How to deal with cellulite: new methods

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“You’re lovely!” – say those around you if your figure is slim and harmonious. “I am done, I care about the beauty of my body!” – you tell yourself, having done a good job in the gym or any other workout. “Relax, cellulite is inevitable!” An inner voice whispers provocatively. So who should you believe? And is it worth giving up in the fight against the unpleasant “orange peel”, which strives to settle on the skin?

The fact is that in problem areas, blood circulation and lymph flow are impaired, and little oxygen is supplied to adipose tissues, therefore, sports loads designed specifically for enhanced microcirculation are ineffective. First of all, you need to prepare the body – to unload the tissues prone to cellulite, “break” stubborn fat cells, improve blood circulation and remove the stagnation of fluids in the tissues. The endermology procedure on the LPG apparatus will help you with this. The method was developed specifically to combat cellulite and is based on the use of massage with mechanized rollers in combination with a pulsating vacuum. During the procedure, the skin fold is massaged up to 16 times per second – which masseur can do that?

LPG endermology results:

  • Visible reduction in cellulite
  • Improving skin texture, tone and elasticity
  • Reduction of edema, volume and body weight

In one procedure, LPG endermology solves a whole range of body aesthetics problems: eliminates puffiness, reduces fat deposits, improves skin trophism and elasticity, and models the entire body contour. In addition, LPG produces collagen and elastin, which make the skin firm and firm. The body is rejuvenated, body volume and weight decrease.

LPG Efficacy Confirmed by the FDA

Today in the Jean Louis David beauty salon we offer endermology using the LPG Keymodule apparatus – a physiological and safe technique that has been helping women for decades to achieve quick and significant body shaping.

Those who wish can come for a consultation, where doctors will be happy to answer all questions. Registration by phone: 217-83-09, 223-05-50.

Take advantage of a special offer from the Jean Louis David salon, and the path to a beautiful figure will not only be productive and comfortable, but also profitable! 590 rubles per procedure *



Station highway, 10

Tel. 217-83-09

* When buying a course of 10 procedures (the cost of the course is 5900 rubles). The number of courses is limited. Details by phone.

There are contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is required.

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