How to cut chicken into portions, video
If you purchased chicken to cut into portions, use the recommendations of experienced chefs. Do not be discouraged if the process seems difficult at first; with practice, you will be convinced of the simplicity of this method.
How to cut chicken: cutting chicken into portions
If the carcass is frozen, then it must first be defrosted. Before cutting, the chicken should be rinsed well under running water and dried with a towel. For work, you need a sharp knife and a cutting board.
Before cooking, you need to cut the chicken into portions
The cutting process takes place in several stages:
- First of all, you need to separate the legs. After slightly incising the skin, you need to pull the thigh, turning the bone out of the joint. Now the leg can be easily cut from the carcass.
- Repeat the procedure for the second leg.
- Having felt the joint connecting the wing to the body, a deep incision should be made, completely cutting off the limb. Do the same process on the other side.
If desired, the legs can be cut into thighs and drumsticks, and the thinnest part of the wings can be separated, giving them a more aesthetic look.
How to butcher a chicken after limb separation?
To divide the carcass into a back and breast, it is necessary to cut it along the line of cartilage. It is located in the place where fat accumulates on the sides. It should be cut from the bottom of the carcass to the place where the head was. Fillets should be removed from the breast as follows:
- make a small incision between the small bones in the upper part of the breast;
- having found a large bone with cartilage, you need to pry it off and slightly unbend the breast, pushing the bone out with your fingers at this time;
- with smooth movements to the lower edge, pry off the cartilage, separating the meat from it;
- grasping the cartilaginous bone, you need to pull it with effort to remove it;
- the breast should be cut in two and the remaining rib bones cut out.
The skin of the fillet can be removed or left on the meat.
Video instruction: how to butcher a chicken
As a result of the work done, you will receive 8 portioned pieces of chicken: two thighs, drumsticks, wings and fillets, as well as a back for preparing first courses. The prepared pieces can be put in the freezer by wrapping each of them separately in plastic wrap.
With the help of video instructions, you can visually familiarize yourself with the cutting process and see the places of cartilage incisions. With practice, the process of separating the portioned pieces will not be difficult and time-consuming.
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