How to deal with laziness in a teenager: advice from a psychologist about a child
The transition from junior to high school age is usually not easy. New teachers, changing body shapes, first falling in love – all this causes a storm of emotions. Often during this period, teenagers become lazy, so parents need to know how to deal with laziness. The best advisor in this matter is a psychologist who knows all the features of adolescence.
The adolescent crisis is associated with changes in life. At the age of 11-13, he feels like an adult, independent, so any requests from his elders seem insignificant to him. He becomes lazy.
Before you deal with adolescent laziness, you need to establish its cause.
This may be due to the following reasons:
- Temperament. If a student is lazy in his studies, this is due to the psychological properties of his personality. It is difficult for a choleric person to focus on the teacher’s words, so over time, interest in learning disappears, and laziness appears.
- Lack of interest. In order for a son to be active in any kind of activity, he must be interested. Lack of motivation always breeds laziness.
- Self-doubt. A person may be afraid to do something new, because he doubts the successful results of his activity.
- Overwork. Too much exercise has a negative effect on physical activity. Everyone should have time to rest.
The main thing is to identify in time the cause of laziness in a teenager. Otherwise, every year he will become more and more lazy and will not be able to do something on his own.
Psychology tips on how to cope with laziness in a child
Parents need to help cope with adolescent crisis. To do this, you must take into account a number of recommendations:
- It is necessary to listen to the student, be interested in his problems and help solve them. He must understand that his opinion is taken into account, and his parents take care of him.
- Pay attention to sleep. Often a person is inattentive, not collected and lazy due to insomnia, which can be caused by falling in love or suffering stress.
- It is necessary to explain to the student that he has a number of responsibilities that he must perform. But he should not be allowed to have all the housework on his shoulders. Even if his parents are at work every day, he also needs time for leisure. It is recommended that you make a list of household chores for each family member.
Compliance with these recommendations will help to cope with children’s laziness. But sometimes you need to show your son or daughter to a psychologist.
Parental care is very important during adolescence. Therefore, you should not try to cope with laziness by forcing a teenager to do something. He himself must understand the importance of being active.