How to cure a cold in 1 day?

What to do if you have an important meeting or event in the coming days, and you feel symptoms that signal the onset of a cold? In this article, we will look at several effective ways that will allow you to cure a cold in 1 day and restore your health.

5 tips to get rid of a cold fast

Treatment of the infection should be started as soon as the first symptoms of the disease appear.

By following a few simple rules, you can quickly get rid of the disease, preventing its development:

  • It is strictly forbidden to go to work. Working during illness is not a risk of getting an increase in salary, but rather serious complications. Therefore, if there are signs of malaise, it is worth approaching the leadership and asking to go home. It is important to go home, and not to the clinic. After all, it is not yet known what poses a great danger to health – long lines in the hospital with people infected in it or working with a cold.

  • The first thing you need to do at home is take your temperature. When the mark on the thermometer does not exceed 38 ° C, then no medicine should be taken. It is dangerous and harmful to bring down a low body temperature. It is worth knowing that most of the funds designed to urgently relieve the patient of a cold contain a component aimed at lowering body temperature.

  • Take a high dose of vitamin C. This will increase the immune forces of the body. To do this, you can use two lemons or oranges, or ascorbic acid.

  • It is important to supply the body with enough fluid. You can drink everything except alcohol-containing drinks. Fruit drinks, teas, warm water and juice will be excellent helpers. However, you should refrain from drinking too hot drinks, contrary to popular belief, they do not bring benefits. Such drinks will only further irritate an already sore throat.

  • The final step will be warming. To do this, put on warm socks on your feet, and cover yourself with a blanket on top. In order to gain strength, you need to sleep well. Most likely, these measures will allow you to wake up healthy and full of energy the next day, and there will be no memory left from the beginning runny nose and sore throat.

How to cure a cold in 1 day

In order to effectively get rid of a cold or SARS in 1 day, you can apply a complex treatment, thanks to which you can quickly restore your health without using any medications or antibiotics.

1 Visiting a bath or sauna

Is it possible to cure a cold in 1 day? Yes, you can. But the main thing is to catch the moment, to feel chills, body aches, sore throat and other symptoms.

The first and most effective thing to do is to go to the sauna or bath, and with essential oils, which will immediately provide you with inhalation. It will be enough for 2 hours to steam well. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids during and after the procedure! You can prepare yourself water with lemon, citrus juice (diluted with water 1 to 1), ginger lemonade. Of course, ordinary water can also work, the main thing is that you drink a lot! After that, return home and go to bed. The next day you will be healthy.

Of course, you can warm up the body just by taking a warm bath. However, do not expect the same effect as from a bath or sauna. While taking water procedures, it is advisable to observe the measure and not lie down in too hot water, since if you find yourself steamed after a bath in bed, the disease can become even more active. The optimum water temperature should be 38C – 40C heat, and it should be in it for no longer than 30 minutes.

If you play sports, then you can resort to the “sports” method, how to cure a cold in 1 day. To do this, you need to dress in sportswear, but in such that you are very warm, and run along the street (provided that the weather is warm outside). The goal of running is to sweat as well as possible from the inside. After running, drink plenty of fluids, take a shower, and go to bed. By morning, the virus should be defeated.

[Video] Tamir Sheikh – how to cure the flu in one day:

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