How to cure urinary incontinence? Conscious women are not ashamed to take care of their health.
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Have you ever pissed while laughing? If your answer is yes, it could mean two things: either the joke was extremely funny or you suffer from urinary incontinence. Involuntary loss of urine while laughing, coughing, sneezing or exercising, contrary to popular belief, is not the domain of elderly women. This embarrassing ailment also affects young women after 27 years of age. Young mothers and fans of exhausting physical training are most exposed to it. Fortunately, modern medicine provides a non-invasive solution, thanks to which the problem of urinary incontinence disappears while relaxing in a specialized chair. Patients do not even have to undress. Instead, they can read the newspaper while enjoying a coffee or use the phone during a 28-minute session at Serafin Clinic – a health center for women in Gliwice.

Kegel muscles – you can’t forget them

The main cause of stress urinary incontinence is the weakened pelvic floor muscles, i.e. Kegel muscles. Their weakening causes the aforementioned childbirth, intense physical exertion, which occurs, among others, by while practicing cressfit, weightlifting or jumping. The reason for weakness may also be overweight or obesity, estrogen deficiency, surgery in the lower abdomen, and the passage of time. Regardless of the circumstances, it is worth knowing that stress urinary incontinence can affect women at almost any stage of life.

Kegel muscles have tremendous power, and are so underestimated by women, and often overlooked. They are also responsible for women’s sexual satisfaction, so taking care of their proper tension is not only practical, but also significantly improves the intimate and emotional sphere, and thus the comfort of life. However, before we start any therapy or treatment, it is important to consult a specialist doctor. An expert will diagnose our problem and help distinguish stress urinary incontinence from other ailments, including endocrine disorders.

Don’t complicate your life!

Stress urinary incontinence can be very burdensome both in everyday life and in the implementation of travel plans. Unfortunately, most women struggling with the effects of this embarrassing ailment reach for panty liners, spending a lot of money and only temporarily mask the problem, instead of successfully curing the disease. Meanwhile, the right reaction at the initial stage allows for a quick return to full freedom and comfort of life.

When urinary incontinence is not yet severe, physical therapy is common practice, which involves exercising the pelvic muscles, such as clenching the buttocks and thighs, or exercising the vagina. This is usually the first step in treating WNTM. In more advanced cases, pharmacology is already used (most often in menopausal women), surgical treatment or laser therapy, which can be used at any stage of WNTM, but is excluded by contraindications, such as e.g. autoimmune diseases or diabetes.

Make yourself comfortable in the chair that heals

Fortunately, science is still moving forward and new, effective and non-invasive treatments are emerging. Now we can even get rid of the urinary incontinence problem without getting up from the chair! We are talking about a device that uses HIFEM (High – Intensity Electromagnetic Technology) technology, called the BTL Emsell armchair. Its highly concentrated electromagnetic field energizes the muscles throughout the pelvic region. Within 28 minutes, the device causes over 11 contractions!

This is really good gymnastics in express time. Thanks to this, patients can deal with the nagging problem of urinary incontinence in just three weeks. Importantly, this procedure is completely discreet, does not require complicated procedures, or even undressing – the patient can perform it in the same clothes in which she came to the clinic. The Emsella armchair not only saves a lot of time and effort, but also money. Only 6 necessary treatment sessions using BTL Emsell are the equivalent of the results of a year of self-exercise and the cost of the annual supply of insoles, which only mask the problem. After a year, you should come for a training session. The whole therapy is only 3 weeks. Contrary to opinions, stress urinary incontinence, which causes many women to sleep at night, can be successfully cured and you can enjoy life again.

Let us add that the Emsell procedure is recommended not only for women suffering from stress urinary incontinence.

– Therapeutic sessions on the BTL Emsella chair can also be used by women who have problems with pelvic floor muscles stretched after childbirth or people whose muscles have been weakened due to heavy lifting or heavy physical exertion, e.g. athletes. The operation of this device has a significant impact on the quality of life of patients – from everyday activities to increasing sexual satisfaction – says doctor Dawid Serafin, specialist in gynecology and obstetrics, owner of Serafin Clinic in Gliwice.

