One of the most annoying features of anxiety is its unpredictability. It can overtake at any time, including in the workplace. We’ve put together some tips to help you manage your anxiety.
“Most people experience some level of anxiety all the time,” says clinical psychologist Keith Cummins. “Remember how nervous you are before a presentation or a conversation with your boss about a pay rise.”
Continuous and intense anxiety is another matter. It interferes with focus and reduces productivity, creating a vicious cycle of stress. According to an American Psychological Association survey, 18% of the population finds it difficult to cope with work responsibilities due to anxiety or other mental problems.
“The fact that the quality of work will be evaluated can provoke a lot of anxiety,” says Ryan Hooper, a clinical psychologist from Chicago. The fear of making a mistake, reinforced by the desire to succeed, can be paralyzing.
Anxiety can be dealt with
External factors also play a role: an unfavorable work environment and tense relationships with colleagues provoke additional anxiety. Anxiety can also be associated with painful memories, such as being fired, or worries about financial well-being.
You don’t have to suffer in silence, anxiety can be dealt with. Here are a few tips to help you manage your stressful day at work.
1. Determine the possible cause
Anxiety is often manifested by a racing heart, sweaty palms, tightness in the chest, trouble concentrating, or a flood of negative thoughts. To cope with an attack, you need to understand what provoked it.
Identify the moments when the anxiety rises. Perhaps it happens while driving to work, while talking to a co-worker, or when you are assigned a new project. If that doesn’t work, Ryan Hooper recommends that you start keeping a diary in the evenings and write down all the events of the past day in it. “Describing experiences on paper, you get the opportunity to look at what happened from a different angle,” the psychologist explains, adding that you need to list in the diary what you did during the day and what feelings you experienced.
2. Try to find a simple solution
Having figured out what provokes seizures, you can come up with a solution. For example, if your relationship with a colleague is not going well, talk and set boundaries. If commuting gets on your nerves, take a different route. These decisions will help you feel that you are in control of your mental state.
3. When you feel anxiety rising, ask yourself two questions
Develop a strategy to deal with anxiety. “Find a quiet place where you can reset yourself. Retire and analyze thoughts. Ask yourself two questions: “How do I feel right now?” and “What happened today that brought me to this state?”.
The more you think about anxiety, the better you will be able to control the condition.
Then you can do an exercise to relieve tension: deep breathing, relaxing music. Try writing down negative thoughts and think about how you can turn them into positive affirmations. “The more often you comprehend anxiety, not allowing it to remain in the darkness of the unconscious, the better you will be able to control your condition,” says the psychologist.
4. Adjust the rhythm of the day after hours
Develop the habit of taking care of your physical, emotional and mental health. Walk the dog in the evenings, go to a cafe with a friend on Friday, do intense workouts. Cummins advises rethinking the morning routine so that the morning is not entirely devoted to getting ready for work. “Set your alarm 15 minutes early and devote that time to yoga, meditation, or sit down with a cup of coffee and think about something pleasant.”
5. “Reboot” the brain
When a computer or smartphone starts to work slowly or with errors, we restart it. So why not “reboot” your brain when anxiety hits? “Try to take breaks during the work day to think about pleasant things,” recommends Cummins. It can be a cup of coffee or a concert that you plan to go to at the end of the week.
“You need to create a space of positive thoughts that will help reduce anxiety,” says the psychologist.
6. Consider the value of your work
Perhaps it gives financial independence or your help makes life easier for clients. “By remembering the value of work, you can look at anxiety from a different perspective,” says Hooper.
7. Tell your boss
If you find it difficult to fulfill duties or performance has declined, Cummins advises telling your boss about it.
If anxiety is interfering with your normal life, seek professional help.
“Most organizations will treat you with understanding or be willing to discuss ways to deal with stress. If you trust the leader, tell him about your condition. So you will stop feeling that you are left alone with problems. If anxiety is interfering with your normal life, seek professional help. “Anxiety will not go away completely, but with effective treatment it can become less painful and you will start to feel more confident,” explains Hooper.
Anxiety overcomes many, but this does not mean that you should suffer alone. “Everyone goes through periods of ups and downs, everyone has to deal with depression, sometimes you can’t do without the help of a professional,” says Cummins.