How to deal with mosquito bites? There are home remedies for this. These products can help

The mosquito season has started. In spring and summer, there are many insects that are attracted by human blood, carbon dioxide exhaled by humans, the smell of skin and blood group 0. Bite marks are not only itchy, but also look unsightly. How to get rid of them quickly? Here are some home remedies.

  1. Traces of mosquito bites not only look ugly, but can also cause unpleasant sensations on the skin as well as pain
  2. There is no shortage of ointments to soothe irritation, but there are also home remedies for mosquito bites
  3. Some products will have a soothing effect, others lighten, and others antibacterial. Quite a few of them can be found at home
  4. You can find more similar articles at TvoiLokony home page

Traces of mosquito bites are very characteristic. It begins with a slight hardening of the bitten site, and then a red spot appears. As if that was not enough, the skin starts to itch and it is difficult to let go of the scratching of the bite area, which does not help in its disappearance at all. Such marks may remain on the skin for up to several days. Various ointments are available at the pharmacy that are great for these skin irritations, but you can also use products available at home.

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Ways to deal with mosquito bites

  1. Aloeit is perfect for skin irritations, including those after mosquito bites. The juice of aloe leaves is absorbed very quickly and perfectly hydrates the skin, and additionally cleans it deeply and accelerates the process of epidermis regeneration. In addition, aloe vera juice activates fibroblasts (connective tissue cells) responsible for skin healing. The juice can be soaked in a cotton ball / gauze and left for 15 minutes to irritate. Marks should fade. You can also smear the bite site with aloe gel;
  2. Cucumber fresh cucumber will work well not only on the plate. Just put a slice of it like a gauze pad with aloe vera juice for 15 minutes on the irritated area. After this time, the redness on the skin should be lighter;
  3. Lemon contains large amounts of citric acid, which belongs to the hydroxy acid group chemical compounds that accelerate the regeneration process as well as exfoliation of the epidermis. Therefore, to soften the marks of mosquito bites, you can use a cotton ball / gauze soaked in lemon juice and rub it over discoloration or put a lemon slice on the skin;
  4. Rose water contains sugar compounds, tannins, flavonoids, vitamins (including vitamin C) and mineral salts, thanks to which it quickly removes all redness. You can soak a cotton pad with such water and wipe the irritated area;
  1. Ice will help alleviate an unpleasant feeling ice cube compressesto constrict blood vessels and inhibit the secretion of histamine;
  2. Basil due to the content of eugenol and menthol, it effectively makes the bite less itchy and painful. It is enough to rub a few leaves of basil in your hands and put it on the bite site or you can brew the leaves with water, and after cooling, apply the decoction on the bite mark;
  3. Thyme it will work just like basil. You can use fresh or dried and leave it on damaged skin for a few minutesto see him antimicrobial action;
  4. Baking powder a teaspoon of powder should be mix with a small amount of water to form a paste and apply to the irritated area of ​​skin. After a few minutes, rinse off with water.

The best practice for mosquitoes, however, is to avoid being bitten. The MUGGA Spray available in Medonet Market can help.

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