The cold season began, and with it the first colds with handkerchiefs appeared. Don’t be fooled when they tell you that a runny nose is not contagious.
October 19 2015
Runny nose as protection
The saying “a runny nose during treatment takes a week, and without treatment, in seven days” is absolutely true. The nasal mucosa is the first barrier to pathogens, bacteria and viruses. When they get on the nasal mucosa and begin to multiply, we feel a burning sensation and dryness in the nose – this is where any runny nose begins. The second stage – the body’s defenses are activated. The mucous membrane becomes inflamed, swelling appears, we feel a stuffy nose. And the third, final stage – when it started to run out of the nose: this wasted mucous membrane exfoliates and is excreted along with microbes. When the evacuation of the infection is over, we recover. The stages of the process cannot be accelerated, they must successively replace each other. The only thing is that with a more severe infection or weakening of the body, the period increases, with a mild one – it is reduced.
Prepare for the invasion
Even if everyone around you sneezes, it is quite possible to stay healthy. Fresh air is very important. Ventilate your apartment and work area to reduce the number of viruses and bacteria in the air. If in transport someone blows their nose nearby, it is better to move away or get out altogether. Direct entry of the virus into our respiratory tract is 50% of the chances of being infected. The second way to catch an infection with the same probability is from the hands or household items of a sick person. It is important to wash your hands with soap and water several times a day, do not shake hands, do not hug or use other people’s stationery, avoid grabbing the railing without gloves, or even pressing the elevator button. They are simply teeming with respiratory pathogens. The virus remains viable on smooth objects for up to three hours.
Bed rest
Couldn’t protect yourself and run out of nose? In the first 1-2 days of a cold, it is imperative to lie down in order to protect colleagues from infection. Rest, plentiful warm drinks, socks with mustard plasters are recommended (there are reflexogenic points of the nasal zone on the feet). Use xylometazoline or naphthyzine vasoconstrictor drops only if congestion interferes with sleep. Please note that they are addictive and cannot be used for more than five days. Sprays with sea water or menthol oil in drops are very useful and relieve malaise. Twice a day, drip 3-5 drops into each nostril, while lightly lubricating the area between the eyebrows, temples, behind the ears.
Folk remedies
1. Place the chopped onion in a bowl, cover with a towel and breathe. The nose will run very hard, and then there will be relief. It is impossible to bury onion juice, this will lead to a burn of the mucous membrane.
2. Grind a bunch of parsley in a blender and squeeze the juice. Instill 1-3 drops in each nasal passage. The congestion will recede in 10-15 minutes.
3. Pour hot water, 40-45 ° C into a bowl, add a glass of table salt and 2/3 cup of dry mustard, mix. Soak your feet in the bath for 15-20 minutes, periodically adding hot water. The procedure is contraindicated for people with heart and vascular diseases.