Hemorrhoids is an ailment accompanied by an increase in hemorrhoidal nodules, which, at serious stages of the disease, can fall outside the anus. This disease has vivid symptoms: itching, burning, pain, bleeding and other uncomfortable manifestations.
It does not easily complicate the performance of the usual household activities, but also makes the whole lifestyle inactive. Because of this, a person for a long time loses the opportunity to perform physical exercises, lift heavy things, etc.
Work matters, children, household chores: unfortunately, not all people have the time and opportunity to take the time to see a doctor and undergo a full course of treatment. It remains for such people to use another option: the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease at home. The article will consider the main methods of eliminating the disease, available to everyone.
On the subject: 5 warning signs of hemorrhoids in women and men
What provokes the development of hemorrhoids?
To understand how to treat hemorrhoids to the full elimination of painful symptoms, you will need to understand what this disease is and what contributes to the emergence and development of pathogenesis.
Under the hemorrhoidal disease, it is customary to understand varicose cavernous formations located under the mucous membrane of the rectal canal and under the skin of the perianal region.
Cavernous bodies – vascular interlacing of veins and arteries, which are laid down during intrauterine development of the fetus. In the usual state, hemorrhoid caverns are involved in the containment of waste products and gas formation in the anus.
The main reason for the expansion of cavernous formations and their transformation into hemorrhoids can be called venous insufficiency, characterized by weak vessel walls. Due to the low venous tone, the blood in the arteries significantly loads the caverns, so they expand.
Additionally, other prerequisites that affect health in general, or specifically on the anorectal zone, can provoke the development of the disease. Doctors conditionally divide factors into predisposing causes and producing ones. Only after careful identification and elimination of the above factors, it is possible to recover from hemorrhoids.
Predisposing causes
In patients with hemorrhoidal disease, as a rule, a hereditary history is burdened. For this reason, negative heredity is considered to be the leading predisposing factor, manifested by a tendency to varicose veins and malfunctions of the venous valves.
In the latter version, problems with the valve mechanism lead to increased arterial blood flow to the formation of caverns, due to which stagnation occurs: the veins are overfilled with blood and enlarge.
Is it possible to completely get rid of hemorrhoids caused by these vascular pathologies? Unfortunately, you can’t. In such situations, specialists prescribe maintenance – preventive treatment with venotonic drugs. Medicines should be taken regularly so that the disease does not go into a serious stage.
Another predisposing cause is low activity, leading to congestive manifestations in the pelvic area. The risk group includes people whose work involves a long stay in a sitting or standing position:
Office workers;
Drivers, truckers;
Employees of the pedagogical sphere;
Employees of computer specializations;
Sales assistants, cashiers, etc.
Producing causes
Systematic heavy physical activity stimulates an increase in blood pressure inside the abdominal zone. As a result, they fill with blood and swell, turning into hemorrhoidal formations altered by varicose veins.
Such hemorrhoids are most susceptible to:
Workers whose work involves lifting and carrying heavy loads;
Athletes-weightlifters, powerlifters.
Regular stress, depression can also provoke hemorrhoids. Due to the unstable psycho-emotional state, the ability to have a normal bowel movement is often impaired and immunity suffers.
Can lead to proctological pathologies and difficulty with defecation. Hardened feces injure convex cavities, causing bleeding. At the same time, frequent attempts stimulate increased blood flow to the veins in the rectum.
An unbalanced menu leads to constipation and, as a result, to the occurrence of hemorrhoidal disease. Passion for the wrong food (salty, pickled, smoked and fatty foods, alcohol-containing drinks) leads to disruption of the entire gastrointestinal tract.
It can be concluded that the answer to the question of whether it is possible to cure hemorrhoids forever depends largely on the prerequisites provoking the disease. Medications and surgery will not bring a positive result if you do not cure constipation or return to an active lifestyle.
Is it possible to treat at home without consulting a doctor?
How to treat hemorrhoids at home? This ailment belongs to the category of those diseases that develop very quickly and abruptly flow into dangerous stages, when it is difficult to do without surgical intervention. For this reason, proctologists and phlebologists do not recommend self-treatment.
Most of the recipes presented in folk reference books or on the global network may not be effective at a certain stage of the disease. They can not easily improve the patient’s well-being, but even lead to serious consequences. At the first detection of signs of hemorrhoids, you should immediately consult a doctor.
