How to deal with a hangover at home

🙂 Hello everyone! Friends, let’s talk about: How to deal with a hangover. The article has helpful tips and videos

What is a hangover?

A hangover is a person feeling unwell after taking an increased dose of alcohol. Poisoning with alcohol decomposition products – acetaldehydes occurs. Symptoms: headache, nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps, inability to concentrate.

How to deal with a hangover at home

Many people, having drunk too much, the next day look for salvation in coffee. But this is not the best way to deal with a hangover, experts say. Alcohol removes fluid from the body.

Coffee works the same way. Headache is one of the symptoms of dehydration. Therefore, if you notice that after coffee your head starts to hurt, it is no coincidence.

Coffee, like strong tea, increases the tone of the nervous system, improving overall well-being. And although caffeine promotes cerebral circulation, in the case of hangover syndrome, cerebral edema can occur. This is usually evidenced by reddening of the eyes, bad mood, high blood pressure, too fast heartbeat.

By drinking coffee / tea after a stormy party, people bring the likelihood of developing a stroke closer. At risk are people over 50 years old. Also, caffeine stimulates the heart, forcing it to pump heavily thick blood. This can lead to a heart attack. Young people aged 30-35 are most at risk here.

Hangover Fight

Moderately hot, moderately salty meat or fish broth will help. You can reheat the jelly. This will help to gently start the functioning of the intestines, kidneys and liver. This will help purify the blood more quickly.

How to deal with a hangover at home

Alternatively, prepare a vegetable broth, for example, from potatoes with finely chopped onions. You need to cook until the onion is completely boiled. Home preservation will also come to the rescue: pickles, tomatoes, sauerkraut.

Such products enhance the secretion of digestive secretions into the intestinal lumen. The processes of blood purification will start, and at the same time the digestive system will improve. This recipe helps more than just hangovers.

In the first half of pregnancy, it can help to eliminate the symptoms of toxicosis. Natural fermented milk products (kefir, sour milk, yogurt) also facilitate easy digestion.

There are people getting drunk even from natural kvass. And there are those who can drink a lot, but alcohol does not “take” them. These “lucky ones” have genes from the Scandinavians. The activity of the enzyme alcohol dehydrodenase, which converts alcohol into toxin aldehyde, which causes a hangover, is low.

The high activity of another enzyme – acetaldehyde dehydrogenase – absorbing energy from alcohol, it quickly converts the toxic aldehyde into acetic acid.

If a person has many genes from Southeast Asia, the activity of the first enzyme is excessive, as is the rate of formation of toxic acetaldehyde, which the second enzyme cannot cope with. This leads to acute alcohol poisoning even with the use of small doses of alcoholic beverages.

Eat juicy fruits and berries, experts advise. They contain antioxidants, effectively cleanse the blood, but they have a drawback – they do not actively reduce blood viscosity. A decoction of dried fruits will also be useful.

But it is better to eat baked apples or drink compote from fully boiled apples, previously peeled from the core. Fruit gluten acts as an active sorbent, and compote replenishes the body’s fluid reserves. However, choose not sweet, but sour or sweet and sour varieties of apples. Better – “wild”.

How can you prevent a hangover?

The safest way is not to drink alcohol at all. Then the liver (the metabolic “brain” of the body, on which almost all the processes that take place in it depend) will work well.

Do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach. After each glass, have a snack. Please note: carbonated drinks (sweet and mineral water), juices, compotes are not considered a snack!

Do not mix strong alcoholic drinks with low alcohol drinks.

If you have a hangover, anyway:

Don’t get hungover! This will help relieve the symptoms of drunkenness for a while. Alcohol enhances liver function, and accordingly, the amount of toxic acetaldehyde decreases.

But with new doses of alcohol, new portions are formed, and the hangover will return. If you do this, you can re-experiment before chronic alcoholism. The liver will be difficult to repair.

Alcoholic steatohepatitis is a disease that is difficult to treat. Especially when the liver is affected by other irritants (ecology, nutrition, medicines). This disease often leads to the development of liver cirrhosis;

Do not go to the bathhouse. The higher the temperature, the greater the risk. And if in a Turkish hammam 100% humidity does not allow sweat to evaporate (it simply flows off), the Russian bath and Finnish sauna create conditions for overheating the body.

In response, a healthy body responds with increased sweating, the process of cleansing the body through the skin is launched. If there is an excess of liquid in it, this process is easy and without complications.

And if a person has a hangover, where can the body get water to fight active overheating? This entails a sharp increase in blood viscosity and the risks associated with it;

Don’t go to the gym. Intense physical activity in a closed room is contraindicated for you! Shortness of breath and increased sweating further dehydrate the body.

Go out to the balcony and get some fresh air or simply ventilate the room. The extra oxygen will allow your liver to better metabolize alcohol and its by-products and help you out of your hangover.

How to relieve a hangover

This video compilation contains helpful tips on how to deal with a hangover.


Friends, we are waiting for your comments and advice from personal experience on how to deal with a hangover. 🙂 Be always healthy and do everything in moderation!

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