mosquitoes or dragonflies that feed on insects.

  1. See what anti-mosquito remedies are available on Medonet Market, which can be purchased separately or in sets.

Manufacturers say the sounds are intended to deter female mosquitoes that transmit malaria. However, the conducted laboratory tests do not show any usefulness of such inventions.

To scare away mosquitoes, it is better to use more natural remedies, such as herbs with a specific smell. For example, try anise, which gives off a scent that can repel these insects.

Why is a mosquito bite dangerous?

The unpleasant itching inherent in a mosquito bite is the result not so much of the bite itself as of a drop of saliva injected through the prickle under the skin, which prevents blood from clotting. This substance causes allergic reactions and swelling in many people, which is best affected by lime dissolved in water.

  1. Find out if lime actually relieves your allergy symptoms

The good news is that the most common of the country’s 47 species of mosquitoes is Culex pipiensthat does not transmit infectious diseases.

However, thousands of travelers return each year from places where a simple mosquito bite can cause malaria. Antimalarials should be taken before, during, and after travel to parts of the world at risk of this disease, namely Africa, South and Central America, and Southeast Asia.


The fact that there is no risk of malaria in Poland does not mean, however, that bites are not dangerous.

Although acute allergies to substances in mosquito saliva are rare, they do happen. In this case, they can even lead to anaphylactic shock. That is why bites should not be underestimated – especially when young children are exposed to them.

Before we start fighting mosquitoes, however, let’s get to know our enemy better. Firstly, although their global diversity is large, oscillating around 3500 species, we can focus our attention on the already mentioned Culex pipiensie, popularly known as «buzzing mosquito«. Since females need a large amount of protein to lay eggs, in the course of evolution they have developed an apparatus capable of sucking blood that is naturally rich in proteins very quickly. Interestingly, males, like butterflies, feed on the nectar of flowers.

If you have frequent contact with insects, drink BOLLERIOFIX prophylactically – a herbal tea that supports the body in the fight against free radicals and strengthens immunity.

What attracts mosquitoes?

As you know, mosquitoes prowl in the evening and are often able to locate their prey, despite the darkness. This is because they are attracted by the increased concentration of carbon dioxide in human exhaled air, as well as by the lactic acid and ammonia in sweat.

Natural body odor also plays a significant role. A study published in the British journal Current Biology suggested that thanks to special olfactory receptors, mosquitoes are more sensitive to human odors than, for example, the smell of a cow or a chimpanzee. Despite this, not all of us are equally tasty – some people just smell sweeter to insects than others. After high temperature, this is another reason why it is worth taking a shower often on hot days.

  1. What to do when sweat works like a shower?

In addition to the smell, insects locate a food source quite well thanks to it thermodetection. In this respect, children, young men and women during ovulation are much more likely to be bitten. Wearing dark clothes also increases the risk of getting bitten, because this color of clothes reflects the sun’s rays the worst, and heats up quickly.

If a mosquito is bitten, use the Mini-Click to relieve the symptoms of insect bites. The preparation can be used in children from 6 months of age. It is convenient to use and effectively stops itching and scratching.

Worth knowing

Although mosquitoes can penetrate many types of materials, they find thick linen and denim a problem for them.

Protect yourself from mosquitoes – check the opinions about mosquito nets on

How to fight mosquitoes?

When we know enough about how mosquitoes ‘hunt’, it’s time to see what we have to fight them. According to the Ministry of Health, the best protection is provided by DEET (N, N-diethyl-meta-toluamide) based products. This agent was developed by US Army chemists after experience gained in combat in wet tropical forests during World War II, and then used in Vietnam.

The best, according to clinical trials in London insect repellants for use in the open air are those containing at least 30 percent. DEET. While there have been concerns about the safety of these agents, using solutions of no more than 20 percent in infants and children, and completely avoiding their use in children under two months of age, prevents any unwanted effects.

The most readily available natural alternative to DEET is Vitamin B1 (Thiamin), which is widely believed to provide protection for up to 36 hours. Excess vitamin is excreted by the body through sweat and urine, and its smell (imperceptible to humans) theoretically repels mosquitoes.

There is for sure a lot of anecdotal evidence of the effectiveness of vitamin B1 consumption, and many people believe that consuming increased amounts of e.g. beer (contains vitamin B1) saved them from chewing. However, there is no scientific evidence for this. While a few studies have been conducted, most have been in animals, not humans. In the most recent, published in 2005 by scientists from the University of Wisconsin, “no effect of vitamin B1 supplementation in mosquito repelling” has been shown.

Essential oils for mosquitoes

When we dream of a barbecue with friends, the last thing we need is a swarm of mosquitoes buzzing over our heads. Therefore, if we have such an opportunity and we grill, for example, on a plot, let’s think about planting plants that repel insects with their oils.

For example, tansy flower will be perfect, and the infusion prepared from it can be used to rub the body and hair. In turn, the herb gilding maruna, which you can buy at Medonet Market, has a soothing effect on mosquito bites.

  1. Find out which plants and herbs have healing properties

Although not everyone can afford lemon eucalyptus, which contains citriodiol (an active ingredient often described as the natural equivalent of chemical repellants), Often, even ordinary basil is enough, the intense aroma of which helps to get rid of insects.

There are also ready-made remedies based on natural essential oils, such as Spray for ticks and mosquitoes Tick Stop Sanity. Its composition includes eucalyptus oil and lavender.

Read more:

  1. Repellants – effective ways to fight insects and more
  2. Bites by midges, mosquitoes, tsetse flies, bloodworms, ground fleas
  3. The usual mosquito bite turned out to be a tragedy – an unusual case

However, the most popular is Pickranthuscommonly called komarzyca. It is a climbing plant, the main decoration of which are two-colored leaves – green with white edges. We can plant it both in pots and directly into the soil. It works well in hanging pots and on walls, walls and other elements that serve them as supports. Plectrant leaves contain very aromatic essential oils that perfectly repel unwanted mosquitoes.

Catnip, a perennial which is 35-40 cm high, adored by cats, works in a similar way. It blooms for quite a long time, from July to September. This plant forms dense thickets and gives off a scent that mosquitoes cannot stand.

Products containing thyme, lemongrass and other oilseeds do not offer much protection. And some fragrances, such as lavender, may even attract insects rather than scare them away. Nevertheless, lavender oil works well as a remedy for use after a bite, as it prevents the formation of swelling.

Home remedies for mosquitoes

However, not everyone can use chemical preparations. For allergy sufferers, home remedies for dealing with mosquitoes will be more suitable. When it comes to prophylaxis, it is worth cleaning the basement well in the spring. It often happens that it is there, near the ceiling, that female mosquitoes winter, which, left until summer, can lay up to several hundred eggs. Because mosquito larvae they thrive in water, so remember to cover all garden water reservoirs if possible.

Mosquitoes need only 2,5 cm of water to reproduce.

Decorative ponds should be full of fish, and any excess water from potted plants, poorly drained flower beds, holes in trees and clogged gutters should be removed.

  1. Watch out for poisoning with organic solvents

However, if the above-mentioned treatments did not give the desired results, we can resort to the following solution: pour a small amount of turpentine on the saucer, closing the doors and windows in the room, then leave for 20 minutes. After returning, the mosquitoes dormant by the vapors will be lying on the floor. In addition, fresh onion slices work well because they have an unpleasant aroma for mosquitoes.

  1. Can peony petals be eaten?

Some also believe that pots with geraniums or tomato leaves placed on the windowsill prevent insects from entering the house – a classic mosquito net, however, works much better.

Author: Marcin Łukasz Makowski

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