When treating hemorrhoids at home, the patient takes responsibility for the result of the treatment procedures. Do not risk your health and use only proven methods to eliminate the disease.
How to treat hemorrhoids: drug treatment
How to treat hemorrhoids at home? The most popular and well-known method is the use of drugs. Medicines can not easily normalize blood flow and remove hemorrhoids, but also eliminate pain and discomfort caused by the disease.
With this treatment option, a variety of drugs are used: ointments and creams, suppositories, tablets. Each of them should be considered separately.
System Tools
To normalize venous tone and stimulate the outflow of blood from hemorrhoids, drugs with venotonic properties are widely used. Their action is due to the following active components: diosmin, hesperidin, troxerutin, etc.
Such funds are struggling with both the consequences of the disease, and with the direct factors of its occurrence. Medications may:
Relieve pain;
Normalize vascular tone;
Improve blood circulation;
Get rid of itching and burning in the anus.
The most famous remedies that can cure hemorrhoids at home are:
Detralex . The drug is considered the most reliable remedy against the increase in hemorrhoids. The list of its properties includes:
Increased vascular tone.
Stimulation of inflow and outflow of blood.
Strengthening the walls of blood vessels.
Relieve discomfort and pain.
This medicine works only in the early stages of the development of the disease. If the hemorrhoids are outside the anus, the drug will no longer help.
Venarus . Venarus can be called the best alternative to Detralex, since the drug has similar pharmacological properties. The main difference is cost. This drug belongs to the budget segment, due to which it is much more popular than its counterpart.
Phlebodia 600 . Like the above funds, the drug belongs to venotonics. The properties of Phlebodia 600 include:
Normalization of the lymphatic system.
Increased vascular tone.
Eliminate inflammation.
Strengthening of the vascular walls.
Troxevasin . The drug is able to get rid of puffiness in the anus by reducing the permeability of the vascular walls.
Ointments and creams
Treatment of hemorrhoids at home quickly and effectively is impossible using only therapeutic ointments and creams. However, drugs can significantly increase the effect of medications, since they contain active ingredients that block pain, eliminate swelling and relieve itching.
However, such remedies have only a local effect, temporarily relieving the patient from discomfort: they do not fight the causes of hemorrhoids. Home treatment of the disease with ointments and creams will not bring results in the severe stages of the manifestation of the disease.
Known ointments include:
Troxevasin gel.
Heparin ointment.
More: Review of the 17 best ointments for hemorrhoids: advantages, uses and prices ➤
Incorrectly selected ointments or creams can aggravate the symptoms of hemorrhoids (for example, due to allergic reactions or individual intolerance to the components). It is recommended that you consult your doctor before taking medication.
Candles (suppositories)
Suppositories are effective drugs that eliminate the expansion of hemorrhoids. They are introduced inside, which helps the active components to act highly effectively on the affected areas.
Hepatrombin G. The tool refers to drugs of combined action: it relieves the inflammatory process, reduces pain and itching in the anus, improves blood flow, relieves swelling, and prevents the formation of blood clots. For such a wide range of effects, the medicine has a low cost – about 180 rubles per pack. Despite the high efficiency, these suppositories have contraindications: syphilis, allergic reactions and individual intolerance to the components, tuberculosis, skin diseases.
Hepazolon . These candles are similar in medicinal properties to the previous ones. They increase vascular tone, normalize blood circulation, relieve pain, cool the damaged area, dissolve thrombotic nodes. The full course of treatment is about a week, however, on the recommendation of a specialist, it can be extended up to two weeks.
Nigepan. Inexpensive, but very effective suppositories with standard functions for antihemorrhoidal drugs. The main difference from other candles can be called the absence of hormonal substances in the list of components. This fact causes a small list of contraindications and adverse reactions.
Procto-Glivenol. One suppository per day is enough to reduce pain, improve the inflow and outflow of blood in the affected area. Restrictions on the use of funds are the period of bearing a child and a variety of disorders of the liver.
Relief, Relief Advance, Relief Ultra. The component composition of these suppositories includes shark liver oil, which activates the regeneration of microcracks.
With ichthyol. Ichthyol has pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic properties. The systematic use of ichthyol-containing suppositories will relieve the symptoms of the disease.
Sea buckthorn. Candles with sea buckthorn oil in the composition not only reduce burning and itching, but also stimulate the healing of cracks that bring severe discomfort.