The use of the BTL Emsella chair is also recommended as physiotherapy after gynecological and urological procedures. The treatments are also often used by women who want to improve the quality of sexual life. As research shows, as many as 95% of patients feel a significant improvement in the sexual sphere. Treatments can also be treated prophylactically, for example as pelvic floor muscle training before a planned pregnancy.

Before the baby comes

The birth of a child is a revolution in every aspect of life, but most of all in the body and organism of a woman. It is natural that the expectant mother thinks first of all about the needs of the awaited baby. However, pregnant women should also take care of their health and body. Professionals understand that the well-being and psychological comfort of the future mother have a huge impact on the health of her child. That is why many clinics offer a full range of prenatal tests, which not only diagnose potential risks, but also help to understand what is happening to the baby at every stage of pregnancy.

– Prenatal diagnosis enables the assessment of the health of the unborn child and the exclusion or confirmation of any defects or diseases. Some of them can be treated while the fetus is still developing, while others can be treated right after delivery, for which medical staff can prepare much better when they know that the baby has some abnormalities. In our clinic, we perform prenatal examinations using specialized ultrasound equipment, thanks to which the results are precise and very accurate – emphasizes Dr. Anna Fryczkowska, specialist in gynecology and obstetrics at Serafin Clinic.

Prenatal tests are non-invasive and painless, they do not pose a risk of complications or pregnancy risks. They are performed in each of the three trimesters of pregnancy. – Every expectant mother should undergo the tests, but it is especially recommended for women over 35, whose family or partner’s family has had genetic diseases, and for women who have already given birth to a sick child. – adds Anna Fryczkowska, MD, PhD.

It is important to choose the trimester in which we will decide on prenatal tests. Remember not to skip any of the stages, because the accuracy of the research depends on the time in which it was performed.

The first tests that we perform at the beginning of pregnancy, between the 11th and 13th week, are aimed at assessing the risk of genetic diseases in a child. Precise measurements of individual organs made during ultrasound are entered into a computer program that calculates the risk scale of genetic defects.

The second important date is between the 18th and 23rd week of pregnancy. Then, during the examination, the specialist is able to check the correct structure of the entire body and selected organs, such as the brain, heart, lungs and other organs of the child. The appearance of the face, hands and feet is also assessed. At this stage, it is possible to determine the sex of the child with almost 100% certainty.

The latest tests, which fall between the 30th and 33th week of pregnancy, should not be underestimated, even if the previous two were normal. At this stage, it is possible to identify the appearance of defects such as the heart or the brain, which could not be detected earlier due to the too small size of the fetus. In addition, the test performed in the third trimester allows you to very precisely determine the risk of premature birth or other diseases that may cause complications in the last weeks of pregnancy, and these are an extremely important period for the child. It is at this time that it gains the appropriate weight and gains the ability to live independently after being born.

Women’s health at every stage of life in the center of attention

Femininity has many faces, you could say as many as women around the world themselves. Each of them has their own needs and sometimes problems. In a modern clinic, with a team of doctors with many specialties, each patient, regardless of the style and lifestyle she leads, should find a place for herself. Above all, however, she should be able to fully trust the people in whose hands she entrusts her and her loved ones’ health.

Women often do not talk about their intimate problems because embarrassment and embarrassment are often stronger than the need for comfort. However, this trend is gradually changing. This fact should not be surprising, because modern women are strong, self-confident and need to take care of their health. Moreover, women began to pay more and more attention to the comfort of sex life. They want to feel beautiful and accepted, but most of all they don’t ignore the health aspects. At seraphin Clinic, the health of a woman at every stage of her life is at the center of our attention and concern – Dr. Dawid Serafin emphasizes.

Serafin Clinic

Women’s Health Center


Gliwice, ul. Daszyńskiego 34

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