Rosehip pruning is necessary for culture every year. It is carried out to form a crown and for sanitary purposes. At the same time, only strongly overgrown, as well as weakened, damaged and diseased branches are removed in summer and autumn. A radical, formative haircut is carried out only in the spring, before the buds begin to swell.
Why you need to cut the rosehip
Rose hips grow quickly, so pruning and shaping are essential care requirements. Haircut happens:
- sanitary – removal of dried, broken, old and diseased branches. It is necessary to cut them, because they only take away water and nutrients, but do not bear fruit and do not decorate the bush;
- forming – thinning the crown, giving it a beautiful look. You can cut to create a trunk. The procedure is necessary when creating a hedge;
- anti-aging – radical pruning of old rosehip bushes to stimulate the growth of young shoots so that they bloom well and produce a crop.
It is important to prune both young and adult bushes. At the same time, it is necessary to observe the deadlines – more often it is spring and autumn, but often the branches are sheared in the summer months.
When is the best time to prune a rosehip?
When pruning rose hips, it is important to proceed from the goal. The shrub can be grown for a good harvest or to decorate the site. In the first case, it is necessary to do regular spring and autumn pruning of wild rose, and it is better during the dormant period, rather than active growth.
For decorative purposes, a haircut can be carried out all year round. At the same time, the main work must be done in early spring or late autumn, and in the summer – only adjust the contours, thin out the crown and remove diseased, weakened shoots.
Therefore, in the first 2–3 years, you can experiment without restrictions on its appearance.

Shaping haircut is necessary to give a beautiful appearance to the shrub
Is it necessary and when to cut the wild rose in the fall for the winter
In the autumn, the wild rose should be cut, but only to remove diseased, broken branches. It is not recommended to engage in a shaping, rejuvenating haircut, since a weakened plant survives the winter worse. Therefore, it is necessary to remove damaged shoots, while touching the old ones is not recommended.
If the winter is too cold, the young branches will die, while the old ones will mostly survive. It is they who will start to grow next year. Autumn haircut is carried out in the first half of October, when all the berries are harvested, and the leaves turn yellow and begin to fly off.
When to prune in spring
It is advisable to carry out spring pruning at the very beginning of March or even at the end of February, when the buds are still sleeping. First, frozen and broken shoots are removed. After that, a bush is formed and the crown is thinned out.
Is it possible to cut the wild rose in the summer, in July
They also do haircuts in the summer. After flowering, it is necessary to do gentle pruning of the wild rose, pinching the tops of heavily overgrown branches. In July, the crown is thinned out and given a beautiful shape, for example, in the form of a hedge. All affected shoots are removed immediately, regardless of the season.
What tools and materials will be required for trimming
To carry out a haircut, you will need a pruner, a pruner or garden shears, as well as gloves. The blades are pre-treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or other antiseptic.
To form a hedge, you have to remove a lot of branches at once, so it is more convenient to use a trimmer. Shearing is carried out only in dry weather. During operation, the tool is placed at arm level (maximum to the shoulders) and parallel to the ground. The movements should not be too wide. If there is no experience, it is better to practice on the lawn first.
How to cut and shape a wild rose bush

Shearing schemes depend on the purpose, time of year and age of the crop.
A more radical option occurs in spring (formation of a shrub, removal of up to 2/3 of the length of all shoots). In summer, it is only necessary to trim the crown and thin it out, and in the fall it is recommended to do a sanitary haircut.
How to prune rose hips in spring
In the spring, the most important stage of the haircut is coming. First of all, branches damaged by frost or broken by the wind, under the weight of snow, are removed. Then they begin to form a bush on a trunk, in the form of a ball or a hedge. In the first years of life, 2/3 of the length of all branches are removed, then 1/3 each.
How to prune rose hips in summer
In the summer (early July), it is recommended to pinch the apical points of growth and thin out the crown. When forming a hedge, it is important to periodically remove all overgrown branches.
How to prune rose hips in autumn
The rosehip pruning scheme in autumn is quite simple – in mid-October, all weakened and damaged branches must be removed. It is not necessary to form a plant at this time – it is better to do this in the spring.
How to form a hedge
One of the classic pruning options is to form a rosehip bush in the form of a hedge. To get a beautiful row, the plants are planted as densely as possible, with an interval of 50–60 cm. Further instructions are as follows:
- Before planting, shorten all shoots so that their length is no more than 40 cm (about a third).
- The following year, in the middle of spring, cut off all the shoots, leaving no more than 1 m in height.
- Then trim the hedge every year (usually just below human height) in the spring.
- In summer, thin out the crown, removing only small shoots that spoil the appearance (strong pruning during the period of active growth is not recommended).
Branches are tied to them, after which all unnecessary is removed. It turns out an attractive, neat row.

A wild rose hedge can not only decorate the site, but also protect it from the penetration of animals.
How to form in the form of a tree on a trunk
Pruning in the form of a trunk allows you to get a beautiful bush with a bare trunk and a compact crown. It is convenient to pick berries from it. In addition, a tree on a stem decorates any area, especially when planted in rows or in compositions with other plants.
The rules for pruning rose hips to obtain a bole are as follows (the procedure is carried out annually in the spring):
- In the year of planting, leave a strong young shoot (without side branches) and cut it to 50-60 cm.
- The next season, remove the lateral lower branches to get a bare trunk (stem).
- Leave a few healthy, strong shoots – they will be the frame of the tree.
- For the third season, shorten all overgrown lateral branches of the wild rose by 1/3 of the length. If the increase is small, it is enough to pinch the top point.
- After 5–6 years of life, the culture can be rejuvenated by cutting it at the root – new bushes are grown from basal shoots.
How to make in the form of a ball
Rose hips can also be beautifully cut in the form of a spherical bush. The step-by-step instruction is as follows (the procedure is also carried out in the spring):
- The branches are cut so that they leave the shrub at the same distance (remove up to half the length).
- The next season, a more radical pruning is carried out, removing 2/3 of the length, while all shoots should again be the same.
- In subsequent years, the procedure is repeated.
- At the same time, weakened and frost-bitten branches are removed in early spring and late autumn.
- Every 5 years, a rejuvenating haircut is performed (in early spring).
When pruning, experienced gardeners recommend following the basic rules:
- Regardless of the type of pruning, one must proceed from the fact that an adult bush should have 15–20 strong branches. They should be evenly spaced.
- The lower shoots can be cut off completely, as they do not produce an ovary.
- Each fruit branch lives for 5 years, after which it is better to cut it.
- Sections should preferably be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or garden pitch. Instead, they can be sprinkled with charcoal or activated charcoal powder.
- It is important to periodically remove the root shoots, as they actively multiply and give new shoots.
- When working with tall specimens, be sure to use a stepladder.

For cutting, you will need a pruner or other tool with a sharp blade.
Rosehip pruning is necessary to obtain a beautiful, healthy shrub that produces a stable crop of healthy berries. The trees on the trunk and the hedge harmoniously fit into the design of any site. Even beginners can handle the haircut. The plant recovers quickly, so there is a lot of space for creativity. The main stages of pruning rose hips are clearly shown in the video.