How to deal with a cold

Winter does not want to end, despite the onset of March. And catching a cold in the Russian climate is as easy as shelling pears. It is worth getting sick – and you can say goodbye to regular training, perhaps for a long period.

If you feel that you are on the edge, then ALEX FITNESS recommends trying to cope with folk remedies.

  • Vitamin C can help reduce your risk of getting a cold by as much as 50 percent! Take it in a volume of 250 to 1000 mg or stock up on fruits and vegetables: 2 small oranges and bell peppers a day – and you are the owner of a powerful immune shield.
  • Elder. The syrup of its berries helps fight viruses because it contains flavonoids. 1 teaspoon of syrup in a glass of tea 3-4 times a day – and the symptoms of a cold will no longer cause discomfort.
  • Salt. Rinsing the nose with salt water will get rid of mucus and relieve swelling. Yes, the procedure is not particularly pleasant, but effective! Mix 1 teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of warm water. Then in turn suck the solution through each nostril and blow your nose.
  • Honey. An excellent natural medicine that will relieve you of a cough. Honey coats the walls of the throat and protects them from mucus (which is exactly what causes coughing). You can eat it in its pure form or dissolve a couple of spoons in a glass of tea.
  • Propolis. Bee glue, which has a lot of useful properties – from anti-inflammatory to antibacterial. Propolis improves immunity, destroys toxins and accelerates the regeneration of the body. It can be infused with alcohol or used as a natural chewing gum.

Well, if natural remedies did not help, then turn to doctors and medicines. But remember: in case of a serious illness, self-treatment can be very dangerous for health!


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