How to deal with back pain

How to deal with back pain

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Dr. Romanov’s center for aesthetic health improvement “YUAL” is a place where they know how to cope with pain and ailments and return everyone to excellent health.

The modern rhythm of life sometimes does not leave us time to monitor our health. Often, almost every one of us neglects the prevention of various diseases. And it often happens that we go to the doctor when the disease has already started. The signal for action for many is pain, sometimes unbearable.

Most of the patients come to the center of Dr. Romanov at precisely such moments. And the specialists of the center, thanks to their vast professional experience, the latest technologies and traditional methods, help patients find health and harmony. Each case of contacting the center is individual. Here they find their own approach to patients of any age, with any problems. Indeed, even one and the same person can be prescribed different methods of treatment at different periods. It all depends on the specific situation at the time of contact. Based on the diagnosis, it may be:

  • Manual therapy
  • Hirudotherapy
  • Electrophoresis
  • Acupuncture
  • Shockwave therapy

Special attention should be paid to the eastern method of influencing the pathology of the spine and musculoskeletal system – hijama. This is the release of the spinal motion segment from blood stasis through hirudotherapy.

Specialists center “YuAL” literally put people on their feet. During the existence of the center, hundreds of patients have been given the opportunity to live an active, full-fledged life here. If you need not just a doctor, but a specialist who cares about your health and the health of your family, then center “YuAL” – This is your choice.

G. Barnaul, st. Union of Republics, 36b,

тел.: (3852) 57-03-21, 8-923-568-70-81

There are contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is required.

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