How to deal with autumn depression. Video
With shorter days and less sun exposure, mood swings are common. But if you do not take any measures and do not fight them, there is only one step left until the autumn depression, which can last until spring itself. In fact, there are many ways to overcome the blues at home. You just need not to succumb to laziness.
How to deal with autumn depression: video
Why does autumn depression appear?
The reasons for this phenomenon lie both at the psychological and physiological levels. There is a point of view according to which depression arises from disappointment that the summer, so beloved by many, has already ended, and there is only slush, mud and dullness ahead. At the physiological level, the reasons are much simpler: due to the reduction in the length of the day and the amount of sun in the body, the production of melanin is activated, with an excess of which a deterioration in mood is the norm.
People who are impressionable and have low self-esteem are more prone to depression. Therefore, you need to fight depression by increasing your own self-esteem.
Diet as a method of fighting depression
For active functioning, the body must receive a sufficient amount of vitamins, therefore autumn and winter are not the best times for tough diets. To improve your health, you need to eat more vegetables and fruits, especially those that contribute to the production of serotonin, called the hormone of happiness. These include all citrus fruits, bananas, pumpkins. But it is better to abstain from the abuse of chocolate, which also helps to produce serotonin, since later you will have to overcome the problems associated with being overweight.
You should not abuse sweet and heavy foods, as this method of fighting depression will not lead to anything other than gaining pounds.
Color therapy and physical activity
Before you fight depression, you should rethink your lifestyle. In the cold season, it is especially pleasant to spend the whole day in front of the couch, but this is not a reason to wait for a spring day in order to convince yourself to go outside. Fresh air is as essential as light. Therefore, physical activity in nature is only welcome. If the lack of sun is felt literally on a physical level, you can go to the solarium. This alternative to natural ultraviolet light can also lift your mood. It should not be forgotten that during sports, adrenaline is produced, which brings the body into tone. So physical activity for depression is one of the best medicines, but you need to do exercises not sporadically, but regularly. In part of the world, it is impossible to replace the sun with bulbs, but even bright electric lighting has its own benefits, as well as other color spots against the background of autumn dullness. These can be such little things as a bright mug for tea or zones, giving positive emotions. You should get them as often as possible and in any way you like, be it reading an interesting magazine or book, chatting with friends or watching a good movie.
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