With propolis. Propolis, like ichthyol and sea buckthorn oil, is considered an excellent antiseptic. Additionally, the substance produces a noticeable cooling effect.
More: Review of 19 hemorrhoid suppositories: advantages, uses and prices ➤
Compliance with diet
Proctologists have compiled a comprehensive diet for hemorrhoidal disease, indicated for varicose veins of the anus and constipation. Nutrition is based on a list of principles:
To eliminate problems with bowel movements and cure hemorrhoids, you need to use laxative foods containing natural dietary fiber. Fruits, vegetables, cereals and bran normalize the movement of digested food through the digestive tract.
It is important to carefully observe the drinking regime, drinking plenty of clean water without gas. The fluid restores the water balance of the body and prevents blood clots. In addition, water softens fiber, due to which fecal matter becomes soft.
To avoid an acute course of hemorrhoids, dishes that irritate the gastrointestinal tract should be excluded from the diet. Such dishes include spicy, sour and pickled dishes and foods.
Is it possible to strengthen the vascular walls with the help of nutrition correction? You can, if you enter lean meat and fish dishes into the regular menu. They contain vitamins, elements and fatty acids necessary for the body, which reduce the fragility of blood vessels.
The list of prohibited products includes products that activate fermentation processes. This category includes: white cabbage, legumes, rye flour pastries, pastries. It is recommended to exclude confectionery from the menu.
You need to change the way you prepare food. Food should not be fried or smoked. The best cooking method is boiling, stewing or steaming.
It is necessary to crush the daily volume of food: you need to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. Overeating also adversely affects the state of intestinal patency, as well as the use of unwanted foods.
Compliance with a balanced menu will help improve stool and normalize the condition of the cavernous bodies of the rectum. So, an antihemorrhoidal diet is one of the answers to the question of how to treat hemorrhoids at home.
More: Diet for hemorrhoids – how to eat? ➤
It is worth remembering that a balanced diet can not always get rid of difficulties with emptying. In this case, the doctor may prescribe laxatives that improve intestinal motility.
Modern proctologists most often prescribe the following effective and safe laxatives:
Dufalac . It is a syrup containing lactulose, related to medicines with an osmotic effect. The microflora of the gastrointestinal tract breaks down the active components to compounds that increase the volume of feces and activate their excretion from the intestines.
Forlax . The powder preparation contains ethylene glycol, which retains fluid in the rectum. This means that the volume of the contents of the intestine increases, the fecal matter swells and irritates the walls of the rectum. Due to this, peristalsis is activated, and the body is cleansed.
Mukofalk . This medicine contains crushed psyllium husks. When it enters the gastrointestinal tract, the husk absorbs water and swells. Such an effect can significantly increase the mass of the contents of the rectum and make the feces softer.
Glycerin candles. Safe natural remedy. The active component of suppositories, when injected into the anus, irritates the nerve endings and softens the products of processing.
Microlax . The release form is a solution in small enemas. The composition of the drug includes substances that break down processed products and displace fluid from the contents of the rectum. Due to this, rapid defecation occurs.
Kastorovoe butter should also be attributed to substances that irritate the intestinal receptors. Castor oil is broken down in the small intestine, resulting in the formation of ricinoleic acid. This substance acts on the nerve endings of the walls of the large intestine, activating its work and causing the urge to defecate. Castor oil leads to complete emptying after about 5-6 hours. Despite the advantages, the remedy is contraindicated when carrying a child, as it helps to contract the uterus. For this reason, castor oil is often used to induce labor.
Bisacodyl – a synthetic drug that irritates the intestinal wall. It affects the body very rapidly: with the introduction of a suppository, relief occurs after 1 hour. As a rule, this medicine is prescribed for constipation caused by a slowdown in the digestive tract. It is used for acute and persistent forms of difficulty in the act of defecation. Bisacodyl’s analogues are Dulcolax, Laxacodyl, Laxatin, Pirilax, Stadalax.
Guttalax (Laxigal, Slabikap, Slabilen, Regulax) also affects the nerve endings of the intestinal walls. Like Bisacodyl, it is considered a universal drug: it is prescribed for acute, chronic and atonic stagnation of feces. Guttalax drops are recommended to be taken in the evening with clean water.
