How to cure cystitis after intercourse?

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How is cystitis treated after intercourse? Is cystitis a result of an STI? Is bladder pain a typical female disease? How can cystitis be treated with home remedies? The question is answered by the drug. Anna Mitschke.

What is the treatment for cystitis?

Good day. My name is Agnieszka, I’m 23 years old. Recently I met a boy with whom I started to have sex after some time. However, after the first few intercourse with my body, something very unpleasant began to happen. First I felt pain in the lower abdomen. Additionally, a nuisance appeared bladder pain. This is the first time I encounter such a situation, although this boy is only my third sexual partner.

I went to the doctor and it turned out that I have cystitis. Therefore, my question is – what to take for cystitis? I wonder if the cystitis after intercourse could be due to some disease that this boy infected me? I know he has had a few partners before me, but I wouldn’t suspect him that he was spreading any germs. Is bladder pain after intercourse a disease that often happens to women? He had a condom when we made love, although it wasn’t the best quality. Can Any Sexual Intercourse End With Cystitis? For this reason, I even lost the desire for another close-up.

PS I would be grateful for pointing out maybe some home bladder treatments? I’m on a tight budget at the moment. Thanks for the advice. Regards Aga.

The doctor advises how to treat cystitis

Inflammation of the bladder is a bothersome ailment that often affects patients. Often, discomfort occurs in women who are sexually active. It is manifested by the need to urinate frequently, pain in the suprapubic area and dysuria – impaired urination. Laboratory tests show leukocyturia and predominantly bacteriuria.

Untreated cystitis it may last from a few to several days. The most common cause of infection is Escherichia coli, which is commonly found in the large intestine. The bacterium usually travels from the anus to the area of ​​the urethra and further into the bladder. Rarely, kidney involvement occurs as a result of cystitis. Conditions that impede the outflow of urine predispose to cystitis. This is what happens in the case of nephrolithiasis or prostatic hyperplasia.

In the first-line treatment, nitrofurantoine is used orally at a dose of 100 mg BID for 2-3 days. When symptoms persist, a culture is usually performed and the appropriate therapy is selected depending on the result. It is important to take care of the hygiene of intimate parts. You should wash and rub each day from the urethra to the anus (front to back). It is worth remembering that you should go to the toilet regularly. If possible, do not delay urinating.

It is important to remember to drink the right amount of fluids a day (minimum 1,5 liters). It is worth drinking cranberry juice or taking tablets containing cranberry fruit extract. With a noticeable relationship between the incidence of cystitis and sexual activity, it is possible to consider taking prophylaxis after intercourse. The willingness to introduce prophylaxis should be discussed with the attending physician. I suggest you go back to your GP who will decide on further treatment. If necessary, he or she will order the necessary diagnostic tests and implement appropriate treatment.

— Lek. Anna Mitchke

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