How to de-acidify the body?

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Dehydration of the body is the restoration of the body’s acid-base balance, which may be disturbed by a poor diet and stress. Symptoms of acidification of the body include weakening of the general condition, increased susceptibility to colds and flu conditions associated with decreased immunity, poorer appearance of the skin, hair and nails, as well as a feeling of tiredness and lack of energy. In such a situation, de-acidification of the body, i.e. increasing the level of alkaline reaction, may be helpful.

The causes of acidification of the body

When there are too many acidic foods in the diet, the acid-base balance is disturbed and acidification of the body. This balance is also disturbed by stimulants such as coffee, tea, alcohol and cigarettes. To the causes acidification of the body We can also include, for example, slimming diets, during which dehydration and accelerated metabolic changes occur, which may cause an acid-base imbalance. Also, taking certain medications can cause acid-base imbalances and acidification the body. This condition can also occur as a result of intensive sports – muscle pain, popularly known as sore muscles, is nothing more than a symptom of the accumulation of acid in the muscles secreted in metabolic processes during intense exercise. To the causes acidification of the body also includes stress and an unhealthy lifestyle (lack of physical activity, fast pace of life, lack of coping skills, poor diet).

To reduce the discomfort associated with sourdough, you can use Beta-Alanine – OstroVit cherry-lemon-lime shot.

Symptoms of acidification of the body

An acidified body is a decline in fitness and a poorer ability to concentrate and cope with stress and the challenges of everyday life. By acidification of the body there are headaches, heartburn, fatigue, flatulence, problems with the skin, hair and nails (nails become brittle, hair falls out, blemishes and other imperfections appear on the skin). Down symptoms of acidification of the body there are also pain in muscles and joints, frequent infections associated with lowering the level of immunity, weight gain or lack of weight loss, nervousness, lack of energy, a feeling of heaviness.

Appropriate supplementation can help the body fight the effects of acidification of the body. The Dr Jacob’s brand offers pH Balans – a supplement for de-acidification of the body, available at a very attractive price, today at

Ways to de-acidify the body, or how to effectively de-acidify the body?

The primary and most effective way to deacidification of the body is to change your diet and introduce more alkaline products. These include: lemon (lemon juice), millet and buckwheat groats, fresh vegetables (for example tomatoes, broccoli, zucchini, spinach and beetroot) and fruit (primarily citrus, kiwi, bananas, strawberries and watermelon). Organism can be effective deacidify also, including larger amounts of olive oil and other vegetable oils (rapeseed, grape seed, evening primrose, pumpkin seed oil) and nuts in the diet, and replacing black tea and coffee with green tea, grain coffee and herbal teas.

Try the special deacidification teas available at Medonet Market. We recommend Black de-acidifying tea or Green de-acidifying tea.

Another rule for people willing deacidify the body is to eat five meals a day every two to three hours. You then eat less at once, because the body will not be able to send the hunger signal, and the metabolic processes do not cause acidification of the body as it happens when we eat rarely, but in large amounts.

Dehydrate the body you can also, by ensuring its proper hydration – you should drink 2-3 liters of fluids a day, preferably still mineral water and herbal infusions from plants that support digestion and metabolic processes such as cistus, mint, horsetail and nettle. A very good way to deacidification of the body is to drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice every morning. Honey can be added to this drink, which will strengthen its action and support the immune system.

The alkaline diet (alkaline, restoring the acid-base balance) is based on fresh, unprocessed products and the elimination of products that acidify the bodywhich also includes meat, including poultry. Alkaline products should make up about 80% of the daily diet.

To be effective deacidify the body, you should give up stimulants, eat healthy food, ensure a proper amount of sleep and work out ways of coping with stress, rest and relaxation. By deacidification of the body moderate exercise is useful, helping to improve detoxification processes.

To deacidify the body, it is worth using Langsteiner alkaline powder, which is available in a convenient form at Medonet Market. We also recommend fenugreek seeds + for a healthy stomach – a dietary supplement available in the form of capsules.

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