Almost each of the above remedies is a medicine allowed during gestation and breastfeeding. However, all drugs have separate contraindications and side effects: the use of laxative medications must be agreed with a specialist.
Special exercises
One of the effective methods of how to cure hemorrhoids at home should be called the implementation of special physical activity. A unique complex – gymnastic exercises according to Kegel. At first, this charge was created to help women who gave birth to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic organs.
Such charging is successfully used in the proctological area. The systematic implementation of them helps to prevent the exacerbation of the symptoms of hemorrhoidal disease and the occurrence of pathogenic formations in the rectum.
At the initial stages, it is recommended to perform special gymnastics on the back:
The legs are bent at the knee joints, the feet are pressed to the floor surface;
The pelvic muscles are contracted in such a way that the compression of the anal valve and the maximum retraction of the anal passage are felt;
In this position, you need to fix for a few seconds;
Next, relax the anal valve;
The continuation of muscle contractions needs to be increased to 60 seconds.
To quickly achieve a positive effect, it is necessary to perform 10 approaches 4 times a day. The Kegel gymnastic complex is allowed to be performed sitting or standing.
Minimally invasive techniques
In case of serious courses of the disease, when the cavity formations cannot return to the rectal canal after going outside, it is impossible to do without drug treatment alone.
Desarterization (Hal–Rar method)
Desarterization refers to the constriction of arterial channels that feed pathogenic cavities. Doctors perform surgery using a special apparatus equipped with ultrasonic sensors.

Such a procedure will help all patients, regardless of the degree and form of the inflammatory process: desarterization cures both external and internal hemorrhoids, which positively distinguishes the technique from other minimally invasive techniques. The method demonstrates the greatest effectiveness at stages 2 and 3 of hemorrhoidal disease.
The leading advantages of desarterization are: minimal tissue trauma, controlled manipulations on only one affected area, in just 1 manipulation up to 3 hemorrhoids are eliminated and up to 8 arteries are sutured, fast conduction speed, minimal pain after the intervention.
The disadvantages of this method of treatment include: the need for a cardiogram, testing and visiting a therapist before the procedure, switching to a slag-free diet 2 days before the operation as a preparation, the effect of the operation is observed not immediately, but 2-3 months after the procedure.
Desarterization takes about 40-60 minutes and is performed under spinal anesthesia. During this time, the doctor identifies the affected areas, finds inflamed nodes and hemorrhoidal arteries, and then stitches them with threads, which subsequently form connective tissue.
[Video] The chief coloproctologist, surgeon, phlebologist Tyumin A. A. will tell you about the pros and cons of the Hal-Rar procedure:
Laser submucosal coagulation
How to get rid of hemorrhoids with a laser? Laser intervention is easy to use. A laser beam directed at the affected area cauterizes the cavities, due to which the formations first decrease, and then finally dissolve, forming connective tissue.
The most effective laser coagulation at 3 and 4 stages of hemorrhoids. A procedure is prescribed at any stage of the disease, even if thromboid nodes are present, which should be cured before coagulation begins.
[Video] The chief coloproctologist, surgeon, phlebologist Tyumin A.A. will tell you about the pros and cons of submucosal coagulation:
Despite its simplicity, this method of treating hemorrhoids has a number of disadvantages:
Temporary effect up to six months.
Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids
In especially difficult cases, specialists prescribe a surgical operation.
Hemorrhoidectomy, excision of the corpora cavernosa, is used at serious stages of the disease, when the patient is unable to live comfortably as before.

Such manipulation is carried out under general anesthesia in a hospital.
The hemorrhoid is cut, in its opening, using a scalpel or a laser unit, the doctor excises the affected mucosa or pulls the vascular base of the bump.
After the necessary manipulations, the wound areas are sutured (with the closed form of the operation), or remain intact (with the open form).
Hemorrhoids eliminated in this way do not return in almost 95% of cases, however, with minimally invasive methods of exposure, the risk of relapse increases. However, with surgery, full rehabilitation takes longer, up to 4-6 weeks.
So, hemorrhoids is an ailment that requires immediate treatment from a person. If you find the first signs of the disease (bumps in the anus, bleeding during bowel movements, itching and burning), you should immediately contact a proctologist. The specialist will prescribe an effective and appropriate course of treatment and carefully monitor the recovery process.
Methods for the treatment of hemorrhoids at home are diverse, however, a person takes full responsibility for the outcome of self-treatment.